Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Man and Woman Arrested after 10-month-old Baby Overdoses on Oxy Pills

PALM BEACH AREA, Fla.– The Palm Beach Area police department has released a report of a 10-month-old girl who was rushed to a healthcare facility just two days after Christmas day after overdosing on drugs.

According to a case record, the baby girl endured an overdose on the night of Dec. 27; Fire Rescue revived her using Narcan, a medication used to deal with overdoses.

PBSO claimed the child’s mother, 24-year-old Melissa Katz, admitted to smoking two “Oxys” with her guy, 24-year-old Kaeden Walton, the night before making use of tin aluminum foil, and also three more “Oxys” on Dec. 27 in their apartment or condo in the 2400 block of Lake Worth Road in SUV Lake Well worth.

Katz said, “whenever they smoke, they either go into the restroom and also turn the fan on or go outside,” according to her arrest report.

Katz added they leave the infant unattended in the bedroom of their one-bedroom apartment or condo when they smoke, the arrest report specified.

According to investigators, Katz stated she and Walton got involved in a battle around 5 p.m. on Dec. 27, and throughout the argument, the youngster “was left neglected, however not more than five minutes” on the bed in the room.

Katz admitted there was a big ziplock bag of pills on the bed with the infant.

Walton informed investigations he has been “prescribed a multitude of pain medications, as well as possessing a medical marijuana certificate” due to a back injury.

Adhering to the overdose, the Division of children and also Family members, in addition to PBSO’s Unique Sufferers Device, replied to the apartment.

” While there, [investigators] uncovered several things taken into consideration to be drug paraphernalia, along with several prescription containers, both opened up and closed, scattered concerning the bed,” according to the arrest record.

The report went onto claim that since the child was left unattended on the bed, “it appears that she would have had access to any one of the numerous recommended narcotics, in addition to burned tin aluminum foil, with residue, used for smoking cigarettes narcotics, that was also on the bed where she was at.”.

” The youngster was jeopardized, allowing her to consume a substance causing her ending up being unresponsive,” the apprehension record specified.

Katz and Walton were both apprehended and registered into the Hand Coastline Area Prison on child abuse charges.

According to jail documents, Katz bound out of jail on Dec. 28, but Walton is still behind bars on a $25,000 bond.

The condition of the baby is currently unknown.


The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

Company: The Recover
Address: Huntington Beach, CA 
Contact Number: (888) 510-3898
Email: info@therecover.com
Website: www.therecover.com

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source https://ivdaily.com/man-and-woman-arrested-after-10-month-old-baby-overdoses-on-oxy-pills

Saturday, 28 December 2019

Microdosing LSD for Alzheimer’s Safe in Early Human Trial

Results from one of the first placebo-controlled clinical trials investigating the effects of microdosing Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) have been published. According to the new study, Phase 1 trial is the first level in testing whether certain kinds of experimental microdose techniques could be beneficial as a therapeutic approach for treating Alzheimer’s disease. While new data doesn’t identify significant cognitive benefits in microdosing, it does prove that the method is safe enough to try on larger groups. 

The movement for LSD and psilocybin to confer acute anti-depressant effects have been tested in the past-showing the same results. Psilocybin, in particular, has demonstrated hopeful enough in this area for the FDA to give it Breakthrough Therapy status twice over the last year. One of the new ways this compound helps is by stimulating serotonin 5-HT2A receptors in the brain.  

The team explains that these particular brain receptors not only mediate cognitive function, however, but disruptions to these neural processes have also been discovered in most early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, including psychiatric symptoms liked anxiety and depression.

“Our research with serotonin 5-HT2A receptor agonists, such as LSD, suggests that they may represent a new strategy to treat diseases associated with chronic inflammation,” describes Charles Nichols, co-author of the new study. 

“LSD’s unique polypharmacology may serve to enhance its capacity to simultaneously modulate multiple key pathological processes in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease, including neuroinflammation, that is implicated in its progression from mild cognitive impairment.”

