Cannologies Inc. releases valuable information about the CBD in their latest news release. The company explains the active principles of cannabis are called cannabinoids, about 113 are known and are concentrated in the flowers of the plant. They are terpene-phenolic compounds of 21 carbon atoms and have been found only in cannabis. The most well-known and studied cannabinoids are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the one that produces the psychoactive effects and it is due to its classification as “drug”, cannabidiol (CBD), which has no psychoactive effects, Cannabinol (CBN). While THC is used to treat lack of appetite and glaucoma, water soluble CBD has the greatest antitumor, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Bio Availability of Water Soluble CBD:
Water Soluble CBD oil contains mainly cannabidiol, which is not psychoactive and is very useful in the treatment of multiple diseases. THC oil has a higher concentration of THC, which is psychoactive but is useful for increasing appetite, relieving pains and discomforts of chemotherapy (nausea, vomiting, etc.).
Hemp oil is obtained by cold pressing of hemp seeds and is also different from cannabis oil. Although both oils are obtained from the same plant, they have a different chemical composition and uses. The term hemp is used to refer to Cannabis sativa plants that contain very small amounts of THC. Its oil has little medicinal value and it is possible to find it even in countries where marijuana is illegal. Hemp is a high-growth plant that is usually grown for industrial use, in products such as oils and ointments, as well as fiber for clothing, construction, and paper, among others.
There are varieties of the plant whose content is high in CBD and low in THC and are the most used for medical purposes. The flowers of the female cannabis plant contain an amount of THC ten times greater than the leaves, while the stems and seeds have much lower levels. In its raw and fresh state, the cannabis plant contains acid tetrahydrocannabinol (THCA), which is then converted to THC.
Marijuana or cannabis oil is the most widely used medicinal product, so in recent years it has become very popular in certain countries due to the movement to legalize marijuana. This oil is the resinous and sticky product obtained by eliminating the solvent from the extracts that contain the cannabinoids of the flowers of the plant and that are prepared with different solvents (butane, isopropyl alcohol, ethanol or hexane). Its content of THC and CBD may vary according to the variety of the vegetable and the processing conditions.
According to Johnny Drummond – Founder / CEO Cannologies, Inc., other active water soluble cannabis compounds are as such:
– Cannabinol (CBN): it is a psychotropic cannabinoid located in Cannabis sativa and Indian/Afghanica Cannabis. This metabolite of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) acts as a weak agonist at cannabinoid receptors, but with a lower affinity than THC.
– Cannabigerol (CBG): it is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in Cannabis plants. This metabolite is found in greater concentration within hemp.
– Cannabicromen (CBC): it is an abundant natural phytocannabinoid, and is thought to be the second most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis. This active produces antinociceptive (analgesic) and anti-inflammatory effects.
Medicinal uses of the Water Soluble CBD Oil
Modern science has shown on multiple occasions that the cannabinoids found in marijuana possess diverse medicinal and palliative properties against numerous disorders. Below are the main medicinal uses of the CBD.
It has been demonstrated that Water Soluble hemp oil reduces the appearance of convulsions, as well as their intensity. Studies reveal that it reduces motor seizures by 45%. Regarding side effects, some patients present drowsiness, fatigue and, less frequently, diarrhea. However, these side effects are usually mild.
There are studies that analyze the effects of CBD in patients with tuberous sclerosis with refractory seizures. This disease has neurological manifestations similar to epilepsy. Studies in this regard indicated that CBD reduces by 69% the seizures suffered by patients with tuberous sclerosis.
Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by a chronic musculoskeletal pain of unknown origin, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and other symptoms (depression, drowsiness, memory loss). It is believed that the disease may be related to the processing of pain signals in the brain, amplifying the sensations to unbearable points for the patient.
Currently, there is no cure for fibromyalgia, only some treatments focused on reducing discomfort. Studies that analyze the effects of CBD in patients with fibromyalgia, point out that consumers feel a considerable reduction in the sensation of pain and stiffness, greater relaxation and increased well-being.
Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a disease that produces demyelinating, neurodegenerative and chronic lesions in the central nervous system, and directly affects the flow of information between the brain and the rest of the body. Currently, the causes that cause it are unknown, although it has been related to some autoimmune mechanisms. In addition, the symptoms vary drastically depending on the area of the central nervous system that is affected. The symptoms can be mental (depression, mood swings, anxiety) or physical (fatigue, spasms, pain, and weakness).
