Friday, 27 September 2019

Ketamine for Major Depression Treatment

More than 300 million people around the world have depression, according to the World Health Organization.  It is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Depression can also be challenging to treat, as each individual reacts differently to antidepressants. Antidepressants can also take weeks to take full effect. Some individuals who are experiencing difficulties finding an effective treatment are turning to ketamine therapy for major depression.

What Is Major Depression?

Major depression is an ongoing feeling of sadness, numbness, or hopelessness. People diagnosed with depression typically lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. They may struggle with daily activities like going to work or school, and they may find it challenging to concentrate. Major depression is more than just a case of the blues. It’s persistent, lasting for weeks, months, or even years.

Living with untreated depression is difficult. It can be hard to do simple self-care activities like cooking, eating, and showering. Some people also experience suicidal thoughts, which can be distressing and lead to suicide attempts. Some feel ashamed about experiencing a mental health condition, and there is still a stigma around having a mental illness. It’s vital to remember that depression is no one’s fault. It is an illness, and there is nothing wrong with seeking help.

What Is Ketamine?

Ketamine has a history of abuse, which is where most people have heard of it. The FDA approved a medication for treating major depression, esketamine, which is derived from ketamine. It is a nasal spray, and in one study, 70% of patients with treatment-resistant depression improved, compared to about 50% of the placebo group (this group did not receive the esketamine treatment).

Typically, medications for depression only work for as long as they are in your system. If you stop taking the medication, the depression may return. Ketamine is different, though. Ketamine helps brain connections in your cortex to regrow. This means the positive effects stay even when you don’t use ketamine. Ketamine also takes effect in as little as 24 hours.

Is Ketamine Therapy for Major Depression Safe?

Ketamine is used for treatment-resistant depression. This means that you have tried standard treatments, including therapy and antidepressants, but you are still experiencing symptoms. Ketamine does have a risk of side effects, but traditional antidepressants do as well. People involved in a ketamine study experienced side effects such as dizziness, dissociation, and nausea. These effects typically occurred soon after taking ketamine and cleared up in less than two hours.

Even though the FDA approved esketamine, studies are still being conducted to ensure its safety. Some experts are concerned about the potential for withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms occur when someone becomes dependent on a drug. Withdrawal also occurs with some traditional antidepressants such as Effexor, so many may find it worth trying, even with those concerns.

If you’re considering ketamine therapy for major depression, it’s important to talk to an experienced professional, like a psychiatrist, to determine whether it’s right for you. As of now, esketamine must be taken under medical supervision, and you have to be supervised for two hours after you use the spray. This means it’s not the most convenient option right now, but for some, it could be life-changing.


Contact: Alex Johnson

Company: The Recover

Address: Huntington Beach, CA 

Contact Number: (888) 510-3898



The post Ketamine for Major Depression Treatment appeared first on Daily News.


Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Veterans Living in New York Struggling With Homelessness the Most

New York veterans make enormous sacrifices in the service of our country. They move frequently and enter dangerous, complex situations regularly. The constant stress, violence and loneliness all take a toll. Many veterans turn to substances like drugs and alcohol to cope. If you or a loved one is dealing with substance abuse, there is help available for veterans with addiction in New York. Let’s take a closer look at why veterans are struggling, and what New York resources are available to help.

Veterans Addiction in New York

Binge drinking and drunk driving have both been on the rise among veterans, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Younger veterans are particularly vulnerable to substance abuse. Alcohol use disorders are the most common substance abuse disorder among veterans. Opioid misuse is also on the rise. As with many who are addicted to opioids, they may be initially used to treat chronic pain issues from military service. Over time, though, veterans may become dependent on opioids.

Why Are Addiction Rates Higher Among Veterans?

Repeated deployments and trauma experienced during combat increase the likelihood that veterans will develop post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Veterans may use alcohol or drugs to cope with PTSD. Even those who don’t have PTSD are faced with the challenges of reintegrating into civilian life. Finding a job can be a challenge, and family and friends can’t always relate to their experiences. Tens of thousands of veterans are returning home to New York in need of treatment for their substance abuse as well as other underlying mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Treatment Options for Veterans With Addiction in New York

The VA and the State of New York offer specialized treatment options for veterans. Although government programs can be helpful, they sometimes have wait times or limitations that make them difficult for those with other responsibilities. If government programs aren’t a good fit, you or your loved one may want to look for a private treatment program.

Private treatment programs often take insurance, and they vary widely in terms of scheduling and programming. Typically, you or your loved one would start with a detox program. Detox programs focus on getting any remaining drugs or alcohol out of your system with the support of medical professionals.

Treatment is the next step. Residential treatment programs are the most rigorous type of treatment, offering 24/7 support. If residential treatment isn’t an option, there are also outpatient programs with a variety of schedules that can meet the needs of you or your loved one. As you evaluate potential treatment programs, be sure to ask about their experience in treating veterans and any co-occurring conditions you have, such as PTSD.

Help for New York’s Veterans

Our veterans deserve to live the highest quality of life possible. The stress of serving our country can lead to addiction, but there is help and hope. More people are talking about PTSD and addiction, which is lessening the stigma around mental illness. The truth is that struggling with mental health and addiction isn’t a moral failing or an issue of willpower. It’s a complex combination of genetics and environmental factors. There is no shame in seeking help, and it takes real strength to recover from an addiction.

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Monday, 23 September 2019

Ketamine New Treatment Hope for Bipolar Disorder

What Is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a recently FDA approved medicine that treats mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and also addiction issues. Research also indicates it is highly effective in painful conditions such as fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, migraines, and other chronic pains.

Extensive studies over the last few years have indicated that when administered in small doses, it promotes regeneration of neural connections related to moods in the brain.

Stress or chronic depression causes these connections to deteriorate or disappear. However, a small dose of ketamine causes renewal of these brain connections. The low doses also initiate rapid reversal depression and anxiety symptoms in approximately 70 to 80% of the treated patients.

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression is a condition associated with extreme changes in mood, activity levels, and energy fluctuations that can make everyday living difficult. Its main symptoms include varying episodes of severe mania or euphoria and significant depression.

