Thursday, 28 February 2019

Martha Stewart Partners With Largest Pot Producer To Develop CBD Products

Martha Stewart had dibbled dabbled in the marijuana industry before when Snoopdog and her announced their cannabis cooking show, Stewart now partners with marijuana grower Canopy Growth to develop a new line of CBD-based products for both humans and animals.

She is also expected to be a primary role in the development of the new product line alongside Sequential Brands Group, a consumer brands company that already works with the home decor master.

“I am delighted to establish this partnership with Canopy Growth and share with them the knowledge I have gained after years of experience in the subject of living,” Stewart announced in a statement. “I’m especially looking forward to our first collaboration together, which will offer sensible products for people’s beloved pets.”

The company noted that they already have several clinical trials awaiting testing and plans to learn from Stewart’s, “vast knowledge of consumer products while exploring the effectiveness of CBD and other cannabinoids” concerning the effectiveness of care for animals and humans.

Chairman and co-CEO of Canopy Growth, Bruce Linton said that the decision was easy, Martha is “one of a kind” and loved by many already. He made it clear that he is both thrilled and excited to work side by side an icon, that will ultimately increase his company’s offerings.

Stewart, however, is not the company’s first celebrity partnership. Her long-friend and famous marijuana enthusiasts Snoop Dogg also teamed up with the company back in 2016.

Canopy is currently the world’s largest marijuana grower and plans to invest over 100 million into a hemp industrial park that would be based out of New York.

CBD and marijuana demand has erupted in Canada since the decision to legalize recreational use in October. Meanwhile, the FDA in the U.S. has banned all companies from adding CBD to food and beverages in the U.S., despite the agency efforts many businesses are still moving in that direction.

Canopy also announced in August 2018 that it had struck a deal with Corona Beer maker Constellation Brands to produce CBD-infused drinks and possibly food.

The line CBD product line is set to be released within the next two years.


Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Upland Mother Arrested After Throwing Toddler From Balcony and Killing 6-month Old Daughter

A tragedy has unfolded in the small town of Upland, where a mother threw her 1-year-old son from a second story apartment home and killed her 6-month-old daughter.

According to the Upland PD, the incident took place around 11:30 am in the 600 block of N. Wedgewood Avenue when a neighbor witness said the mother was dangling her two-year-old boy from the second-floor before throwing him over.

The mother has been identified as 24-year-old Tierra Ortega.

“As soon as she saw the officers and officers saw her, she jumped from the second-story landing,” said Upland police Captain Marcello Blanco.

Police then searched the woman’s apartment and found her little daughter unresponsive with multiple serious injuries.

Both children were flown to a nearby hospital. Unfortunately, the girl died a few hours later due to a skull fracture and internal bleeding.

At the time of the incident the children’s father was not home, when he was called to the home, he emotionally tried to push his way past officers when he arrived. According to the police, there was no history of violence at the house or in the couples past.

As night drew near, neighbors had placed two stuffed bunnies on the mailbox of the little victims home, one blue and one pink.

“As a mother, I can’t figure it out, I can’t understand it. Other than post-partum depression,” a resident said

Many questions if Ortega was suffering from a mental illness, “I would have never thought she would be capable of doing anything like that,” said neighbor Kaeleigh Calderon. “But mothers go through post-partum depression. It’s a real thing.”

The family of four moved in from La Puente about a year ago and has not been an issue claimed the property manager.

“They’ve always been very quiet,” Calderon added. “I’ve never seen them arguing. Never seen them bickering.”

The mother is being held without bail in county jail and is waiting to see the judge. She is facing child abuse, murder, and attempted murder charges.

NIMH defines Postpartum depression as “a mood disorder that can affect women after childbirth. Mothers with postpartum depression experience feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion that may make it difficult for them to complete daily care activities for themselves or others. …feelings of sadness and anxiety can be extreme and might interfere with a woman’s ability to care for herself or her family. Because of the severity of the symptoms, postpartum depression usually requires treatment. “


Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Report Reveals Facebook Content Moderators Experience PTSD Symptoms and Drug Use

Moderators produced by Facebook are placed to oversee the content in the U.S. and have taken extreme measures to keep up with the stress of viewing graphics and offensive material on repeat.

The exploration of conditions at Facebook’s content moderation facility in Arizona, which is owned by a vendor called Cognizant, reports describe the office as a place where employees cope with intense stress by using drugs and having sex at work. One employee claimed that he had brought a gun to work because of a situation where he feared retaliation from former employees.

The moderators are only paid $15 hours to sift through millions of post that could be anything from potential threats to offensive jokes to videos revealing murders.

A spokesperson from Facebook announced in a statement, “We value the hard work of content reviewers and have certain standards around their well-being and support. We work with only highly reputable global partners that have standards for their workforce, and we jointly enforce these standards with regular touch points to ensure the work environment is safe and supportive, and that the most appropriate resources are in place.”

In addition to the previous statement, a spokesperson from Cognizant said the agency has thoroughly investigated the issues raised by the media and emphasizes that “previously taken action where necessary and have steps in place to continue to address these concerns and any others raised by our employees. In addition to offering a comprehensive wellness program at Cognizant, including safe and supportive work culture, 24×7 phone support and onsite counselor support to employees, Cognizant has partnered with leading HR and Wellness consultants to develop the next generation of wellness practices.”

Employees are allowed two 15- minute breaks, one 30-minute lunch and an added nine minutes of “wellness time” per day. However, the Verge reported that most of the workers said that much of the time spent is waiting in long lines for the bathroom where three stalls per restroom serve hundreds of people. People have reported employees using these stalls to have sex at work to cope with the stress of the job. Other have chosen to lactation rooms, which was such an issue last year that management removed all the deadbolts from the doors.

Some employees have admitted to using drugs at work to numb the pain, many using marijuana daily on the job. While others joked about “drinking to forget.”

According to the Verge, one former worker claimed that he started to carry a gun regularly and continues to sleep with one even though he has left the company. He said he fears that the threats made by fired employees would become a reality. In addition to those fears, he also explained how he began to envelope himself in some of the conspiracy theories that he was exposed to at work, finding that he believed in things he once never thought to be true.

He has since then been diagnosed with PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder. When the counselor at Cognizant was asked about the risk of developing specific mental issues, he instead explained that some people will experience “post-traumatic growth,” where trauma victims become stronger, although the onset of possible problems is always possible.


Monday, 25 February 2019

The Recover Offers a Reliable List of Drug Rehabs in the U.S

Huntington Beach, California 2/25/2019 – Approximately, 21.5 million American adults battled an illicit drug disorder in 2014 according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Almost 80 % of people suffering from substance abuse struggled with an alcohol use addiction. More than 7 million Americans, aged 12 and older, fought a drug use disorder. The Recover was recently votes the best drug rehab directory from a popular digital media outlet. The media company rated The Recover the best directory because of the amount of information, and the ease of searching for help on their site.

Illicit substance addiction is prevalent and alarming in the U.S. Luckily, therapy programs are available and accessible throughout the country. Still, choosing the most responsive and relevant treatment plan is a challenge. It’s good to know that there are capable directories that provide a list of drug rehabs. They provide the most-sought after facilities and therapy plan that meet everyone’s unique condition.

Deciding to enter a drug rehab is a big decision that costs money and time. When looking for an effective plan, be cautious to end up entering in a facility that suits an individual’s specific needs. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of every center in mind, too. This ensures a safe environment that’s key in achieving a successful recovery. Each program has a variety of services, goals, and amenities for patients. Before entering an addiction center, a trusted directory with a list of drug rehabs in the US can play a crucial role.

Addressing substance abuse disorder is hard. A patient has a high chance of recurring cravings and mental health issues. This is where a medication comes into play. Drug addiction centers in the US provide substitute medications for those addicted to opiates, including Suboxone, methadone, or buprenorphine. A trusted directory offers a range of drug rehabs that provide tested medications. Permanent recovery is what a qualified directory wants to achieve.

Some rehab programs only keep patients sober. Illicit substance users suffer from a poor state of physical health. They experience malnutrition, anemia, intestinal problems and other diseases. Physical health is associated with a full recovery. A drug and alcohol rehab that provides nutritional support is ideal. The Recover is everyone’s leading partner to find a complete treatment. From keeping users sober to bringing back their health, they can help find a suitable and quality plan.