Due to the potency of the LSD, it restricts its ability to be distributed broadly and consistently as conventional medicine. Experts will be able to give one or two potent doses accompanied by structured psychotherapy sessions that may help treat major depression or addiction. Yet, these psychedelics are not realistically deployable in cases for sustained treatments.

Microdosing has become a huge interest not only for users but for the scientist who wants to explore the actual effects. Researchers from the University of Chicago conducted one of the first studies to explore these questions. 

The examination did not explore the longer-term effects of microdosing but rather was investigating how single, shallow LSD doses affect a subject’s mood and cognition. A typical hallucinogenic LSD dose is approximately 100 to 200 micrograms (μg). When they tested four different dosages – a placebo, 6.5, 13, or 26 μg – the researchers inferred 13 μg is the highest dose recommended for a microdose. At 26 μg, subjects began experiencing “drug-like sensations.”

However, this new study reports results from a trial carried out in the UK. Phase 1 clinical trial set out mainly to explore the safety and tolerability of periodic LSD microdoses in healthy older adults. The test is primarily a forerunner to a more significant Phase 2 study on the efficacy of LSD microdoses for Alzheimer’s disease.

“The study provides reassuring safety data and opens the door for larger-scale clinical trials to evaluate the potential therapeutic effects of LSD,” says Robin Carhart-Harris, head of the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London.

The new research offers a useful safety profile for sustained LSD microdosing, allowing scientists to move forward with more focused efficacy studies. 

However, the new following data on the cognitive outcomes of this kind of microdosing is so far not pointing to the anecdotally popular technique as improving very much at all.

Yet, the new study offers a periodic dosing strategy that more resembles the experience of anecdotal microdoses; yet, it also did not identify any particular cognitive or sensory alterations in its cohort. 

When under the influence of a microdose, the subjects consistently overestimated how long a couple of seconds lasted. It is still unclear precisely what this discover even means in terms of how an LSD microdose influences explicitly a person’s subjective sense of time. However, what the study did make clear is that microdoses may confer some degree of cognitive control in sub-perceptual doses, even when the user does not perceive any conscious effect from the drug.

The new study was published in the journal Psychopharmacology.


The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

Contact: James William
Company: The Recover
Address: Huntington Beach, CA 
Contact Number: (888) 510-3898
Email: info@therecover.com
Website: www.therecover.com

The post Microdosing LSD for Alzheimer’s Safe in Early Human Trial appeared first on Daily News.

source https://ivdaily.com/microdosing-lsd-for-alzheimers-safe-in-early-human-trial

Monday, 23 December 2019

Dndi Use of Preventive Chemotherapy Helping Speed up Work to Meet Eradication Goal

DNDi has reported of achieving success by using preventive chemotherapy to boost the eradication of neglected tropical diseases.


The work to eliminate tropical neglected diseases added targeted control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases because where preventive chemotherapy was previously used to manage the tropical neglected diseases success stories of elimination of neglected tropical diseases in endemic areas was recorded.


Preventive chemotherapy involves the use of an existing strategy to control the disease by combining it with a treatment regimen focusing on identified environmental causative factors is methods that have worked for a community for some disease control.


The diseases selected for preventive chemotherapy are listed and are only Guinea- worm disease, cysticercosis ,trematode infections, lymphatic filariasis ,onchoserciasis ,schistosomiasis and helmintgiasis.


“Blinding trachoma control through the SAFE strategy- combining drug treatment with hygiene and environmental management- can be linked to helminth control interventions to improve the overall health of the affected community. The diseases include cysticercosis, dracanculiasis ( guinea-worm diseases), foodborne tramatode infections,lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistomiasis , and soil-transmitted helminthiasis ,” stated DNDi.


This preventive chemotherapy on neglected tropical diseases is currently being applied only to some neglected tropical diseases which are already being successfully treated by available drugs and whose current drugs are considered safe.


“PCT focuses on diseases for which a strategy exists as well as on tools and the availability of safe and effective drugs that make it feasible to implement large – scale preventive chemotherapy,” stated DNDi.


The main purpose of this chemotherapy intervention is to support tropical neglected diseases endemic countries’ national efforts to achieve more success to the successful reports so far of treated a billion cases of neglected tropical diseases in the world every year for the past four years.