The fluctuations can be severe, but at times a patient may have normal moods between the peaks and low moments. Additionally, the mood swings associated with bipolar disorder are far more critical and incapacitating than those most people experience.

Bipolar disorder is a severe mental sickness that if left untreated, can affect academic performance, break relationships, and destabilize career prospects. Other reports show that in some even worse cases, it can cause suicide.

Bipolar disorder can affect any person, either from a young to old age. Also, there are high chances of acquiring this disorder if your parents used to suffer from it. Women display severe depression symptoms than men, even though it affects both of them equally.

Ketamine Research for Bipolar Depression

Researchers at the (National Institute of Mental Health) NIMH, conducted a study and realized that a single ketamine dose produced rapid antidepressant effects in patients with bipolar depression. The researchers went further and repeated the same test in a separate group of patients with bipolar disorder. Repeating the test was a significant scientific factor in the research because it verifies that the initial finding was not accidental.

During the research, patients were given single doses of placebo and ketamine for two days and two weeks separately. They examined them cautiously and continuously concluded evaluations by assessing symptoms of their depression and suicidal thoughts.

Results pointed out that patients who took ketamine doses had a significant reduction in their depression symptoms and even felt better within 40 minutes. They also experienced continuous improvement for the next three days.

Patients who took the placebo showed no improvement at all, while 79% of those who took ketamine felt better.

The most significant breakthrough was that bipolar disorder patients on ketamine doses had decreased suicidal thoughts for the first time.

Remarkably, these results occurred within an hour. Considering that bipolar disorder is one of the most dangerous of all mood disorders, these inventions had a notable impact on the future in treating bipolar depression.

How Does Ketamine Work In The Body?

Ketamine latest effectiveness shows it works notably faster than any other mental drugs.

It acts by reducing the action of glutamate, which is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain that controls moods and memory functions associated with mental disorders.

It has proved excellent success in treating bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mood disorders linked with the action of this neurotransmitter.

Also, it is highly effective with both nerve and inflammatory pains.

Information about Ketamine Use for Bipolar Depression.

According to the (NIMH), about 2.8% of adults in the USA experience bipolar disorder every year. Furthermore, Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), publicized that bipolar disorder is the sixth main result of disability, and it reduces life expectancy by over ten years.

Further statistics reveal that more than 20% of bipolar disorder patients experience suicidal thoughts. Many of them can survive with this condition for more than ten years before they obtain an accurate diagnosis. Also, research shows in less than three years, only one in four patients can get an accurate diagnosis.

Besides, it is unfortunate that many patients with bipolar disorder are resistant to conventional antidepressant drugs even after replacing them. Other patients end up searching for advanced therapies, especially after their symptoms persist without any significant change.

However, with ketamine discovery, there is a great hope for these patients. Many health providers who have tried it state that it provides relief within hours after using it. Its efficacy differs from standard antidepressants which require about four to six weeks to start indicating results during treatment.

Therefore, ketamine is very useful, especially in cases where patients’ conditions are resistant to standard medications and traditional methods that fail to produce results during treatment.

Ketamine Infusion Therapy for Bipolar Depression

Ketamine infusion therapy involves the administration of ketamine doses using a needle or catheter. It is a safe procedure performed by qualified health professionals in a controlled setting. Misuse of this drug in other methods for treatment can cause undesired side effects which may be life-threatening. Only approved health professionals can administer it.

Besides, Ketamine infusion therapy provides fast and effective relief of bipolar depression, unlike conventional antidepressants, that most bipolar patients have tried. The good news is many patients who undergo the second process of ketamine infusion therapy have symptoms relief within the first or second day.

Also, they do not need to get worried about the most annoying side effects common in standard antidepressants.

Efficacy of Ketamine Compared to Other Antidepressants

Bipolar disorder patients who have also tried traditional treatments and keenly looked for help from counseling or support groups can significantly benefit from ketamine infusion therapy.

Common antidepressants can produce side effects such as weight gain, nausea, drowsiness, sexual problems, insomnia, and dry mouth, among others. These effects can be counter-productive, meaning they can even intensify depression symptoms that result in self-esteem issues.

Fortunately, ketamine therapy can control the depressive episodes and symptoms without causing the undesirable and worsening side effects. Therefore, ketamine therapy is the best solution you will ever find since it gives new treatment hope to the next generation of antidepressants that is useful than the current ones.


Written by: Alex Johnson

Company: The Recover

Address: Huntington Beach, CA 

Contact Number: (888) 510-3898



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Saturday, 21 September 2019

Treatment Continues to Save People Suffering from Addiction

Addiction robs people of everything. Money, family, self-worth, consequences that lead to jail or death. Addiction leads to a person disconnecting from self, loved ones, community, and his/her Higher Power. As addiction spirals into never-ending darkness, mental health begins to affect not only the user but the family, daily life responsibilities, and how one interacts with others.


Agape Treatment Center provides a safe refuge to restore hope. Agape demonstrates this by expressing compassion with love and offering people the ability to focus more on healing their core issues. Surrounded by an environment of people who are non-judgmental or who have been through these obstacles themself, is reassuring that clients can and will feel better. This also allows the individual to feel less alone and connect with others who can relate. Connection through therapy and sober activities is an essential part of healing and helps validate the individual’s feelings during current conditions as well as normalize it.


Connecting with self and others is typically a challenge for many who have struggled with addiction for so long. Agape ensures it is possible to have a connection again. Treatment is not just about therapy and talking about problems. It is about how to tackle the obstacles of life in a healthy way. The true connection is when you discover your true authentic self and it is a significant part of treatment.


Our belief is that Therapy is the true essence of healing. Therapy is an essential step in treating substance and mental health disorders by helping the individual identify the underlying core issues from their past while healing those core issues. This is so the person can return to a place of wholeness. Typically, when addiction is a family problem, therapy can help repair and restore relationships with people and their loved ones. All these benefits are positive results from the focus of our Trauma centered clinical modalities.