Aside from physical health, mental health options from a rehab facility are imperative. Whether a person suffers from bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia or anxiety, a program that focuses on mental health is recommended. The Recover makes it happen. Not only will they help find a center that emphasizes physical health, but they will also aid in determining a complete treatment plan.

About the The Recover

Choosing a rehab facility is a major decision to make. With a mistake, patients will end up relapsing and starting a treatment again. At The Recover, they lessen these risks. Designed to spread awareness and permanent recovery, they provide the right information about effective therapy plan.

For further details about the list of drug rehabs in the US, The Recover is the most sought-after directory. Give them a call today!

Contact: William Leonard
 The Recover
Huntington Beach, CA 
Contact Number: 
(888) 510-3898


New Insight on Why Some People Lack a ‘brake’ in Their Brains When it Comes to Drinking

Thanks to a new study from the University of California, Santa Barbara, it now gives more insight into why some people cannot stop drinking even when they are already intoxicated. According to the new research, some people may lack a “brake” in their brains, which means that they can’t know when they have reached their limit.

Experts explain that most people have a mechanism called the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), that helps people feel the effects of alcohol and in the end manage how much they can drink. But, if it isn’t working correctly, people may not notice when they’ve had enough, and just keep drinking.

The new research, which is published in the Journal of Neuroscience, identified the area in the brain of mouse subjects. The site is connected to both the amygdala, which is in charge of controlling the fight or flight response and the nucleus accumbens, which is connected to reward.

Paul F. Worley was responsible for creating the mice at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to have mutations in a specific protein. If the site on the protein is not able to react with an enzyme (ERK), due to the modification or its activity being blocked artificially, the “brakes” on excessive drinking appear to be disabled, lead author Karen Szumlinski told Reporters.

Simply put, the mice with the mutation didn’t stop drinking even when they were inebriated.

According to Szumlinski is a neuroscientist who studies binge drinking and how over-drinking can lead to stress on the brain, she found that it’s a leap to go from drunk mice to people, but there are significant connections to be noticed.

“How we perceive how drunk we are is going to influence our subsequent drinking,” she stated. “Although their behavior is telling us they are completely intoxicated, maybe they don’t feel hammered. Or maybe when they’re feeling drunk, they don’t perceive that as a bad thing.”

Her team is continually searching for new connections through databases for these specific mutations in human genes. However, the only true way to test for changes in the BNST is to use the tissue of deceased patients.

she explained saying, “The BNST is a very small structure that is currently hard to image in humans and of course, we can’t manipulate its function.”

“So right now, we are turning to mouse models of genetic and environmental predisposition to binge-drinking to see if there may be a link between alcoholism vulnerability (‘bad brakes’) and the function of ERK-dependent signaling in the BNST,” the researchers concluded.


Friday, 22 February 2019

Study Finds Risk of Neo-natal Withdrawal From Kratom and Massive Increase in Calls to Poison Control Centers

A study published by the Center for Injury Research and Policy and the Central Ohio Poison Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital found a noticeable increase in calls to U.S. poison control centers for kratom issues and empathizes the need to educate pregnant women on the real dangers.

Kratom usually comes in the form of pills and power, in any form the leaves from the tropical kratom tree can be used to do the thing: treat depression, pain, anxiety and even ween people off opioids.

“It’s a natural plant that people look at and say oh it’s natural it’s safe, but it’s a very potent plant,” Henry Spiller, MS, DABAT, co-author of the new study and executive of the Central Ohio Poison Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital said.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the leaves contain compounds that can cause similar effects of opioids and stimulants by interacting with opioid receptors in the brain, resulting in sedation, pleasure and pain relief when taken in large doses. However, in small amounts users claim to feel increased energy, openness, and alertness.

Despite it being a natural plant, Spiller urges people to get educated.

“People aren’t aware of the risks of this,” Spiller said.
The information suggested that the annual number of calls to poison control centers saw an increase, going from 13 calls in 2011 to 700 calls in 2017, making that one call per month to two calls per day, with most of the spike happening from 2016-2017

If taken incorrectly users can experience seizures or at the worst death.

“There’s a whole number of other things that people aren’t aware that this does,” Spiller announced.

Many medical effects caused by kratom including Tachycardia, irritability, hypertension, seizures, coma, renal (kidney) failure and death have been highlighted in the study.

“Kratom use has been associated with a variety of serious medical outcomes, from seizures and coma in adults to severe withdrawal syndrome in newborns,” explained Spiller.

Interesting the study discovered that kids were also exposed, including around seven newborns. Five of which were experience withdrawal. Which alarmed the researchers, including Spiller.

“We need to let mothers know. This is going to affect your fetus, this is going to affect your child,” Spiller emphasized.

As a whole, the study reports 48 of those calls were concerning kratom exposure to children 12 years of age and younger, 69 percent of this 48 were under two years old.

A few states like Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Tennessee, Vermont, and Wisconsin have banned the substance, making kratom illegal to possess.

Ohio’s state pharmacy board announced that they are aiming to make the drug a scheduled one substance, which falls into the same category as heroin and marijuana. After the board meeting, they received 6,000 public comments from both sides of the issue and are now taking the time to review before move forward.

Currently, the plant-based substance is listed by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as a “drug of concern.” The FDA has not granted kratom any clearance or approval, which means the product quality, purity concentration can be dangerous.


Thursday, 21 February 2019

Doctors In The US Accused of Overprescribing The Deadly Drug Fentanyl to Patients

A national report has been released this week that accused health authorities and manufactures of being too lenient with overseeing the distribution of the deadly synthetic opioid fentanyl. Many of these accusations come from the report’s issued by the agency that claims doctors are overprescribing painkillers specifically fentanyl.

Fentanyl is a human-made opioid that is 100 times more powerful than morphine and is primarily sold on the black market. The drug has been deemed the most deadly drug in America after thousands of overdoes were reported.

However was initially made to be prescribed to patients with chronically ill diseases or cancer although was supposed to be under very tight restrictions, in the form of tablets, under the tongue sprays and patches. The goal was to treat severe pain that regular opioid could not help with.

However, the report in the Journal of the American Medical Association said this was not factual.

Experts from Johns Hopkins University conducted a recent investigation, found that the hundreds of people who had been given fentanyl, between a third and half of them should never be given the drug.

Experts claim that around one doctor in five did not know that fentanyl was only supposed to be handled by opioid-tolerant cancer patients. Because of this, it has been wrongly prescribed for unqualifying conditions like lower back pain or joint pain.

“The drug can kill you,” emphasized one of the head contributors of the stud, Caleb Alexander, co-director at the Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness located at Johns Hopkins. “There’s no question that individuals have died from inappropriate prescribing of these products,” he believes.

“The whole point of this program was to prevent exactly the use that commonly occurs,” he said of fentanyl which killed 70,000 people in the United States in 2016.

The current team of experts has fought tooth and nail for four and a half years to obtain 5,000 pages of documents on the fentanyl program from the FDA.

Doctors are currently allowed to legally prescribe a drug for a sickness other than the one it is made for although the primary role of the FDA is to regulate the laboratories that make the drugs, not the doctors.

Although as part of their responsibility, big manufacturers, “were supposed to monitor and potentially disenroll prescribers who violated the terms of the program. And yet not a single prescriber was identified and disenrolled,” stated Alexander.

A spokesperson from the FDA released a statement claiming that the agency has reviewed the concerns highlighted in the report. “The FDA will soon be sharing planned next steps … to make sure the program is working to mitigate the risks of these medicines and that they’re prescribed only to opioid-tolerant patients,” the FDA announced.


Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Alabama Newspaper In Hot Water For Calling On KKK to Lynch Democrats

Earlier this week a very controversial article was published by a well-known editor of a local paper in Alabama and is now taking heat for calling upon the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to perform mass lynchings.

The piece that was published was ran in his print-only newspaper, confirmed the Democrat-Reporter, last Thursday, Goodloe Sutton on Tuesday.

According to the report by BBC, he said the Democrats were going to raise taxes and that the KKK should hang them and raid the house in Washington D.C.

Head Alabama lawmakers have called for Sutton to resign.