As some studies have shown, all these symptoms mentioned above are diminished thanks to the consumption of cannabis with high levels of CBD. The results show that the ingestion of THC and CBD reduce the symptoms caused by this disease.
Water Soluble CBD Oil shown to prevent Alzheimer’s
Both are neurodegenerative diseases, so the possibility of using the neuroprotective properties of cannabis has been studied. Alzheimer’s is characterized by neuronal loss and decreased cognition produced by β-amyloid deposits and acetylcholine deficiency. Although the therapeutic effect of cannabis in this pathology is still unclear, the ability of CBD to decrease the accumulation of β-amyloid and improve the availability of acetylcholine is known. As for Parkinson’s, the therapeutic potential of cannabis is controversial. Some studies suggest that it improves the availability of dopamine, which allows a relief of the symptomatology. In addition, the dyskinesia produced by the treatment with levodopa (a drug frequently used in the treatment of Parkinson’s) is reduced.
Current treatments for any type of cancer are based on radiotherapy and cytostatic drugs. Effective treatments, with highly toxic and with many side effects. Alternatively, and use new antineoplastic treatments with much less adverse effects, cannabinoids appear as an alternative with great potential. Some studies have shown the antineoplastic properties of cannabinoids, mainly for their action in the regulation of cell death and tumor inhibition. Several studies have raised the antiproliferative effect of cannabinoids in breast and prostate cancer, in addition; inhibit endothelial growth factor in gliomas. Cannabinoids are not only a possible alternative to current antineoplastic treatments, but can also be used as adjuvant treatment for their antiemetic and orexigenic properties, avoiding some of the adverse effects of cytostatic drugs. Among the groups of cancer patients in which it has been shown to be effective as an antiemetic, women with breast cancer stand out. It should be noted that in some studies, patients describe side effects to treatment with cannabinoids, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, dysphoria, and visual disturbances, and yet many patients expressed their preference for cannabinoids after chemotherapy cycles.
Water soluble CBD oil vs typical sublingual tinctures?
Nanoemulsion CBD is water soluble and is currently on the market! However, that does not mean you are receiving the most bioavailable dosage that is best for you or your pet! Pending on the type of ailment, intensity, weight of subject (human, dog, cat, horse, giraffe, elephant) diet, etc., is something that needs to be identified. If you are doing CBD for the novelty, than Infuzion CBD is not the brand for you.
This new presentation of the CBD oil has generated curiosity in the consumers, about what benefits it contributes in comparison with the non-soluble water hemp oil. Below are some benefits of water-soluble CBD versus non-soluble water CBD oil;
As we know oil and water do not mix, taking into account that our body is 70% water, when we ingest conventional CBD oil, it does not dissolve properly in our bloodstream or in the interior of our cells, this considerably reduces the bioavailability of the drug.
The bioavailability refers to the amount that a substance can be used by our body after being absorbed. Some experts estimate that it only gets about ten percent of the cannabinoids contained in the CBD oil is not water soluble. Therefore, the main advantage of water-soluble CBD is that your body can directly absorb a much higher percentage of the available cannabinoids and terpenes in CBD oil. In other words, you can receive more benefits by taking less CBD oil, which in turn also implies a saving of money and an absorption time of approximately 3 minutes.
Another key advantage of water-soluble CBD is that you can more accurately calculate the doses ingested and know exactly how much you should take to get the therapeutic effect you want. With hemp oil, you do not always know the actual dose you are receiving because it is difficult to know exactly how much of the active components of the CBD oil your body actually absorbs. With water soluble CBD, you will know that your body will absorb most of the cannabinoids, terpenes and other phytonutrients in CBD oil. In this way, you can determine the actual dose you are receiving with greater precision.
Cannabis, also known as marijuana, among many other names, is an herb (Cannabis sativa) native to Asia that has been used for more than 5,000 years by different cultures of the world for religious, nutritional and medicinal purposes. In the sixteenth century was a regular part of any medical kit, mainly for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The psychoactive qualities of the plant were only known to Europeans in the 19th century.
‘The CBD / THC industry can be incredibly confusing and complicated, but the consumer needs to educate themselves and make a diligent effort to identify the right product, but more importantly, the companies, as 95% are selling ‘snake oil.’ According to Drummond, every consumer attempting to find relief from an ailment or disorder should research and make sure they are obtaining the highest quality and tested CBD products available.’
Sean Renninger
Shareholder Relations LLC.