Trauma has been the center focus on the leading root cause of Addiction and Mental Health disorders. That is why Agape Treatment Center offers EMDR, which is a highly effective, evidence-based clinical intervention that helps identify unresolved trauma and learn how to manage trauma symptoms. While also creating a new perspective that will help set the individual free from past traumas and traumatic events. By breaking these walls down, people struggling with addiction can begin to heal from deep within.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a form of psychotherapy that allows people to heal from the symptoms and emotional stress that are the outcome of disturbing life experiences. EMDR therapy reveals that the mind can heal from psychological trauma much as the human body recovers from physical injury.


Agape’s vision is to be a guiding force in changing the way the world perceives and treats clients with addiction, trauma, and impulsive/ compulsive disorders. For more information on their treatment programs and EDMR treatment, visit their website or contact 877SAVEME2


The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

Contact: James William 

Company: Agape Treatment Center

Contact Number:  1877SAVEME2



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Thursday, 19 September 2019

Why Ketamine Needs To Be a Part of Anxiety Treatment

FDA initially approved ketamine as a painkiller, but many health centers are progressively using it to treat mental disorders, such as anxiety disorders, treatment-resistant depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The reason behind its growth in treating mental disorders is due to its effectiveness and fast action with very few side effects.

Because of the gaps in modern treatment, ketamine is dominating as a more promising drug in the treatment of anxiety disorders, such as PTSD. Reflecting how widespread PTSD is, ketamine can produce a significant change for many patients who struggle with this debilitating condition.

Ketamine Is Effective and Safe With Immediate Results

Ketamine is a safe and effective drug for various mental disorders, including chronic pain. Health professionals have used it for some years, and it has a proven record of safety.

More recently, researchers have seen its success, and now it needs to be part of anxiety treatment. The main reason is due to its success in treating related conditions such as depression and mood disorders.

The small doses and the processes required for its administration while treating various mental health conditions differ significantly from the methods and other drugs used in hospitals.

Effects of Modern Medicines Used to Treat Anxiety

Experiencing occasional anxiety is normal, but people struggling with anxiety disorders have extreme, persistent fear or worry about their daily activities. Anxiety disorders keep people from enjoying a healthy life, and constant worry can be overwhelming and disabling. Anxious people avoid events or places that remind them of the feelings that triggered their anxiety.

Due to problems and common symptoms associated with anxiety, health providers have been prescribing different drugs to treat anxiety disorders and manage symptoms related to it.

The types of medications used include traditional anxiety drugs such as benzodiazepines (usually prescribed for short-term use). Newer alternatives include SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) recommended for long-term anxiety treatment. Other common medications are tricyclic antidepressants, and SNRI (Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor).

These drugs can offer temporary relief, but more often associated with side effects, significant consequences, and safety concerns. Others like benzodiazepines are very addictive and difficult to stop using them without suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms.

Additionally, some of these drugs do not treat anxiety disorders but control their symptoms. Besides, researchers have raised many questions about the long-term use of these medicines.

For instance, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), benzodiazepines lose their curative anti-anxiety results after four to six months of regular use.

Additionally, recent studies published in JAMA Psychiatry found that health providers have overestimated the effectiveness of SSRIs in treating anxiety disorders, and in some cases, it is worse than placebo.

Furthermore, patients have difficulties when they need to stop using anxiety medications due to severe withdrawal symptoms, including relapse anxiety which could be worse than the original anxiety problem.

Also, patients who use these anxiety drugs may fail to respond well to treatment, forcing them to try various combinations until they find one that works best.

Ketamine Discovery Provides Hope as Part of Anxiety Treatment

Fortunately, the latest discovery of ketamine, commonly abused as a party drug, has shown a significant response in treating anxiety disorders. The primary procedure used by health providers to treat anxiety is known as ketamine infusion therapy.

Ketamine therapy procedure has also shown remarkable results to patients struggling with depression, bipolar disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder apart from treating anxiety disorders.

For patients who suffer from mild to severe anxiety, they may find it challenging to deal with daily life stressors. They may also fail to respond well to standard therapies, such as counselling and the use of sedatives.

However, with the introduction of ketamine infusion therapy, patients experience a calming effect on the nervous system and quick relief within hours.

Ketamine comprehensive benefits with its fast action and fewer side effects imply that health providers should include it as part of anxiety treatment medication. While other psychiatric drugs take more than a few weeks to start showing significant results in the body, ketamine results are immediate within hours.

Its quick response and other benefits indicate why it should be an exceptional part of anxiety treatment and only qualified professional should supervise its dose on patients

Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Many clinics use intravenous ketamine therapy to treat patients with anxiety since it works quickly with fewer side effects. Unlike prescription drugs which can take weeks or months to work and involve continuous monitoring to ensure the right dosage, ketamine infusion requires short schedule administration until symptoms disappear.

Many patients usually get relief from symptoms in just a few days after going through the second or third infusion process. Patients receiving ketamine therapy to treat anxiety can lower or eliminate dependency on prescription medication to control their symptoms. They may also have more available energy to adjust to lifestyle changes to keep anxiety away.

Although more research is still required to prove the long-term effectiveness of ketamine, most patients who have used ketamine for anxiety treatment have admired it due to its fast action, strength, and usefulness.

However, there are two urgent warnings about ketamine that anyone using it should consider.

First, excess use of ketamine can trigger anxiety instead of reducing it. This case happens, mainly if a patient uses ketamine illegally without being monitored by a trained medical professional. Only licensed mental or physical health providers are capable of knowing the right doses needed for the optimum function of ketamine to control anxiety.

Second, similar to other prescribed medicines with mind-changing effects, ketamine can become psychologically and physically addictive. Therefore patients with a history of substance abuse should most likely never be given ketamine treatment.

Currently, ketamine infusion therapy is an excellent potential remedy for anxiety disorders, with the ability to reduce its symptoms quickly in a sustainable way. Also, many upcoming clinics and treatment services are opting to offer ketamine treatment for anxiety.


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Tuesday, 17 September 2019

A truly unique snack is about to hit the market, “We’re so Cool We’re Frozen” is the Catchphrase for MELTS Protein Bites.