KKK is Known as the oldest white supremacy groups in the US, formed after the civil war. They are responsible for lynchings, rapes and violent attacks aimed directly at African Americans since the 1900s.

The article surfaced and took the media by storm when students from Auburn University in Auburn, in Alabama, tweeted photos of the material.

Sutton did not respond for any comments at the moment. The once adored journalist has been awarded for his ethics by other giant news outlets including the New York Times and American Journalism Review.

The opinion based article was a short piece without a byline entitled: “Klan needs to ride again.”

“Time for the Ku Klux Klan to night ride again,” the article said, referencing the KKK’s terrorizing attacks through black communities.

“Democrats in the Republican Party and Democrats are plotting to raise taxes in Alabama… This socialist-communist ideology sounds good to the ignorant, the uneducated, and the simple-minded people.”

“Seems like the Klan would be welcome to raid the gated communities up there.”

The Montgomery Advertiser confirmed that Sutton took full responsibility for writing the article.

“If we could get the Klan to go up there and clean out DC we’d all been better off,” he wrote. “We’ll get the hemp ropes out, loop them over a tall limb and hang all of them.”

“It’s not calling for the lynchings of Americans. These are socialist-communists we’re talking about.”

He also explained to the paper that he didn’t believe the KKK organization was violent.

“They didn’t kill but a few people. The Klan wasn’t violent until they needed to be.”

Reports from the Southern Poverty Law Center claim that there are still around 5,000 to 8,000 active KKK members across the US; although during the height of the Klan’s reign in the 1900s, there were around four million members.


Tuesday, 19 February 2019

List of Drug Rehab Centers: What Directory to Trust

Finding an effective rehab treatment program for people who suffer from substance abuse is crucial. A drug or alcohol abuse causes severe impairment, including the failure to meet responsibilities at school, work, or home. It can also lead to health problems, and the right drug rehab center can make a huge difference.

The most common option to find the best facility is getting an assessment by a qualified physician. Whether a person is unable to perform daily activities or suffer from withdrawal symptoms, a professional will recommend inpatient treatment from a dependable facility. Sometimes, a further research is imperative. Check websites, call the facility, and ask questions.

Another helpful way to make the right decision is taking advantage of a directory. A specially developed platform with a list of drug rehab centers can help select the perfect option. There’s also a variety of choices that best fit every patient’s condition.

As with the number of substance abuse rehab centers, online directories skyrocket. The one that stands out from the competition is The Recover. Serving the industry for years now, they have been the most sought-after platform when it comes to drug addiction rehabs. They are a one-stop place for effective therapy plan, state-of-the-art facilities, and quality support. These are the key for a fast recovery, relapse prevention, and a fulfilling life.

The Recover is also surrounded by committed people with a goal to offer the right list of drug rehab centers. They take time. They never take shortcuts. They keep the patient’s requirements in mind from start to finish. Whether an individual is in search of luxury or cost-effective facility, they will turn it into a reality. With a wide number of partners, identifying responsive solution is feasible. Contact them, and they are glad to serving everyone throughout.

The Recover also goes beyond an accurate list of drug rehab centers. They offer other information that contributes to an addiction-free and happy life. Substance abuse cannot be addressed alone. It’s a collaborative effort. The Recover can take an active part to anyone’s recovery. A new version of oneself can be a dream come true. From productivity, efficiency to a positive outlook in life, users can become the best person they can be.

About the The Recover:

The Recover is where everyone can find local drug rehab centers. Whenever patients live in the U.S, they can narrow their options and make a worth its decision. After an evaluation from a physician, do a research online and browse their website. Quality facility and well-designed therapy plan are what to expect in the future. Amicable customer support can put an end to queries and other concerns on time.

For further details, contact them at (888) 510-3898. Or go to There is much information to explore. Be the first person to share their articles to spread addiction awareness.

Contact: William Leonard
The Recover
Huntington Beach, CA
Contact Number:
(888) 510-3898



Nanoemulsion Technology

Newport Beach, CA. February 18, 2019: The global nanoemulsion industry is witnessing high competition due to presence of several players, observes Transparency Market Research (TMR).

Some of the prominent players operating in the global technology for nanoemulsion are Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Sanofi, Novartis AG, AbbVie Inc., Allergan plc, AstraZeneca Inc., Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Fresenius Kabi AG, and B. Braun Melsungen AG. These companies are increasingly investing on research and development activities for launch of advanced nanoemulsion products, such as the massive worldwide growth market of cannabidiols and other hemp derived products.

The revenue of the global nanoemulsion market was registered in 2016 at the value of US $6.78 billion and expected to grow with the CAGR of 9.2% over the forecast period and attain the value of US $14.91 billion by the end of 2025. The NSAIDs is expected to attain revenue of US $2.470 billion due to the increasing usage nanoemulsion formulation in topical, serums and other forms of drugs and its route of administration for efficiency. On the basis of region, North America accounted for the larger share of about 39.7% in 2016. This growth of the region is attributable to increasing demand from mature pharmaceutical and biotechnology market and increasing research activities in the region.

Increasing Awareness about Chronic Diseases and Availability of Treatments

Nanoemulsion are able to dissolve large amount of hydrophobics coupled with ability of protecting drugs from processes such as hydrolysis and enzymatic degradation make them ideal carrier.  The several advantages of nanoemulsion over conventional emulsion including micro-droplet size of nanoemulsion with higher efficiency as a better carrier. The aforementioned factors are driving growth of the global nanoemulsion market.

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The factors such as rapid technological advances in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology industry, increasing awareness about chronic diseases and availability of treatments are positively influencing growth of the global nanoemulsion market. Additionally, numerous government policies favoring the target specific drugs delivery systems are boosting adoption of target specific drug delivery systems which is fueling growth of the global nanoemulsion market. Launch of technologically advanced products to meet the demand for efficient drug delivery systems is positively impacting on a growth of the global nanoemulsion market.

High Demand from Personal Care Industry to Drive Demand

Increasing healthcare facilities mainly in the developing countries, increasing economic stability, and increasing contribution of key players in in developing economies such as Latin America, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. This is propelling growth of the global nanoemulsion market.

However, manufacturing cost of nanoemulsion are restraining growth of the global nanoemulsion market. Nevertheless, other advancements such as the no effects of flocculation and sedimentation, and non-toxic nature makes them suitable to be used in beauty products and baby-care products such as creams and lotions. The adoption from personal care industry has created lucrative opportunities for key players in the global nanoemulsion market for growth and high revenue generation.

This information is comprised in the new report by TMR, titled “Nanoemulsion Market (Drug Class – Steroids, Anesthetics, NSAIDs, Immunosuppressant, Antiretroviral, Antimicrobials, and Vasodilators; Route of Administration – Topical, Oral, Parenteral, and Nasal; Distribution Channel – Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, and E-commerce) – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 – 2025.”

Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a U.S.-based provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMR’s global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.

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L.A. County Plans on Replacing Men’s Central Jail With Mental Health Facility for Inmates

The county of Los Angeles has approved a plan that would initiate the demolition of the medieval-like Men’s Central Jail downtown in the efforts to build one mental health treatment facility in its place.

The new strategy customizes a $2.2-billion proposal that would have created the Consolidated Correctional Treatment Facility, which was designed to house 3,885 “prisoner patients” in a rehabilitation-focused center in the footprint of the Central Jail, which was built in 1963.

Under a critical arrangement authorized Tuesday, the Department of Health Providers would supervise the brand-new facility, rather than the Police Department, which presently handles all prison operations. The brand-new area, called the Mental Health Treatment Center, would be staffed by the Department of Mental Health, with a restricted number of deputies providing security.

The county would also consider building a series of smaller mental university hospitals instead of a single, big health center. The strategy marks a significant shift in viewpoint in housing inmates and an acknowledgment of the changing nature of the prison population: Inmates who are medically or mentally ill now make up an estimated 70% of people kept in the county prison system.

” Sheriff’s deputies will never get adequate training to end up being psychological health professionals, nor should they,” said Supervisor Janice Hahn, who co-authored the motion detailing the strategy with Manager Mark Ridley-Thomas. “Jailers equipped with Tasers and pepper spray are inherently damaging to producing the safe environment essential for mental healthcare.”

Hahn said the supreme goal is to divert prisoners to community-based care any place possible.