DNDi reports that the past application of this preventive chemotherapy is already very successful and application eradicates five of neglected tropical diseases which increases more of new success stories of eliminated tropical neglected diseases.


Both DNDi and WHO affirms that intensified work to eradicate neglected tropical diseases meet the sustainable development target on health concerned with universal health coverage and the ideology of leaving no one behind because it is on the good track of meeting the WHO triple billion targets of eradication of the neglected tropical diseases.


The interventions are now focusing on identifying challenges that may impede the goal of increasing more work to achieve progress and the target of eradication of neglected tropical diseases.


Contact: Everlyne Otieno

Company: The Recover

Address: Huntington Beach, CA 

Contact Number: (888) 510-3898

Email: info@therecover.com

Website: www.therecover.com

The post Dndi Use of Preventive Chemotherapy Helping Speed up Work to Meet Eradication Goal appeared first on Daily News.

source https://ivdaily.com/dndi-use-of-preventive-chemotherapy-helping-speed-up-work-to-meet-eradication-goal

Friday, 20 December 2019

How Businesses are Gaining National Exposure Overnight

national health news source is offering a chance to expand the potential reach of business around the country. The Recover is a national news and treatment center directory website. We are providing the country with the latest news and videos straight from the best addiction news sources and journalists.

Many small to large companies have tons of creative ideas; someone might be launching a book or even a new service inside the existing company. This is where people become stuck and do not know how to gain the exposure needed to generate sales or new clients.

The best answers point in the same direction: press release writing services represent the key to effective and affordable self-promotion. A Recover Press releases deliver exceptional results for virtually any business, despite its size, profit margins, profile, and industry. When companies publish a press releases through the Recover, it builds trust and authority on different angles, by stimulating journalists and media outlets to cover the story, and also by giving prospects a new reason to visit the center, search the companies website, find out more about a persons most recent accomplishments — spreading the word fast and to the people who want to see it the most.

Recent statistics reported by MarketingProfs indicate that 71% of all B2B marketers count on content marketing to generate new sales leads. According to the data collected by the PR web, 80 million people worldwide go online daily, looking for unique insight and exclusive stories. These stories are filled with links and backlinks that will, in the end, drive more traffic to the companies website and help the overall SEO.

Moreover, by optimizing the companies content, it could increase its visibility online and make the released articles searchable on the Internet. Tags pointing to the main topic and a set of relevant, industry, and company-specific keywords are essential elements that people should add to optimize any press releases and unlock instant SEO advantages. In terms of SEO, press release distribution can be regarded as one of the more economical choices compared with paid advertising. Its results are also more apparent and measurable than social media marketing.

Press releases offer small and large businesses the most straightforward and most affordable method to build any online reputation and increase visibility on the market. Aside from making the companies goods seem more desirable in the eyes of consumers and attracting more clients, press releases can help anyone capture the attention of influent investors who could become future sponsors.

The benefits are endless, just like the national exposure The Recover delivers. There’s a massive sea of potential customers out there, so make the best of it and write a press release that’s worth reading. Many people see articles as a form of validation and will, in the end, increase the value of service or product that is being written about.

The achievements and advancements of any company are all highlighted in each press release. With the mass syndication of the press release, the client’s company information will spread like wildfire.
Do not be caught in the dust, market like a boss, and increase traffic while also obtaining new clients. No matter the industry, The Recover has a team of writers that will help anyone produce a masterpiece if neede or simply send in the content.

(888) 510-3898 (main number)

27420 Jefferson Ave, Temecula, CA 92590

Email: info@therecover.com

The post How Businesses are Gaining National Exposure Overnight appeared first on Daily News.

source https://ivdaily.com/how-businesses-are-gaining-national-exposure-overnight

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Most Effective Way Businesses are Gaining National Exposure: Overnight

A national health news source is offering a chance to expand the potential reach of business around the country. The Recover is a national news and treatment center directory website. We are providing the country with the latest news and videos straight from the best addiction news sources and journalists.