The protein snack bar industry is lackluster and oversaturated, until now. A truly unique snack is about to hit the market, “We’re So Cool We’re Frozen” is the catchphrase for MELTS Protein Bites. The product is launching September 21st, selling online direct from their web site They do have plans to add Shopify and Amazon fulfillment centers as a means of establishing brand recognition and easy purchasing. 

Kathy DiBenedetti, creator of MELTS, when asked what makes MELTS so different; she does not hesitate to answer. “We are a frozen comfort snack that is not shipped frozen. When you get our MELTS in the mail, freeze them 20 minutes then enjoy. The simple truth is, everyone ages 2 to 92 love our product because they taste so good, without the high sugar or high-calorie content”. Each MELT has about 2 grams of sugar and about 80 calories. 

MELTS started as a snack for athletes as Kathy, a fitness instructor, and her husband, Mark, who has a baseball background, would give to give their players as a little boost before and after workouts. MELTS protein snacks are the only product like it on the market and should give consumers another alternative to the “protein bar” market. 

Mark “D” adds, “We’re the sweet tooth solution that hits the spot, so instead of eating a bagel loaded with cream cheese, or giving your kid a candy bar, or that late-night pint of ice cream, eat a MELT and you are completely satisfied without the sugar and calories.” 

Although MELTS is not the perfect snack or for the super health fanatics, it is by all appearances and listed ingredients, a viable solution and substitute as a much healthier choice compared to many other protein or energy bar. A key element driving MELTS, which is a woman-owned business, is the market growth for their category over the next 5 years. 

Mordor Intelligence, which is a market research organization, provides key data, market analysis and major trends in many business segments and categories. In a recent publication, Mordor Intelligence provides an analysis of the protein bar and snack market from 2016 to projections up to the year 2024. 

Kathy “D” believes her timing is right for their unique product.” We are one of a kind, nobody like us in a category that is skyrocketing. We stand alone, we are first to market and the Original” 

Source: Mordor Intelligence The global protein bar market was valued at USD 1,152.26 million in 2018, and is projected to reach USD 1501.14 million by 2024, registering a CAGR of 4.67%, during the forecast period, 2019-2024. Globally, the evolving fitness trend is leading to high demand for protein-rich diet, which is a vital factor driving the sales of protein bars, followed by the increasing demand for free-from protein bars with popular labels, like vegan, soy-free, gluten-free, allergen-free. By distribution channel, supermarket/hypermarket is the largest segment contributing 56.26% share of the total market. Online retailing is the fastest-growing segment as per the market study. The online channel provides the convenience to compare and buy products. Moreover, the ease of convenience of choosing the products and multiple payment options are major factors, pushing the online sales of a protein bar. 

Both Kathy and her husband Mark, who has ties to professional baseball {MLB} and the NFL, believe what Mordor Intelligence is predicting. Kathy points out that their marketing program, utilizing all social media, press releases and their affiliate marketing program, combined with professional athletes and influencers will help brand MELTS very fast as compared to even 5 years ago as companies can go gangbusters overnight. “Social media, Instagram and Facebook have changed the way products come to market.” Kathy loves their chances of success. “I realize the competition, the pitfalls, and challenges, but both Mark and I have a non-stop hard work ethic and have surrounded ourselves with quality, ethical people. We would be thrilled if we could put a smile on millions of people’s faces after having a MELT and be in a position to truly do some good work in a world that desperately needs a helping hand.” 

Mark DiBenedetti Toll Free Number: 877-848-9771 O ce Number: 760-230-3306 2525 Pioneer Ave. Suite #4 Vista, CA. 92081 

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Millennials the Vaping Guinea Pig Generation

Vaping is now the center of attention because of an unpredicted outbreak of pulmonary injury (VAPI) which has sicked up to 450 people and killed six in 33 states. Since the first death, the CDC has dug deep into what the leading cause could be. Their findings indicated that the culprit seemed to be vitamin E acetate used as a vape cartridge additive. The compound is trendy because of its ability to double the amount of oil. The new diluent thickener is mostly in illicit market THC vape carts.

Vitamin E is the name for several types of oils known as tocopherols. They are also found in corn and other vegetable oil or made synthetically from petroleum. Frequently, humans consume dietary supplements, and manufacturers use it for food and cosmetics. 

“No vitamin E should be vaped regardless of its chemical structure,” said Eliana Golberstein Rubashkyn, chief scientist, Myriad Pharmaceuticals. When it comes from the plant sources of tocopherols, a chemist will extract vegetable oil. Then separate the tocopherols from the remaining of the vegetable oil using fractionation like a form of distilling.

A common form of Vitamin E is Hydroquinone still sold in the United States as a topical skin lightening product. It is used to treat dark spots or discolorations. The European Union banned hydroquinone because of the harmful side effects of its potential carcinogenic effects. If humans were to inhale residual hydroquinone aerosol from Blackmarket vitamin E oil could and will be deadly. 

Hydroquinone dangerous compound sold in the United States as a topical skin lightening agent, normally used to get rid of skin discolorations. The European Union has since banned hydroquinone due to its potential carcinogenic negative side effects. They warn that inhaling residual hydroquinone aerosol from dirty vitamin E oil would be deadly. 

“No vitamin E should be vaped regardless of its chemical structure,” explained Eliana Golberstein Rubashkyn, a New Zealand pharmaceutical chemist and the chief scientist of Myriad Pharmaceuticals.

The problem of Drug-involved vitamin E oil inhalation injuries have been documented dating back at least to the year 2000, but has now claimed the spotlight due to recent legalization. 

Cases showed sickened lungs with a cloudy appearance on the left X-ray and cleared after treatment. The acetate structure of vitamin E oil, tocopheryl-acetate, will in time worsen lung function. Experts claim Tocopherols adhere to smokers lung’s liner fluid, called lung surfactant. The Lung surfactant allows oxygen to transport air into the body. Tocopherols mainly serve to prevent the necessary gas transfer from occurring. 

“Vitamin E can integrate on membranes by creating a coating over the pulmonary surfactant layer,” explained Rubashkin.

It’s part of a class of “long-chain” oils that can adhere to and clump up your lung fluid, she said.