Supervisors Hilda Solis and Sheila Kuehl opposed the relocation in a 3-2 vote, arguing the plan might still allow for the building of a vast facility with too many beds, which they say would lead to bad results for people who have a mental disorder.

” It’s still a jail. It’s still walls. It’s still avoiding individuals from having freedom, the possibility of even rehab,” Solis stated.

Kuehl stated the new task if it consisted of near to the original variety of beds supplied under the old proposal, would house a more extensive range of people than all the county medical facilities integrated. California’s biggest state-run psychological health healthcare facility runs about 1,500 beds.

Ridley-Thomas noted that the plan does not mandate a specific variety of beds.

” There is nothing here that is irreparable,” he stated. He included that the more urgent goal is to take down the decrepit Central Jail, an out-of-date lockup that houses people in long rows of cells. “Having them there one day further is just undesirable.”

The board’s action Tuesday implies the Consolidated Correctional Treatment Facility, which had remained in development in 2015, will no longer be built. It had been billed as representing a “paradigm shift” in the handling of prisoners.

That policy required prisoners presently held at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility, the main site for prisoners with mental illness or drug addiction, to be relocated to the brand-new center. Men’s Central Jail inmates would be transported to Twin Towers.

Neighborhood activists have long opposed the building of any brand-new prisons, arguing that the billions of dollars devoted to a new center would be better invested in reentry programs, accessible housing, community-based services, and other options. Hundreds of advocates for jail reform, wearing orange shirts, crowded the auditorium Tuesday to fight the mental health treatment facility, arguing it would become a dressed-up prison

“In the end, they have just approved an agreement to create a psychological health jail, a jail with a bow on it,” Hernandez said. Still, she stated it was a partial victory that years of activism had pressed authorities to seek alternatives to imprisonment.

Also Tuesday, the supervisors voted to kill a long time proposal to transform the Mira Loma detention center in Lancaster into a women’s jail. They supported a relocation presented by Manager Kathryn Barger to take a look at whether economic housing might be built on the site instead.

The supervisors also authorized efforts to produce programs resolving ladies’ requirements in jail, to study most exceptional practices for serving ladies and those with a mental disorder and substance abuse addiction, and check out how to expand diversion programs when it comes to custody.


Monday, 18 February 2019

Revolutionary New Drug Rapidly Improves Mood and Repairs Age-related Memory Loss

A brand new young team of Candian Scientist has developed a revolutionary experimental drug that is said to result in rapid improvements to both mood and memory following the testing of animals. They hope to move to human trials within the next two years.

According to the study, Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a key neurotransmitter, and when altered can play a significant role in the development of psychiatric conditions to cognitive degeneration.

They claim that Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax or Valium, are a class of drugs known to function by changing the brains GABA systems.

The new data shows the development of several new molecules that are structurally based on benzodiazepines, however with small tweaks to enhance their ability to target specific parts of the brain specifically.

The main objective was to discover a new therapeutic agent that can effectively combat age-related memory loss and mood swings mainly caused by disruptions in the GABA systems.

“Currently there are no medications to treat cognitive symptoms such as memory loss that occur in depression, other mental illnesses, and aging,” explains Etienne Sibille, from the Center for Addiction and Mental Health and lead scientist on the new study.

The testing conducted on animals proves to be remarkably effective, with old mice showing rapid improvements in memory test within an hour of taking the drug, which resulted in performance similar to much younger mice.

Daily intake of the drug which was over a period of 2 months showed results in actual structural regrowth of brain cells, regenerating their brains to the state that resembles the younger mice.

“The aged cells regrew to appear the same as young brain cells, showing that our novel molecules can modify the brain in addition to improving symptoms,” says Sibille.

Although many believe the experimental drug is the next miracle of cognitive enhancer, the medication had no beneficial effects when administered to younger mice.

This means that the drug’s capabilities are modeled directly to the brains GBA system related to normalizing either age or stress related disruptions.

Development is still in its early stages, yet while it has demonstrated safe and effects result in animals, the testing on humans is yet to be proven harmless and beneficial.

However, the researchers claim that human trials should begin within the next two years will focus on depression-related memory deficits.

If deemed safe and effects the drug could be used as a preventative tool, administered in small doses to people in their 50’s or 60’s to slow the onset of age-related conditions such as dementia and cognitive impairment.


Saturday, 16 February 2019

The Recover Serves as a One-Stop List of Addiction Treatment Centers

Huntington Beach, California, February 16 2019,– Choosing a suitable rehab facility can be a challenging process as there are factors to take into account. Do they have a program cost? Do they provide health insurance coverage? Is the distance from home and family convenient? What are the amenities? What are the success rates or testimonials? These questions are hard to find reliable answers. It becomes easier with a reliable directory – list of addiction treatment centers.

Everyone find the best treatment for drug addiction. But handling the number of options on the market is overwhelming. A directory bridges the gap between rehab centers and patients. They provide a list of addiction treatment centers that offer well-researched therapies with effective results. Their rehabilitation centers provide quality solution according to an individual’s expectations.

All people who suffer from drug addiction have different needs. It’s no wonder why addiction disrupts all aspects of life. Individuals call for additional rehabilitation to develop social skills, address physical or mental health, and deal with other issues to bring back their productive lifestyle. A directory with a list of addiction treatment centers will play a crucial role. They will exert effort to find an option that delivers extra attention to every patient.

People in rehabilitation experience challenges throughout the treatment. As some specific goals turn into a reality and need change, treatment plans should be modified. Support programs and additional therapies should be modified. A directory with a list of addiction treatment centers guarantees that. A capable directory provides rehab centers that change their treatment techniques. This leads to fast and lifelong recovery.

Time can also be a significant factor in the success of drug addiction treatment. It varies depending on the patient. The longer stays in rehab are linked to more positive and lasting results. When long-term rehab is not the ideal option, an individual can continue treatment thru outpatient care. With a list of addiction treatment centers from a reputable directory, patients will know the right program duration. Whether they need long or short-term rehabilitation, The Recover can help.

The Recover takes pride with their expertise in bridging the gap between quality rehab centers and patients. For those who suffer from drug addiction, they are the one to contact. They have a variety of options that reach everyone’s unique condition.

About the The Recover:

The Recover is a one-stop shop for people seeking for an accurate list of addiction treatment centers. From quality to affordable rehabilitation providers, they have a good list to depend on. The Recover goes beyond that. They offer experts-recommended and comprehensive tips about drug and substance addiction.  They update all information on a regular basis, providing an appropriate guide to people. Rather than searching “drug rehabs near me” on their computer The Recover has all the information and types of programs listed by city and state for the user to find help easily.

 For more information about the right addiction treatment center, please don’t hesitate to contact them at (888) 510-3898.They are available 24/7 to accommodate different queries and other concerns.

Contact: William Leonard
The Recover
Huntington Beach
Contact Number:
(888) 510-3898


Friday, 15 February 2019

Cannologies, Inc. Hires Investor Relations Firm

Newport Beach, CA, February 15, 2019: Cannologies, Inc. – A Newport Beach, California Company, proudly announces the hiring of their new Investor Relations Company.
Shareholder Relations LLC., based out of the San Fernando Valley, Ca. has joined into a multifaceted business relationship with Cannologies, Inc.

Shareholder Relations will be facilitating all investor communication and marketing campaigns between the company and their prospective and current investors.
According to Johnny Drummond – Founder & CEO, we are very proud to have a proactive IR firm that comes with vast knowledge within the cannabis industry. “As a result of Cannologies announcing we are going public, we cannot be more confident with the abilities of our new IR firm.” These are very exciting times for us and all of our investors!

Sean Renninger
Shareholder Relations, LLC.
Direct: 310-775-1669


Trump’s Declares a National Emergency At the Border

The President of the United States has declared a national Emergency over an “invasion” at the southern border Friday morning. Now his administration is allowed to use additional funding for the border wall, which initially Congress refused to fund in full in the bill passed to keep the government from shutting down again.

Presidents Trump’s announcement included many hot topics that have been surrounding the border wall debate. Trump said, “Take a look at our federal prison population, see how many of them, percentage-wise, are illegal aliens, see. Go ahead and see.”

According to studies, the rate for undocumented immigrants in federal prison is higher, meaning that one in five prisoners in federal jails was known or accused of being an undocumented immigrant, suggested a claim made by a 2018 Justice Department report.