Many small to large companies have tons of creative ideas; someone might be launching a book or even a new service inside the existing company. This is where people become stuck and do not know how to gain the exposure needed to generate sales or new clients.

The best answers point in the same direction: press release writing services represent the key to effective and affordable self-promotion. A Recover Press releases deliver exceptional results for virtually any business, despite its size, profit margins, profile, and industry. When companies publish a press releases through the Recover, it builds trust and authority on different angles, by stimulating journalists and media outlets to cover the story, and also by giving prospects a new reason to visit the center, search the companies website, find out more about a persons most recent accomplishments — spreading the word fast and to the people who want to see it the most.

Recent statistics reported by MarketingProfs indicate that 71% of all B2B marketers count on content marketing to generate new sales leads. According to the data collected by the PR web, 80 million people worldwide go online daily, looking for unique insight and exclusive stories. These stories are filled with links and backlinks that will, in the end, drive more traffic to the companies website and help the overall SEO.

Moreover, by optimizing the companies content, it could increase its visibility online and make the released articles searchable on the Internet. Tags pointing to the main topic and a set of relevant, industry, and company-specific keywords are essential elements that people should add to optimize any press releases and unlock instant SEO advantages. In terms of SEO, press release distribution can be regarded as one of the more economical choices compared with paid advertising. Its results are also more apparent and measurable than social media marketing.

Press releases offer small and large businesses the most straightforward and most affordable method to build any online reputation and increase visibility on the market. Aside from making the companies goods seem more desirable in the eyes of consumers and attracting more clients, press releases can help anyone capture the attention of influent investors who could become future sponsors.

The benefits are endless, just like the national exposure The Recover delivers. There’s a massive sea of potential customers out there, so make the best of it and write a press release that’s worth reading. Many people see articles as a form of validation and will, in the end, increase the value of service or product that is being written about.

The achievements and advancements of any company are all highlighted in each press release. With the mass syndication of the press release, the client’s company information will spread like wildfire.

Do not be caught in the dust, market like a boss, and increase traffic while also obtaining new clients. No matter the industry, The Recover has a team of writers that will help anyone produce a masterpiece if neede or simply send in the content.


Company: The Recover

Address: Huntington Beach, CA 

Contact Number: (888) 510-3898

Email: info@therecover.com

Website: www.therecover.com

The post Most Effective Way Businesses are Gaining National Exposure: Overnight appeared first on Daily News.

source https://ivdaily.com/most-effective-way-businesses-are-gaining-national-exposure-overnight

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

The Future of Legal Psychedelic Nasal Spray

Forecasting a wave of psychedelic legalization over the coming years, Oregon-based start-up Silo Health has established a magic mushroom nasal spray concentrated on delivering exact, regulated psychedelic microdoses utilizing an easy inhaler. New Atlas contacted Silo Wellness creator and CEO Mike Arnold to learn precisely how this bold item works.



Along with the swiftly advancing psychedelic scientific research movement, with researchers carefully exploring the clinical, as well as healing, uses formerly taboo psychedelic compounds, is a growing grassroots motion to legalize a few of these substances. Throughout 2019 a variety of different neighborhood jurisdictions the USA began the initial stage of decriminalizing psychedelic materials.


The motion seemingly began with the passing of a tally initiative in the City and also County of Denver back in March. The openly elected initiative legalized personal usage as well as ownership of magic mushrooms. Adhering to that landmark moment, several other cities in the nation have pushed forward similar actions.


The long game subsequently is looking toward the 2020 United States elections and obtaining a range of measures on state ballots. There are arguments among protestors, however, over just how broad a press there must be for entertainment legalization. A proposed 2020 ballot step filed-The The golden state is recommending complete retail legalization of psilocybin magic mushrooms, while the present measure suggested in Oregon is not considering industrial sales but rather concentrating on legalizing therapeutic uses in certified facilities.


Inspired by the explosive growth of the company in the marijuana market, as recreational legalization spreads across America, some business owners are considering psilocybin as the following prospective medication to hit the broader market. One Denver-based company called Strava, as an example, has currently begun creating tea and coffee products instilled with microdoses of psilocybin.