It’s like Saran-wrapping the inside of your lungs. In the end, the lung cells die from the damage and can initiate an uncontrollable immune system reaction like lipoid pneumonia.

This will happen when a smoker ingests high doses of tocopheryl-acetate, such as in formulations discovered in vape carts cut with the rancid oil. Damage can be done even at really low temperatures. 

Why is Vitamin E Oil Allowed in Most Legal Markets?

Throughout the on governments ongoing investigations, most of the vape carts seized in connection with the lung deaths have been from the black market. The marijuana industry is doing everything it can to be on top of the vape lung outbreak. Many companies will fall if the government bans vaping devices and could be considering emergency new regulations.


The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

Contact: Mckenzie Santa Maria

Company: The Recover

Address: Huntington Beach, CA 

Contact Number: (888) 510-3898



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Sunday, 15 September 2019

Homeless more Susceptible to Drug Use

The crisis in the United States government officials are dealing with is homeless and substance abuse. Homeless people at some point in their lives had a home, a job, and as well as a family, the main reasons why the homeless become homeless can be a number of reasons: lack affordable housing, lawful eviction, negative cash flow, post-traumatic stress disorder (otherly known as PTSD), natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.), mental and physical disabilities and also having no family or support from relatives. One of the biggest reasons that were not mentioned in that list is substance abuse, with that being said substance abuse is a problem that at least 40 percent of the population deal with throughout the United States. 

A common stereotype of the homeless population is that they are mostly drug addicts and alcoholics. Although substance abuse is the main concern, the addictions that these homeless people deal with should be viewed as an illness, and should be dealt with a great amount of extensive amount of treatment, which can  be hard to obtain since trying to find a safe place to sleep can be a bigger concern to these homeless people. Breaking an addiction is tough to break for anyone, let alone breaking an addiction of someone that is homeless is close to impossible. Trying to remain sober in the streets could be really hard for a homeless to do since drugs that are feeding their addictions are usually sold on the streets so it makes it very easy to come by. There are many facilities across the nation to help homeless people with their conditions but most of these programs focus on treatments that help these addicts to lean off whatever drugs the addict is abusing.  

Needless to say, this epidemic is an issue that the United States has tried to make better and resolving these issues will not happen overnight. Whether these homeless people try to find shelters to have a roof over their head for the night or to even bathe themselves, in order for them to get better there is series of events that need to happen such as finding a job which is close to near impossible since most employers will not hire them. Although qualifying for government benefits and collecting these benefits only last so long and eventually will be diminished by the government.  

Company: The Recover

Address: Huntington Beach, CA 

Contact Number: (888) 510-3898



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Saturday, 14 September 2019

Behavioral Couples Therapy: Proven to Be Successful

Over the past 25 years, designs of Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT) tailored to deal with alcohol problems have been established as well as checked. Alcohol Behavioral Couples Therapy (ABCT) is a collection of techniques that integrates an intimate Loved one right into the treatment of an alcohol issue. ABCT represents an application of BCT to treatment of a details disorder.

Like BCT, ABCT is grounded in social finding out theory as well as family members systems designs for conceiving human problems, and also attracts from rich empirical literary works on interactional behaviors such as communication and issue addressing skills, the links between private psychopathology and interactional habits, and also the more comprehensive literary works on social assistance. ABCT includes components of behavioral self-discipline as well as abilities educating to facilitate abstinence and much better spouse handling drinking-related circumstances, as well as backup management procedures, communication, as well as analytic strategies drawn from BCT to enhance partnership working

Behavioral Couples Therapy for Alcohol utilizes Conditions (ABCT) is an outpatient therapy for individuals with alcohol usage problems as well as their intimate partners. ABCT is based on four assumptions: private companion behaviors and couple communications can be triggers for alcohol consumption. Intimate companions can compensate for abstinence. A favorable close connection is a crucial source of motivation to alter drinking habits, and decreasing connection distress minimizes the danger for relapse. Using cognitive-behavioral treatment, the ABCT specialist works with both the person who is abusing alcohol and his or her partner to identify as well as lower the partner’s habits that hint or strengthen the customer’s drinking. Enhance the partner’s support of the customer’s initiatives to transform through reinforcement of favorable adjustment. While also making use of soberness agreement. Increase pleasant communication through tasks as well as jobs developed to raise favorable feelings as well as improve positive interaction. This allows couples to enhance coping skills and also regression avoidance techniques to achieve and keep abstinence.

The treatment program includes 2-3 hrs of assessment for treatment planning, adhered to by 12-20 once a week treatment sessions for the client with his/her partner. Therapy adheres to cognitive-behavioral concepts put on pairs treatment and also specific healing treatments for alcohol usage disorders. A typical session follows a unique sequence. Specialist inquires about any drinking since the last meeting, while the pair offers as well as goes over research appointed during the previous session and use a sobriety contract, if applicable. The clients review any alcohol consumption or connection problems given at the last session. Prior to that, the therapist offers a new product, and the couple takes part in energetic understanding tasks in the meeting related to the new material. The couple talks about up-coming high-risk situations, and the therapist assigns brand-new homework.

The optimum implementation of ABCT occurs in the context of an existing clinic or personal method with certified/licensed mental health or addictions experts who have a background in treating alcohol usage disorders and also knowledge of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

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Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Federal Prosecutors have Charged a Hollywood Hills Man linked to the Death of Hip-hop Artist Mac Miller

New reports have surfaced that confirms the Federal prosecutors have charged a Hollywood Hills man linked to the death of hip- hop artist  Mac Miller. He was found dead of a drug overdose nearly a year ago.

A 42-page criminal complaint filed in the Central District of California reports that Cameron James Pettit, 28, sold Miller counterfeit oxycodone pills containing fentanyl. According to court reports, Miller had requested to be furnished with percs, a popular term for Percocet.

The former rapper was found unresponsive in his Studio City home on Sept. 7, 2018. The cause of death was deemed an accident, however, later was determined that the cause was an overdose of alcohol, cocaine, and fentanyl.