However, the report found that Approximately 90 percent of the country’s inmate population is in state prisons and local jails — not federal prisons.

The primary concern for all of America is the flood of illegal substances that are smuggled through legal points of entry, dumping pounds of cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine into the homes and lives of innocent Americans, fueling the addiction problem.

“The big drug loads don’t go through ports of entry, they can’t go through ports of entry, you can’t take big loads cause you have people we have some competent people, the border patrol, law enforcement,” announced the President of the United States.

Just recently the biggest fentanyl bust in history was discovered, reports claim 254 pounds of the lethal drug heroin were seized by Customs and Border Protection, along with enough Fentalyn to kill 50 million people. The drugs were found packed into a loaded trailer filled with vegetables to conceal the drugs and weight, driving through the U.S. port of entry in Nogales, Arizona.

The Drug Enforcement Administration’s 2018 Drug Threat Assessment indicates that the majority of drugs enter the U.S.S through ports of entry at the southwest border.

Despite his claims, many have deemed his facts misleading and incorrect. Data proves that illegal border crossings have been declining for decades, and many of the drugs smuggled in the country are coming from the legal points in our border entries.

Trump concludes his announcement by saying, “We will have a national emergency, and we will then be sued, and they will sue us in the 9th Circuit, even though it shouldn’t be there and we’ll possibly get a bad ruling, and then we’ll get another bad ruling and then we’ll end up at the Supreme Court, and hopefully we’ll get a fair shake.”




Thursday, 14 February 2019

Cannologies, Inc. Announces Public Offering

Newport Beach, CA, February 14, 2019: Cannologies, Inc. and their brand of Infuzion CBD Human Stem Cell skincare products, the most trusted and recognizable skincare brand in the cannabinoid (CBD) industry, today announced a Regulation D public offering that allows any investor the opportunity to invest in the Company.

Investors will be able to purchase shares of the company before its planned OTC:BB stock market listing scheduled for later this year.

This comes after President Trump signed the Farm Bill on December 12, 2018.
The company’s Regulation D shares are set at a value of .50 cents, a substantial reduction from anticipated opening price of $2.00.

“This is an exciting day for us,” said Cannologies, Inc. Founder / CEO Johnny Drummond. ”We want to give the investment community a chance to share in this incredible moment where Cannologies transforms into a multi-platform, multi-dimensional public enterprise.”
“Given the overwhelming demand for CBD products and the attractive margins within the skincare space, it is important that we give the public the chance to own a piece of the Company.”

“At a time when nearly two-thirds of the United States have legalized some form of cannabis, and the U.S. Congress is considering giving all states control over legalization decisions, this is the right time to invest in the business of respectable and proven CBD companies”, said Drummond.

“The ‘Green Rush,’ as it’s been called, will be one of the largest wealth creators of our generation. And as we move out of the shadows, real businesses in this sector will prosper in a way most industries only dream of.”

The Regulation D filing allows investors to buy common stock shares in Cannologies without waiting until the OTC:BB listing. Investors can buy one of the first CBD related stocks expected to go public.

“It was important to me that this offering be open to anyone who wants to join this historic moment, not just those with big brokerage accounts.” said Drummond. “We’re becoming one of the first CBD skincare companies publicly traded on the OTC:BB. We got here in no small part because of our incredible formulations that have been under development for the past three years. As interest in CBD / cannabis grows and legalization spreads, so too will Cannologies and the Infuzion brand.”

About Cannologies, Inc.
For more than 3 years, Cannologies has been working with a team of highly respected physicians, scientist and cosmetic laboratories developing a groundbreaking formulations for topical anti-aging skincare applications with all of the health benefits of full spectrum CBD.

Legal Disclaimer
The offering will be made only by means of an offering circular. The securities offered by Cannologies, Inc. are highly speculative. Investing in shares of common stock of Cannologies, Inc. involves significant risks. The investment is suitable only for persons who can afford to lose their entire investment. Furthermore, investors must understand that such investment could be illiquid for an indefinite period of time. No public market currently exists for the securities, and if a public market develops following the offering, it may not continue. For additional information on Cannologies, Inc., the offering, and any other related topics, please contact their Investor Relations Company.

Sean Renninger
Shareholder Relations LLC.


El Chapo Off To ‘Alcatraz of the Rockies’ to Serve His Life Sentence

Inmates always pose a risk when it comes to escaping, but then there is a whole different kind of threat- El Chapo.

During his run from the government, Guzman has managed to perform unthinkable jailbreaks, escaping two high-security Mexican prisons before his last and final capture, resulting in him being extradited to the United States.

El Chapo is known for his decade long reign over his Sinaloa cartel, shipping hundreds of thousands of drugs, including cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine,  fueling the addiction problem that America is facing.

With the drug lord being convicted earlier this week, many are questioning where he will spend his life long sentence? According to experts, Guzman is the perfect candidate for the federal government’s “Supermax” prison in Florence, Colorado, also known ADX for “administrative maximum.” Many people who have witnessed the strong structure of the building referred to it as the “Alcatraz of the Rockies.”

“El Chapo fits the bill perfectly,” said Cameron Lindsay, a retired warden was in charge of three federal lockups, including the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. “I’d be shocked if he’s not sent to the ADX.”

The facility is located outside of an old mining town, two hours south of Denver, the walls hold the nations most violent and gruesome offenders with its 400 inmates held alone for 23 hours a day in 7-by-12-foot cells with minimal furniture made of concrete.

Some of the residents include Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui and Oklahoma City bombing accomplice Terry Nichols.

Guzman’s daring 2015 escape from the maximum-security Altiplano prison in central Mexico, involved communication with accomplices inside and outside the jail via cell phone for weeks, he managed to slip into an escape hatch located underneath his shower, then hopped on the back of a waiting motorcycle and sped through a mile-long, hand tug tunnel.

Many believe he bribed most of his accomplices, which allowed for such an easy escape. Also, he managed to escape out of another top security prison smuggled through a laundry basket.

“There had to be collusion from within,” said Mike Vigil, a former U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent who went undercover in Mexico. “There is no doubt corruption played a role in both of his spectacular escapes.”

The likely hood of that happening is very slim to none according to the guards that once patrolled the concrete jungle. Many of the prisoners at Supermax spend years in solitary confinement and go days with “only a few words spoken to them.” A former prisoner described it as an “a high-tech version of hell, designed to shut down all sensory perception.”

Many inmates are only given television, but their only outside view of the world is through a 4-inch window. The window is designed to confuse the prisoners from determining where they are housed in the structure. Meals are eaten in the isolation of their cell, within inches of the toilets.

Security is always on high alert, with razor-wire fences, gun towers and heavily armed patrols with multiple attack dogs.

“If ever there were an escape-proof prison, it’s the facility at Florence,” said Burl Cain, the retired longtime warden of the maximum-security Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. “It’s the prison of all prisons.”

Although Guzman placement is not concrete, U.S. Attorney Richard Donoghue said he’s staring at “a sentence from which there is no escape and no return.”


Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Benefits of Water Soluble CBD Cannologies Inc.

Cannologies Inc. releases valuable information about the CBD in their latest news release. The company explains the active principles of cannabis are called cannabinoids, about 113 are known and are concentrated in the flowers of the plant. They are terpene-phenolic compounds of 21 carbon atoms and have been found only in cannabis. The most well-known and studied cannabinoids are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the one that produces the psychoactive effects and it is due to its classification as “drug”, cannabidiol (CBD), which has no psychoactive effects, Cannabinol (CBN). While THC is used to treat lack of appetite and glaucoma, water soluble CBD has the greatest antitumor, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Bio Availability of Water Soluble CBD:

Water Soluble CBD oil contains mainly cannabidiol, which is not psychoactive and is very useful in the treatment of multiple diseases. THC oil has a higher concentration of THC, which is psychoactive but is useful for increasing appetite, relieving pains and discomforts of chemotherapy (nausea, vomiting, etc.).

Hemp oil is obtained by cold pressing of hemp seeds and is also different from cannabis oil. Although both oils are obtained from the same plant, they have a different chemical composition and uses. The term hemp is used to refer to Cannabis sativa plants that contain very small amounts of THC. Its oil has little medicinal value and it is possible to find it even in countries where marijuana is illegal. Hemp is a high-growth plant that is usually grown for industrial use, in products such as oils and ointments, as well as fiber for clothing, construction, and paper, among others.