These products may not be legal now, yet lots of are getting ready for legalization, prepping business products to offer the impulses of every sort of recreational customer.


Why create a magic mushroom nasal spray?


Silo Health is among those aforementioned entrepreneurial start-ups, and it is working to develop a magic mushroom-based nasal spray. The suggestion behind the item is to supply individuals a means into the psychedelic experience, making use of a controlled shipment gadget that can use regular controlled microdoses.


” We addressed the age-old trouble with plant- and also fungus-based medicine: Exactly how do you understand just how much is a dose?” clarifies Michael Hartman, a knowledgeable pharma product developer dealing with Silo Wellness. “How do you stay clear of taking too much, like the marijuana edibles issue? We additionally took care of to resolve among the usual problems of some mushroom individuals: taste and also indigestion.”


The Chief Executive Officer, as well as creator of Silo Health, is former criminal attorney Mike Arnold, who left his regulation industry work to begin a cannabis expanding business back in 2016. After a life-changing magic mushroom experience in 2018, Arnold saw an obstacle in the motion to bring psychedelics into the mainstream. His very first magic mushroom experience was thankfully one assisted by a well-informed physician, who could supply a regulated dose, however, suppose that guided experience had not been readily available to someone?


Arnold saw the service to the main problem is a regulated nasal spray that administered a metered, fast-acting dosage of magic mushrooms in a way that might reduce much less skilled people right into the psychedelic experience.


The nasal spray being created is not pure psilocybin, but rather, Arnold tells New Atlas is a “complete my-spectrum extract of Jamaican magic mushrooms in an aqueous service.”


The firm is focusing its existing research on uptake speed and bioavailability. Arnold suggests the advantages of application via a nasal spray are a much faster beginning, lowering the hold-up radically as well as decreasing the risk of eating way too much. While also a decrease in a few of the undesirable nauseous results of digesting mushrooms in the gut.


” Our company believes that the nasal track has greater bioavailability and also faster uptake speed than experiencing the intestine,” Arnold informs New Atlas. “Once the product is much more commonly available to the general public, appropriate dosing will be disclosed, but, currently, one dosage in each nostril has the biomass matching of no more than 0.1 grams. We are targeting a sub-psychedelic dosage now with a tiny psychedelic dosage prepared for soon.”


The item is presently being developed in Jamaica, among the only nations in the world where magic mushrooms are entirely lawful. Arnold suggests dose-ranging research studies are underway in the island country, and also, the firm is initially focusing on creating an item targeted at microdose-levels of magic mushrooms.


The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.



Author: Mckenzie Santa Maria


Organization: TheRecover.com


Address: 402 West Broadway, #400, San Diego, CA 92101

The post The Future of Legal Psychedelic Nasal Spray appeared first on Daily News.

source https://ivdaily.com/the-future-of-legal-psychedelic-nasal-spray

Monday, 9 December 2019

Willie Nelson Retires his Lungs but Credits his Health to Cannabis

America’s favorite pothead has shocked the media by retiring his iron lungs. Willie Nelson, the famous country star whose name means lighting up, announced his pot retirement. In a recent interview, Willie has confirmed the rumors that he has stopped smoking cannabis due to breathing issues.

Willie told the press, “I have abused my lungs quite a bit in the past, so breathing is a little more difficult these days, and I have to be careful.” Now 86, Nelson explained, “I don’t smoke anymore — take better care of myself,” said the Grammy-winning crooner of “On the Road Again.”

Known for his long braids, bandanas, and love for marijuana, Nelson has been a public supporter in the fight to legalize weed, co-chairing the advisory board of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

Like many celebrities, Willie’s Reserve, “a premium cannabis lifestyle brand,” was launched in 2016 in partnership with a New York-based private equity firm.

Despite his recent retirement from the plant, Willie still thanks and credits marijuana for its medical benefits.He believes he is still alive today due to the years he smoked marijuana.

“I wouldn’t be alive. It saved my life, really. I wouldn’t have lived 85 years if I’d have kept drinking and smoking like I was when I was 30, 40 years old. I think that weed kept me from wanting to kill people,” Nelson explained to the magazine, adding that it “probably kept a lot of people from wanting to kill me, too — out there drunk, running around.”