The investigators in charge of the case served multiple search warrants for locations that revealed plastic bags containing pills supposedly supplied by a prostitute and a madam. Two days before Mac’s death, Pettit delivered counterfeit oxycodone pills that contained fentanyl, cocaine, and Xanax.

Officials assume Miller died after snorting the counterfeit painkillers, according to a DEA statement.

“We are aggressively targeting drug dealers responsible for trafficking illicit fentanyl, which has become the most deadly facet of the opioid epidemic,” announced U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna. “We are committed to slowing the number of overdose deaths and prosecuting those responsible for spreading this most dangerous opioid.”

“Fentanyl disguised as a genuine pharmaceutical is a killer,” highlighted Hanna, “which is being proven every day in America. Drugs laced with cheap and potent fentanyl are increasingly common, and we owe it to the victims and their families to aggressively target the drug dealers that cause these overdose deaths.”

In addition to the new charge, the criminal complaint detailed the Instagram messages between Pettit and others reacting to the rapper’s overdose.  “I think I should probably not post anything …just to be smart,” Pettit supposedly stated in one of the texts.

Pettit, who has been charged with one count of distribution of a controlled substance, allegedly replied to a concerned friend’s text, saying: “I am not great … Most likely, I will die in jail.”

If found guilty,the DEA states Pettit faces a statutory maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison.

Malcolm McCormick, Miller, born in Pittsburgh, taught himself how to play piano, bass, guitar, and drums as a young child, then transition to Rap after highschool.

The same month he broke up with Arianna  Grande, he was arrested for driving into a utility pole, leaving his vehicle at the scene and testing over the alcohol limit.  According to The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office, Miller was charged with a  DUI and hit and run in connection with that incident.

The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

 The Recover
Huntington Beach, CA 
Contact Number: 
(888) 510-3898

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Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Services Increasingly Available for Veterans Suffering From Addiction and Mental Health

Although substance abuse treatment is not remotely lacking in the United States, drug and alcohol rehab aimed specifically towards veterans has gone crucially underdeveloped by those in the addiction industry for decades- that is, until quite recently. With the help of increasingly-progressive and shifting societal views on mental health and addiction treatment, veterans are finally beginning to receive the help they deserve for any existing mental and emotional anguish.

Changes have begun to emerge in the healthcare domain for those who have served in the United States military and armed forces. A growing number of American drug and alcohol rehabs and other mental healthcare providers are beginning to widely accept Tricare Health plans for those seeking recovery from mental illness and addiction disorders. In addition, Tricare is beginning to also extend their services to accommodate more modern and holistic approaches to recovery for their forever-fighting members. These services reach beyond what has been traditionally covered for veterans (such as physical health exams) and are now encompassing increasing coverage for mental health services.

The extension and creation of Tricare drug and Tricare alcohol rehab programs designed specifically for veterans (or at least programs that offer services that cater to these individuals), and the expansion in their accessibility and affordability, is an enormous step forward in the world of healthcare for those who have bravely served in our armed forces.

Tricare is, according to their website, is “the health care program for uniformed service members, retirees, and their families around the world” and their aim as a business entity is to provide the best health coverage possible to their members- all of whom are individuals that have served in the United States armed forces as well as their relatives. Tricare’s services include traditional physical health coverage, dental coverage, vision coverage, and other special services that include substance abuse and mental health treatment. Tricare’s self-proclaimed vision is to “Be a world-class health care system that supports the military mission by fostering, protecting, sustaining and restoring health.” Supporting this vision, multiple facilities have been working specifically on the comprehensive treatment that is needed for veterans to reach stability in their mental health and overall lives.

Tricare mentions that their services may cover options for inpatient services, intensive outpatient programs, emergency visits, medically-assisted treatment, mental health therapeutic services (such as cognitive behavioral therapy, or talk therapy), office-based opioid treatment programs, and outpatient services. All of these modalities of professional mental health and addiction treatment have been statistically proven as beneficial.

Tricare drug rehab can provide comprehensive services to veterans that will assist them in creating and attaining a new way of life that is void of their substance of choice. Most rehabs that specialize in treating veterans involve multiple levels of care that range from most intensive to least invasive. Tricare alcohol and drug rehabs may assist veterans in medically-assisted detoxifications services that are necessary for the veteran’s safety.

Someone with experience in war is especially vulnerable to developing mental illnesses and addictions because of experiences that can inevitably coincide with their service. The National Institute for Drug abuse mentions that “Those with multiple deployments, combat exposure, and related injuries are at greatest risk of developing substance use problems. They are more apt to engage in new-onset heavy weekly drinking and binge drinking, to suffer alcohol- and drug-related problems, and start smoking or relapse to smoking. Like civilians, they risk addiction to opioid pain medicines prescribed after an injury. NIDA continues to examine the trends in substance use in specific populations, including military personnel, and search for better methods for preventing and treating substance use disorders that are specific to these populations.”

Veterans suffer from a myriad of mental illnesses that relate directly, or were exacerbated by, their time serving in the armed forces. Choosing the right facility to attend is crucial for veterans who need exceptional recovery. Addiction treatment that is aimed specifically at veterans who have served in the armed forces can prove incredibly beneficial. In rehab, veterans will have access to an ever-growing amount of mental health and addiction services that will help them attain a higher quality of life. Substance abuse can be a vicious killer in veterans. Residential, partial hospitalization, and outpatient services that have become increasingly covered by insurance companies such as Tricare have contributed to the lessening psychological consequences for their veterans. During a veteran’s stay in rehab, they may participate in therapeutic process groups, receive medical treatment for their mental illnesses (such as antidepressant medications), and follow a pervasive plan for continuous treatment.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (also known as PTSD) is one of the most prominent co-occurring disorders alongside substance abuse and other congruent mental health conditions. Post-Traumatic Stress disorder can cause difficult symptoms such as- and perhaps most noticeably- intrusive flashbacks and reminders of the distressing event that caused their particular mental health ailment. Veterans can become “frozen” in a moment that has long-passed, even after years of reintegration in society. Additional indicators of PTSD include an increase in overall negative thoughts and emotions and avoidance of environments, events, people, thoughts, and situations that remind the sufferer of their traumatic event.