There are varieties of the plant whose content is high in CBD and low in THC and are the most used for medical purposes. The flowers of the female cannabis plant contain an amount of THC ten times greater than the leaves, while the stems and seeds have much lower levels. In its raw and fresh state, the cannabis plant contains acid tetrahydrocannabinol (THCA), which is then converted to THC.

Marijuana or cannabis oil is the most widely used medicinal product, so in recent years it has become very popular in certain countries due to the movement to legalize marijuana. This oil is the resinous and sticky product obtained by eliminating the solvent from the extracts that contain the cannabinoids of the flowers of the plant and that are prepared with different solvents (butane, isopropyl alcohol, ethanol or hexane). Its content of THC and CBD may vary according to the variety of the vegetable and the processing conditions.

According to Johnny Drummond – Founder / CEO Cannologies, Inc., other active water soluble cannabis compounds are as such:
– Cannabinol (CBN): it is a psychotropic cannabinoid located in Cannabis sativa and Indian/Afghanica Cannabis. This metabolite of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) acts as a weak agonist at cannabinoid receptors, but with a lower affinity than THC.
– Cannabigerol (CBG): it is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in Cannabis plants. This metabolite is found in greater concentration within hemp.
– Cannabicromen (CBC): it is an abundant natural phytocannabinoid, and is thought to be the second most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis. This active produces antinociceptive (analgesic) and anti-inflammatory effects.

Medicinal uses of the Water Soluble CBD Oil

Modern science has shown on multiple occasions that the cannabinoids found in marijuana possess diverse medicinal and palliative properties against numerous disorders. Below are the main medicinal uses of the CBD.


It has been demonstrated that Water Soluble hemp oil reduces the appearance of convulsions, as well as their intensity. Studies reveal that it reduces motor seizures by 45%. Regarding side effects, some patients present drowsiness, fatigue and, less frequently, diarrhea. However, these side effects are usually mild.

There are studies that analyze the effects of CBD in patients with tuberous sclerosis with refractory seizures. This disease has neurological manifestations similar to epilepsy. Studies in this regard indicated that CBD reduces by 69% the seizures suffered by patients with tuberous sclerosis.


Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by a chronic musculoskeletal pain of unknown origin, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and other symptoms (depression, drowsiness, memory loss). It is believed that the disease may be related to the processing of pain signals in the brain, amplifying the sensations to unbearable points for the patient.
Currently, there is no cure for fibromyalgia, only some treatments focused on reducing discomfort. Studies that analyze the effects of CBD in patients with fibromyalgia, point out that consumers feel a considerable reduction in the sensation of pain and stiffness, greater relaxation and increased well-being.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that produces demyelinating, neurodegenerative and chronic lesions in the central nervous system, and directly affects the flow of information between the brain and the rest of the body. Currently, the causes that cause it are unknown, although it has been related to some autoimmune mechanisms. In addition, the symptoms vary drastically depending on the area of the central nervous system that is affected. The symptoms can be mental (depression, mood swings, anxiety) or physical (fatigue, spasms, pain, and weakness).

As some studies have shown, all these symptoms mentioned above are diminished thanks to the consumption of cannabis with high levels of CBD. The results show that the ingestion of THC and CBD reduce the symptoms caused by this disease.

Water Soluble CBD Oil shown to prevent Alzheimer’s

Both are neurodegenerative diseases, so the possibility of using the neuroprotective properties of cannabis has been studied. Alzheimer’s is characterized by neuronal loss and decreased cognition produced by β-amyloid deposits and acetylcholine deficiency. Although the therapeutic effect of cannabis in this pathology is still unclear, the ability of CBD to decrease the accumulation of β-amyloid and improve the availability of acetylcholine is known. As for Parkinson’s, the therapeutic potential of cannabis is controversial. Some studies suggest that it improves the availability of dopamine, which allows a relief of the symptomatology. In addition, the dyskinesia produced by the treatment with levodopa (a drug frequently used in the treatment of Parkinson’s) is reduced.

Current treatments for any type of cancer are based on radiotherapy and cytostatic drugs. Effective treatments, with highly toxic and with many side effects. Alternatively, and use new antineoplastic treatments with much less adverse effects, cannabinoids appear as an alternative with great potential. Some studies have shown the antineoplastic properties of cannabinoids, mainly for their action in the regulation of cell death and tumor inhibition. Several studies have raised the antiproliferative effect of cannabinoids in breast and prostate cancer, in addition; inhibit endothelial growth factor in gliomas. Cannabinoids are not only a possible alternative to current antineoplastic treatments, but can also be used as adjuvant treatment for their antiemetic and orexigenic properties, avoiding some of the adverse effects of cytostatic drugs. Among the groups of cancer patients in which it has been shown to be effective as an antiemetic, women with breast cancer stand out. It should be noted that in some studies, patients describe side effects to treatment with cannabinoids, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, dysphoria, and visual disturbances, and yet many patients expressed their preference for cannabinoids after chemotherapy cycles.

Water soluble CBD oil vs typical sublingual tinctures?

Nanoemulsion CBD is water soluble and is currently on the market! However, that does not mean you are receiving the most bioavailable dosage that is best for you or your pet! Pending on the type of ailment, intensity, weight of subject (human, dog, cat, horse, giraffe, elephant) diet, etc., is something that needs to be identified. If you are doing CBD for the novelty, than Infuzion CBD is not the brand for you.

This new presentation of the CBD oil has generated curiosity in the consumers, about what benefits it contributes in comparison with the non-soluble water hemp oil. Below are some benefits of water-soluble CBD versus non-soluble water CBD oil;
As we know oil and water do not mix, taking into account that our body is 70% water, when we ingest conventional CBD oil, it does not dissolve properly in our bloodstream or in the interior of our cells, this considerably reduces the bioavailability of the drug.

The bioavailability refers to the amount that a substance can be used by our body after being absorbed. Some experts estimate that it only gets about ten percent of the cannabinoids contained in the CBD oil is not water soluble. Therefore, the main advantage of water-soluble CBD is that your body can directly absorb a much higher percentage of the available cannabinoids and terpenes in CBD oil. In other words, you can receive more benefits by taking less CBD oil, which in turn also implies a saving of money and an absorption time of approximately 3 minutes.

Another key advantage of water-soluble CBD is that you can more accurately calculate the doses ingested and know exactly how much you should take to get the therapeutic effect you want. With hemp oil, you do not always know the actual dose you are receiving because it is difficult to know exactly how much of the active components of the CBD oil your body actually absorbs. With water soluble CBD, you will know that your body will absorb most of the cannabinoids, terpenes and other phytonutrients in CBD oil. In this way, you can determine the actual dose you are receiving with greater precision.

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, among many other names, is an herb (Cannabis sativa) native to Asia that has been used for more than 5,000 years by different cultures of the world for religious, nutritional and medicinal purposes. In the sixteenth century was a regular part of any medical kit, mainly for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The psychoactive qualities of the plant were only known to Europeans in the 19th century.

‘The CBD / THC industry can be incredibly confusing and complicated, but the consumer needs to educate themselves and make a diligent effort to identify the right product, but more importantly, the companies, as 95% are selling ‘snake oil.’ According to Drummond, every consumer attempting to find relief from an ailment or disorder should research and make sure they are obtaining the highest quality and tested CBD products available.’

Sean Renninger
Shareholder Relations LLC.


Smarter Pain Relief Options Are Needed As Women With Severe Chronic Pain Testifies To Congress

Tuesday a hearing was held to discuss the issues surround the national health crisis known as the opioid epidemic. Women who suffer from a severe chronic pain condition testified before Congress urging for more research and a smarter approach to pain management in the same way the country is trying to battle opioid abuse.

Cindy Steinberg, the national director of policy and advocacy at the U.S. Pain Foundation, told members of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, “The opioid crisis has only underscored our failure to provide adequate, safe, accessible treatment options for pain relief.”

Steinberg injury occurred more than 18 years ago while she was work when a stack of unsecured filing cabinets and cubical walls fell on her. Due to the accident, she was left with a chronic condition that doesn’t allow her to sit upright for more than a couple hours at a time if she does severe pain and muscle spasms will occur.