At the end of the interview, Nelson, who has in the past been hospitalized for pneumonia and emphysema over the years, fired back, saying, “I don’t give a [expletive]. I’m here; I’m glad to be here.”


The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

Contact: Kennedy Adams
 The Recover
Huntington Beach, CA 
Contact Number: 
(888) 510-3898

The post Willie Nelson Retires his Lungs but Credits his Health to Cannabis appeared first on Daily News.

source https://ivdaily.com/willie-nelson-retires-his-lungs-but-credits-his-health-to-cannabis

Monday, 2 December 2019

New Cannabis Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.) and Huntington’s Disease (H.D.) Shows Promise

Early this week, the MMJ International Holdings announced that it has agreed to the production of its proprietary cannabis-based gel capsule. A new product mix of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) that would comply with the harsh guidelines set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

The first agreement made with a pharma solutions company hopes to allow MMJ to launch clinical trials of its oral capsule as a new treatment for multiple sclerosis (M.S.) and Huntington’s disease (H.D.).

Both compounds CBD and THC are two of the most abundant cannabinoids found in the plant. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound of marijuana and is said to have neuroprotective properties; still, THC is the primary psychoactive constituent of cannabis.

“We firmly believe that our MMJ natural whole plant-derived molecules with a unique combination of pharmacological properties will be FDA approved as a safe and effective prescription drug that can be of great benefit in treating patients with M.S. and H.D. diseases,” Duane Boise, CEO of MMJ International Holdings, said in a news conference.

The team announced that planned clinical trials are now expected to provide the data needed to show that a marijuana-based product will help patients. Scientists say it will help symptoms like tremors and motor control issues common to several neurological disorders.

In support of this new product, several universities are now developing trials testing the safety and efficacy of daily treatment with MMJ’s gelatin capsules in patients with M.S. and Huntington’s.

“As MMJ International Holdings continues to advance to its clinical trials, a specialty pharmaceutical solutions company will be supporting MMJ with the FDA, DEA,” explained Elio Mariani, Ph.D., executive vice president of research and development. 

“Patients will benefit from cGMP [current Good Manufacturing Practice]-quality therapies in an accessible and efficient format.”

The manufacturing company in charge of the new gel cannabis product has not been announced to the public yet. 

MMJ-001 and MMJ-002 are climbing the charts in popularity.

 MMJ-001 is being made to treat spasticity (muscle stiffness) in M.S., and MMJ-002 to pinpoint and treat Huntington’ s-associated chorea or uncontrolled and involuntary movements.

MMJ-002 was first designed as an orphan drug by the FDA in January as a potential Huntington’s treatment. As the formula for MMJ-001, it is a liquid formulation of highly purified CBD/THC.

Since the legalization of hemp, cannabis programs have been putting CBD in products containing THC-which are not FDA approved. The FDA has sent multiple letters to varies companies warning them to stop all sales and production, alleging they made unsubstantiated claims about the health benefits of their products. Known as benefits to patients “without sufficient evidence or FDA approval.”

 Amy Abernethy, MD, PhD, FDA’s principal deputy commissioner, said in one warning, “The agency is working “to clarify further the regulatory approach for products containing cannabis and cannabis-derived compounds like CBD, while using all available resources to monitor the marketplace and protect public health by taking action as needed against companies.”

“We recognize that there is a significant public interest in cannabis and cannabis-derived compounds; however, we must work together to fill in the knowledge gaps about the science, safety, and quality of many of these products,” Abernethy added.

 She concluded her warning by, “We are committed to advancing our regulation of these products through an approach that … prioritizes public health, fosters innovation, and promotes consumer confidence.”

The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

Contact: Kennedy Adams
 The Recover
Huntington Beach, CA 
Contact Number: 
(888) 510-3898

The post New Cannabis Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.) and Huntington’s Disease (H.D.) Shows Promise appeared first on Daily News.

source https://ivdaily.com/new-cannabis-treatment-for-multiple-sclerosis-m-s-and-huntingtons-disease-h-d-shows-promise