US news has mentioned that as many as 12 in 100 veterans from the Gulf War and 15 out of every 100 veterans from the Vietnam war are diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Often, for those who have served in the armed forces, mental health conditions such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Substance Abuse, Anxiety, Depression, and a myriad of other debilitating conditions can manifest in individuals. These conditions are not uncommon- nor without warrant. Serving in the armed forces can prove to be extremely testing to someone’s state of mind.

In order for someone to recover from their addiction, substance abuse, and other mental health conditions, it is crucial to establish a comprehensive plan of treatment and follow it diligently. Fortunately, for the hefty amount of veterans in our country, opportunities for vastly-covered mental health and addiction treatments by Tricare are finally (and rightfully) expanding.

Contact Info:
Name: Mckenzie Santa Maria
Email: Send Email
Organization: The Recover
Address: Huntington Beach, CA
Phone: (888)510-3898

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Monday, 9 September 2019

Disease X: A Threat to Humanity

A scary reality has surfaced amidst the never-ending threat of nuclear war or massive asteroid impact. The founder of Microsoft Bill Gates shared his belief that the biggest threat to humankind is an unknown pathogen codenamed Disease X.

In his last Ted Talk, Gates discussed a severe warning regarding the fate of humanity. He noted that world leaders have and will become so focused on building their nuclear empires and deterrents that they will overlook the possibility and reality of another disease outbreak occurring.

“When I was a kid, the disaster we worried about most was a nuclear war,” he said, “That’s why we had a barrel-like this down in our basement, filled with cans of food and water.”

“Today, the greatest risk of global catastrophe doesn’t look like this,” Gates added. “Instead it looks like this: If anything kills over 10 million people in the next decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus than a war.”

The infectious virus that Gates noted is currently known as Disease X, which is the codename for an unknown pathogen has been feared due to its potential to cause a global outbreak.

As demonstrated in previous epidemics like the Ebola virus outbreak in 2014, the Zika virus outbreak in 2007 and the monkeypox outbreak in 2003, Gates claims the world is not prepared to adequately prevent and handle a pandemic.

“We’ve invested a huge amount in nuclear deterrents,” he said. “But we’ve actually invested very little in a system to stop an epidemic. We’re not ready for the next epidemic.”

The evolution of Disease X and other dangerous pathogens has a lot to do with people’s growing dependence on antibiotics to cure illnesses.

With the constant use of drugs, many of the bacteria that medicines are intended to fight have grown to become stronger and more resistant.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has added Disease X in its priority list along with the Ebola virus, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and Zika. The nature of Disease X is unknown.

According to WHO, medical organizations and governments need to be more aggressive if they wish to halt the spread and evolution of these diseases.

“These diseases pose major public health risks, and further research and development are needed, including surveillance and diagnostics,” WHO noted in a statement. “They should be watched carefully.”


The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

Contact: James Williams
 The Recover
Huntington Beach, CA 
Contact Number: 
(888) 510-3898

The post Disease X: A Threat to Humanity appeared first on Daily News.


Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Cocaine Addiction in New York

The opioid epidemic is crushing New York. Over recent years, death tolls have risen. According to the Center for Disease Control, overdoses are the leading cause of death in Americans under the age of 55, passing up car accidents and gun violence. How could something so devastating take place so quickly?


Opioid users don’t always start out with heroin. Often times, someone will take prescription painkillers, and become dependent. When they are no longer able to legally obtain these, street drugs are easier to obtain and cheaper. Unfortunately, this can happen fairly easily due to the psychologically and physically addictive nature of the drug. In some cases, even just the legal, prescription painkillers become abused so heavily that they cause the overdose themselves.


Fentanyl is a huge cause of opioid overdoses. Its potency makes it attractive for dealers to add it to other street drugs to make them “stronger”. Drugs such as MDMA, cocaine, or Xanax might be cut with fentanyl. If the user is unaware, they can dose themselves with too much and the results can be grim.


Overdose is not the only risk that opioid use carries. The addiction is so strong that it can entirely change a person’s personality. Their work, family, finances, and more can all be affected. A person might be willing to do things out of character for them, such as steal, just to feed the addiction. Nobody asks for this to be their life, but this is what opioid use can lead to.


Beating opioid addiction is one of the hardest things a person can do. Physical withdrawal is harsh enough to make an addict go straight back to using, just to relieve the symptoms. The psychological withdrawal symptoms can cloud the user’s judgment. They might be unable to ignore the physical withdrawal symptoms just due to the psychological symptoms that make the drug seem so enticing.


Opioids are not a drug that can be easily stopped alone. Family and friends being available helps provide the addict with accountability and reminds them that they do have people who care. Treatment centers can be the difference between recovery and relapse. Inpatient ones allow an opioid user to withdrawal in a safe, supervised environment. That is referred to as detox. Once the detox period is over, the user is able to work with caring staff to understand what caused their addiction in the first place and what will keep them from relapsing again. Following inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment and/or counseling can be utilized for years.


The opioid epidemic is scary in New York, but there are options available for those who want them.


If anyone is struggling with drugs or alcohol The Recover’s, national helpline is available at (888) 510-3898
The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.
Company: The Recover
Huntington Beach, CA 
Contact Number: 
(888) 510-3898


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Relationships Struggling with Addiction Strive After Successful Couples Drug Rehab

Chemical Abuse and Relationships

It has truly long been known that marriage (or various other lasting, committed connections), as well as substance abuse, don’t mix. Having a partner that consumes way too much or uses medications is significantly like throwing a rock right into a still pond: the impacts ripple out and affects all that is near. When it comes to a partner that utilizes drugs or liquor way too much, the impact is felt by his/her young children, relatives, friends, as well as colleagues. However, most people would certainly argue that, apart from the abuser, the most immeasurable cost is often paid by the abuser’s partner.

Relationships in which a partner misuses medications or alcohol are often really dysfunctional; these partners are frequently more miserable than couples who don’t have problems with alcohol or various other medications, but who look for assistance for marital problems. As drinking or drug use gets worse, it starts to take increasingly more time away from the couple, taking its toll by developing a psychological realm between the companions that is hard to get rid of. 