In her response to her injury, she started a support group that advocates on behalf of those with chronic pain conditions. Her group supports people that deserve the right to pain management with medication, despite the ongoing battle with opioids.

In America, chronic pain affects over 50 million people and is the leading cause of long-term disability, however, the efforts to contain the opioid issue has damaged health care plans and ultimately punished chronic pain sufferers.

“In the near term, we can and must restore balance to opioid prescribing with depoliticized, rational and clear-eyed recognition of the risks and benefits of these medications,” she announced, according to her prepared speech. “In the long term, we must invest in the discovery of new, effective, and safer options for people living with pain.”

According to the NIH published journal on the prescribing of Opioids and Chronic Pain claims when, “Taken as directed, opioids can manage pain effectively when used for a short amount of time. With long-term use, people need to be screened and monitored because a fraction of those treated will develop an addiction disorder, abuse the drugs, or give them to others. Long-term daily use of opioids leads to physical dependence, which is not to be confused with an addiction disorder. An addiction disorder occurs in about 5 percent of people who take these pain relievers as directed over the period of a year.”


Tuesday, 12 February 2019

High Employment Ranking Linked to Poor Response to Depression Treatment

New research gives further evidence that the type of job is associated with the outcome of depression treatments. The report, which was published in European Neuropsychopharmacology, suggest that depressed people with essential positions at work do not respond well to mental health treatments.

“In everyday clinical practice, it is common to observe the burden of mentally demanding jobs in subjects who are treated for depression. In fact, for them it is more difficult to return to work when minor residual symptoms are present, which may lead to slower recovery,” explained the study head author Alessandro Serretti, a professor of biomedical and neuromotor sciences at the University of Bologna.

“Let’s imagine a company manager who has to quickly decide the pros and cons of many decisions to take if your concentration is not completely back this becomes a painful situation.”

According to the study of 647 working adults diagnosed with major depressive disorder, experts discovered that those with high-status jobs performed poorly to treatment. The study involved 46 managers, 476 white-collar workers, 74 blue-collar workers, and 51 self-employed people.

The report showed that managers had the worst response to treatments for depression, although blue-collar workers had the best return — even after accounting for gender, age, education, and the type of treatment received. Experts claim seventy percent of managers described having no response to two or more programs, opposed to 45% of blue-collar workers and 58% of white-collar workers.

The Journal European Neuropsychopharmacology in 2016, reported findings similar to the results of a previous study.

“It appears that people in high occupational levels respond with greater difficulty to treatment for major depression,” the authors wrote in a review published in the Psychological Medicine. “The reasons for this effect are not established, but we can speculate that the stress factors in the workplace play a significant role.”

Serretti claims the findings suggest that “when suffering from depression, you should take your time to go back to your working activities, especially if they are mentally demanding.”

Experts are still unclear why having a high position is associated with a weak response to treatments for depression and mental health. However high workload, pressure, competition, social isolation at work and poor work-life balance could all be a factor. Future research could also examine the part of personality, family support, and self-blame that could trigger the bad responses,

In fact, “this concept has been largely understudied,” Serretti concluded. “It is counterintuitive. Many think that higher status positions are usually related to better outcomes — but that is not always the case.”

The research, “High occupational level is associated with poor response to the treatment of depression: A replication study,“ was written by Laura Mandelli, Alessandro Serretti, Daniel Souery, Julien Mendlewicz, Siegfried Kasper, Stuart Montgomery, and Joseph Zohar.


Monday, 11 February 2019

Lamar Odom Launches Cannabis Vape Pen Credits CBD To Saving His Life

After losing almost everything to even his life, Ex-NBA star Lamar Odom has revealed to the public his latest entrepreneur venture into the booming marijuana industry, the former star has now launched his own line of CBD products focusing on the production of vape pens.

TMZ Sports reports the former players’ company “Rich Soil Organics” has partnered with Five Star Juice to release a line of disposable CBD Vape pens called the Odom Vape Pen. The collaboration companies are expected to announce their product this week at the annual Tobacco Plus Expo in Las Vegas.

The spotlight Ex-Laker has been working on his product since he suffered a life-changing overdose that left him in a coma for over 4 days. This was when Odom claimed he found stains of cannabis that helped his recovery and keep him from relapsing.

“While going through rehab, I discovered certain strains that support wellness,” Lamar explained to the Blast in April 2018. “Friends, associates, and ex-teammates asked me what solutions I was using on my road back to recovery, and that’s when Rich Soil Organics was born.”

In his tell-all article called “Done in The Dark,” he explains the dark roads that he once ventured into because of his addiction to cocaine. Recapping on events that changed his life without him even recognizing it. He wrote, “At that point in my life, I was doing coke every day. Pretty much every second of free time that I had, I was doing coke. I couldn’t control it.”

He also explains, “When you’re an addict, nothing can get through to you. I never thought I was going to die. I never thought I’d be in a coma. I didn’t think I had a problem. But then I woke up in a bed with tubes coming out of my mouth — and it was real.”

During his road to recovery, Odom suffered12 strokes and six heart attacks. He attributes his life and comfortability to CBD and other organic cannabis products as perfect alternatives to medicines for people who’ve had mirroring experiences.

“It’s a perfect time to offer these Cannabis solutions to the public who may be going through similar body issues as I am,” Odom believes.

According to Odom Vape Pen’s pre-sale numbers, it is expected to be one a very profitable hustle for Lamar Odom who wishes to follow other all-star athletes like Joe Montana and Mike Tyson as cannabis moguls.




Sunday, 10 February 2019

Billy Caldwell Receives First Legal Dose Of UK Medical Marijuana After Long Battle

A case that sparked controversy around the UK was led by a very loved 13-year old boy who suffered heavily from epileptic seizures. Billy made history in his country over the weekend when he was given the first legal dose of medical marijuana in the UK.

The reform of marijuana in Britain was brought on by Billy Caldwell and his mother Charlotte from Castlederg, Co Tyrone who had forcibly left the country in November because they were unable to find a doctor that would prescribe medical cannabis, even though the nation had “legalized it.”

Billy and his mother returned from the three-month exile in Canada over the weekend and landed at Heathrow Airport before picking up cannabis from a pharmacy in Surrey after being prescribed by a doctor who got the okay from the Department of Health allowing him to write a prescription.

According to his mother and doctor, since taking medical marijuana medicine, Billy who suffers typically from severe epilepsy has almost been seizure free.

His mother told the Times: I scoured the UK and Ireland for doctors who would not do this. I have lost count of how many emails I sent and phone calls I made. I’d be there in Canada [sending messages at three or four in the morning because of the time difference. She Added, ‘I’m a wee bit emotional, it feels like I am getting out of jail.’

His mother, who had paid for the medicine, noted that Billy would be the first person in the country since NHS reforms to prescribe medical marijuana medicine on the NHS. She highlighted that without this medication Billy would die.

His fight for medication started when he was given one prescription on NHS for cannabis in 2017, yet the Home Office banned his GP from refilling his prescription.

After multiple failed attempts including last summer when the family tried to bring in a fresh supply of medical marijuana from Canada which failed when customs seized it sparked outrage among the public Igniting support from others. His mother made an announcement in the media for the law to be changed allowing medical marijuana to be legally prescribed, along with explaining the severity of her son’s life threating condition.

Just days later the press captured her cradling Billy on the way to Londons Chealse and Westminister Hospital. When the media stopped her, she expressed in tears about her‘ beautiful, sweet, innocent boy’ who was suffering ‘life-threatening’ seizures and didn’t deserve this ‘callous treatment.’

Which led to the Home Office releasing some of the confiscated medicine, containing the legal cannabidiol (CBD) and banned tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound associated with the ‘high’ that users experience.

They allowed doctors to administer one of the seven bottles of drugs his mother had initially been brought from Canada, under a 20-day license.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid urged the House of Commons that it was time for the country to “review the scheduling of cannabis’ for medicinal use.”

Within months Mr. Javid’s investigation led to a change in the law.

With any change comes backlash, and many groups claim that the reform has had little effect and could be harmful. Opponents who discourage doctors from prescribing medical marijuana were removed from pharmaceutical institutions head positions.