These couples also report that they fight and also argue a great deal, which often can become violent.

 It is usually the fighting itself that can create an environment or scenario in which the partner with alcohol consumption or drug troubles uses these compounds to reduce his or her anxiety. When the compound use ultimately becomes one of the primary factors for fighting or arguing, this can turn into a nasty cycle, in which material use triggers conflict. 

The dispute will likely cause more substance use as a means of lowering tension, the problem with the compound use rises, much more alcohol consumption or drug use occurs, which usually restarts the cycle of domestic violence and substance abuse addiction. 

Couples in which a partner abuses drugs or alcohol have a very challenging time leaving this descending spiral; the good news is, couples drug rehabs understand what it means to help these partnerships as well as, assist the material abuser to recuperate. Relationships where the companion is having an issue with alcohol or various other medications, there is hope.

Can Couples Therapy Assist in Recovery?

There are several different couples therapies available that can be effective in minimizing or eliminating troubles with alcohol or various other substances. Some therapies include individual counseling, others entail group counseling, and others involve self-help meetings and support groups like Twelve step programs or Alcohol Anonymous. 

Typically couples struggling with alcohol consumption or drug use, stray away from the typical drug rehabs due to their strict policies of housing couples. However, couples therapy has made its way into the spotlight due to its beneficial outcomes. Couples drug therapy is not just for the people in the relationship, children, friends, and others. 

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Monday, 2 September 2019

Pennsylvania Battles Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is a highly potent, psychologically addicting drug. In the state of Pennsylvania, cocaine use is on the rise. The use of other addictive substances, such as opioids, has fortunately gone down, but cocaine use is continuing to grow at alarming rates.

Cocaine is one particularly concerning drug due to its euphoric effects. It tends to create a false feeling of self-confidence and invincibility, which can lead to reckless behaviors. Cocaine also provides surges of energy. It’s psychologically addicting, especially when paired with alcohol. Many cocaine users struggle to quit on their own.

The drug has a unique danger compared to other drugs because the high it creates is short, typically about 30 minutes. The short intoxication period often leads users to “chase the high”, meaning they use more and more of the drug in an attempt to recreate the pleasurable sensations they once achieved. Cocaine abuse usually leads to the user negatively affecting many aspects of their lives, such as their employment and family.

Although cocaine may not be physically addictive, it does have some serious physical side effects. It is a stimulant drug that can spike up the heart rate. For those who already experience heart problems, cocaine use can lead to palpations, cardiac dysrhythmias, and even heart attacks.

Cocaine use in Pennsylvania is negatively affecting the community as a whole. Some street dealers with cut cocaine with fentanyl, a powerful opioid, to increase the effects of the drug. Doing so makes cocaine even more addictive, as fentanyl is both psychologically and physically addictive, whereas cocaine is only psychologically addictive. Also, dealers don’t always advertise that they have mixed fentanyl with cocaine. Fentanyl is very strong and easy to overdose on, so an unsuspecting user may use too much cocaine, thinking it is only cocaine and risk overdose. A Philadelphia Health Report showed an increase in the number of deaths involving both cocaine and fentanyl. In 2016, only eighteen percent of overdoses occurred due to both drugs, but in 2017, that number nearly doubled as it rose to thirty-two percent of overdose deaths.

Quitting cocaine for good can be difficult, especially if the individual was using cocaine mixed with fentanyl. Some individuals may find it impossible to do it on their own. A good support system consisting of friends and family, if possible, is crucial. While friends and family are important for recovery, it is very important that a recovering cocaine addict distance themselves from any known users to prevent temptation and triggers.

Professional help is the best way to go about quitting cocaine for good. Fortunately, Pennsylvania has many different treatment options for those seeking recovery. A combination of inpatient and outpatient therapies along with long-term drug counseling can help an individual begin the recovery process and prevent any possible relapse.

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Sunday, 1 September 2019

Why Fentanyl is affecting New Jersey

Fentanyl is a powerful, dangerous opioid being abused across the nation. In the state of New Jersey, it is being used at alarming rates.

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a prescription opioid. When used under the supervision of a physician in a hospital setting, it is used as a painkiller for those with a developed tolerance to less potent opioids. Due to the high potency and risks involved with fentanyl, it is most commonly used in surgical patients and the terminally ill.

When fentanyl is used on the streets, it becomes very dangerous. It is up to fifty times more potent than heroin. It creates a strong sense of euphoria for the user and is both physically and psychologically addicting. It has a huge overdose risk and puts the user at risk for respiratory depression, especially when paired with alcohol.

Fentanyl is already dangerous to be recreationally used, but sometimes, the user doesn’t even realize that they have taken fentanyl. It’s not uncommon for street dealers to “cut”, or mix, other street drugs such as MDMA or cocaine with fentanyl. This increases the potency of other drugs and also makes them even more addicting, bringing the user back for more. When the user doesn’t know that they are taking such a strong drug, they are at a higher risk for overdose as they may accidentally take too much.

How is Fentanyl affecting New Jersey?

Fentanyl use is alarmingly high in New Jersey. Out of the seventy-thousand drug overdoses in New Jersey in 2017, more than twenty-eight thousand could be attributed to fentanyl (NIH). The end result of fentanyl addiction tends to result in tragedy.

Abuse of fentanyl affects more than just the user. The friends and family of the user are affected by withdrawn behaviors, manipulation, and sometimes even theft. They also have to live with the fear of their loved ones potentially overdosing. Employers may have an employee with decreased performance and may even have to let the user go. The community has to take on the financial, social, and health care strain that comes along with each fentanyl abuser.

New Jersey does have a fentanyl problem, but help is available for the users willing to accept it. Inpatient services are available to safely detox the individual and keep them away from the streets when their cravings will be the highest. Outpatient services can help the recovering individual with the support needed to prevent relapse. They can provide resources for working through triggers and information on what to do in the event of a relapse.

If anyone is struggling with drugs or alcohol The Recover’s, national helpline is available at (888) 510-3898
The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.
Company: The Recover
Huntington Beach, CA 
Contact Number: 
(888) 510-3898


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