For example, one agency British Paediatric Neurology Association received letters from more than 30 parents, accusing corporate of ‘ignoring the law change’ and causing ‘barriers and threats to those seeking treatment.’ The UK not only has changed Billy’s life but the lives of many.





Thursday, 7 February 2019

The Recover Serves as the Top-notch Directory of Substance Abuse Treatment Centers

Walgreens and Circle K Tobacco Sales Blocked By FDA

Today the FDA announced the action taken against Walgreens and a Circle K store, in which the agency asked a federal judge to temporarily block the sales of tobaccos products while mandating a stronger crackdown on sales to minors within the chain of stores.

This push for change is the most tactical action the agency can make and urge big retailers that violate state laws about tobacco and e-cigarette products to change their ways of operating.

The current Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced that he is asking to meet with the Walgreens management about its recent violations and accusations. He expressed his concern saying, “deeply disturbed that a single pharmacy chain racked up almost 1,800 violations for selling tobacco products to minors across the country.”

The actions stem from accusations that focused on a Walgreens in Miami and a South Carolina Circle K that each acquired more than five violations throughout three months.

According to the FDA Walgreens was chief violator among those accused nationwide, with almost 22 percent of inspected stores selling illegally to minors. Thousands of warning letters that the agency had sent along with hundred of fines to Walgreens and Circle K had little to no success, which led to taking the final step of blocking all sales.

The giant pharmacy chain CVS has banned tobacco sales completely, while Walgreen shareholders have repeatedly raised concern about the practices taking place.

A report from Walgreens claimed that it was now training store employees on tobacco sale requirements and strengthening disciplinary actions against those who violate the policy. The pharmacy said it would welcome a meeting with the Commissioner.

The agency’s inspections and the judges focus on no sale orders on cigars, and menthol cigarettes come in time with just recently taking the same action against ” vape pens” or e-cigarettes. Last summer the FDA issued warning letters to thousands of stores for selling vapor products like the “JUUL” to minors.

The agency and commissioner announced that they are evaluating multiple other chains and could take further actions, in stores including Walmart, Dollar General, and Rite Aid as possible suspects.


Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Shocking New Harvard Study Links Smoking Marijuana to Better Sperm Counts

Despite previous findings, a new Harvard study indicates that men who smoke marijuana appear to have a higher sperm count than those who have never used cannabis at all-yet the finds are still very vague.

The study shocks many due to past research, which claimed that marijuana has a harmful side effect of lowering and killing off sperm count along with decreasing the testicular function.

However, the new experiment, published Feb.6 in the issue of Journal Human Reproduction, does not urge men to start smoking the plant to up their sperm count. Authors claim that the findings are far from conclusive, and more studies will need to be conducted to fully understand and prove whether smoking marijuana could, at certain levels, have a positive outcome on sperm reproduction.

Dr. Jorge Chavarro, Study senior author, and an associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, said in a statement. “We know a lot less than we think we know.”

The previous research was done on marijuana, and sperm count suggests that smoking marijuana will lower a man’s sperm count, especially in heavy users. Although the study of moderate marijuana use on sperm count among men is still unclear or “less clear.”

According to the new study, experts looked over information from 663 men who, including with their partners, were checked for infertility from 2000 to 2017 at the Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Center. During the study the participants answered survey questions about how often they consumed marijuana or used other drugs, they also were required to provide blood and urine samples.

In all, little over half of the men (55%) reported never smoking marijuana in their lifetimes, and 11 percent said they are a current user of cannabis and smoke regularly.

The study shows that the men who reported smoking marijuana had an average sperm count of 63 million sperm per milliliter of semen, in comparison to 45 million sperm per milliliter of semen among those who have never used the drug. The findings come after experts took into account that some factors could have affected sperm counts including age, cigarette smoking, and alcohol use.

Also, only 5 percent of the marijuana users had a lower-than-normal sperm count, which is less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. Among men who claimed they never smoked marijuana, 12 percent had lower-than-normal sperm concentrations.

However, each additional year that had passed since a man last used marijuana a slight rise in sperm count would appear.

“Our findings were contrary to what we hypothesized at the start of the study,” study head author Feiby Nassan, a postdoctoral research partner at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, claimed in the statement.

“Overall, the jury is still out on how marijuana impacts a man’s fertility potential,” Vij said in a statement to press, the new study doesn’t provide a conclusive answer.


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Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Illinois Now Grants Medical Marijuana to People Struggling with Opioid Addiction

Under the new Illinois’ Opioid Alternative Pilot Program it now provides those prescribed opioids access to medical marijuana. Before, patients had to have one of the 40 qualifying conditions, which included as cancer or AIDS, to use medical cannabis.

To qualify for the program, an applicant must have a prescription for an opioid or a doctor must determine that one could be prescribed. However, before a patient can join, they must visit a registered doctor, who will electronically submit a physician certification to the state.

The state offers the option to the patient that allows them to register on the program’s website, or solicit help registering at a dispensary or local health department. Patients are required to provide copies of their driver’s licenses or state IDs and a passport-style photo and pay a low fee of $10.

After the patient has been uploaded into the state’s system, they will be approved for 90 days in the program and receive registration certificates via email or mail. They’ll be able to buy marijuana shortly after registering without any complications.

Industry operators assume the new program will dramatically increase support in Illinois’ broader medical marijuana pilot program. More than 52,000 patients were enrolled in January when the state last provided a count.

According to states records, usually, medical cannabis programs will reach 1 to 2 percent of a normal state’s population. For Illinois, that means 128,000 to 256,000 people. However, with medical marijuana as a legal replacement for prescription opioids, the reach could increase to 3 to 4 percent of the population.

In the past couple of months, the amount of patients approved to use medical marijuana has been increasing at a quicker pace as the stigma circling the drug, which is still federally illegal, begins to weaken.

In just one year the Illinois medical marijuana program will expire, handing over the responsibility to make it permanent to the new governor, J.B. Pritzker, and state lawmakers.

In August the law Rauner it to also denied the demand for patients to give fingerprints and succumb to a background check before enrolling for Illinois’ broader medical marijuana pilot program. Additionally, the Department of Public Health will momentarily give applicants temporary access while their requests are reviewed allowing struggling patients to receive the medication they deserve.

“It’s going to change a lot,” a former opioid patient said. “I’ll know what I’m getting now, and I can now function. ”






100 May Be the New legal Smoking Age In Hawaii By 2024 Under New Bill

2020 and 2024 means a new bill, proposed by Democrat Richard Creagan, would make the smoking age increase rapidly hoping to weed out the deadly substance.

For the bill to pass it would need to go through the state legislature and receive a heavy blow of criticism from the big tobacco industries to become state law.

E-cigarettes, chewing tobacco and cigars have not been included in the bill. However, will be placed in their category.

According to a statement made by Dr. Creagan, who was an emergency room physician before he was elected as state representative in 2014, describes cigarettes as “the deadliest artifact in human history” in the bill.

Back in January 2017, Hawaii became the original US state to increase its smoking age to 21. In the separate US states the legal age is usually 18 or 19. Since then almost half of the united states have increased their tobacco age to 21.

Under the new bill, HB 1509, its primary objective is that the smoking age will most likely go up to 30 in 2020, 40 in 2021, 50 in 2022, and 60 in 2023 – until eventually, in 2024, people would be required to be 100 years old to buy cigarettes.

The Dr. described to the Hawaii Tribune-Herald that a “ridiculously bad industry” had created the cigarette to be “highly addictive, knowing that it is highly lethal.” Just like the new Opioid Health crisis tearing through the country state by state.

“We don’t allow people free access to opioids, for instance, or any prescription drugs,” he stated.

E-cigarettes and cigars have been cut from the bill due to the beliefs of Dr. Creagan who claims they are provenly a safer alternative for smokers than regular cigarettes, despite their complications.

The National Cancer Institute urges that “all tobacco products are harmful and cause cancer.”

“Regular cigar smokers and cigarette smokers have similar levels of risk for oral cavity and oesophageal cancers,” it adds on its website.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US announced that cigarette smoking is the number one cause of preventable disease and death in the country. By making it nearly impossible seems like the only option however addiction will never go away.

Through countless studies, it shows, that about half a million people in the US die every year from smoking-related conditions. The numbers are entirely preventable.
