Thursday, 31 January 2019

UK Threatens To Ban Social Media Over Suicide Images

Social media is on the hot seat over in the UK if they fail to remove or locate any harmful content, according to the health secretary. Matt Hancock, a spokesperson for the UK, said in an interview that, “If we think they need to do things they are refusing to do, then we can, and we must legislate.” However, he said, “It’s not where I’d like to end up.”

Initially, the prime minister called on all the social media firms to remove all material promoting self-harm and suicide in respect of a recent teenager’s death.

The push for the ban comes from Molly Russel,14 who took her own life last year after regularly viewing disturbing content relating to suicide and death on social media sites.

Her father who spoke with BBC said that he wholeheartedly believes that Instagram, “helped kill my daughter.” He also blamed the online sources known as Pinterest, claiming “Pinterest has a huge amount to answer for.”

The popular site Instagram responded to the issue by saying it works closely with expert groups who educate them on the “complex and nuanced aspects of mental health and self-harm.

Despite the recent allegations and blame, based on their advice sharing stories and connecting with others who are also struggling can be beneficial for one’s recovery. They added, “we don’t remove certain content.”

“Instead (we) offer people looking at, or posting it, support messaging that directs them to groups that can help.”

However, the company announced it is conducting a full review of its enforcement policies and technologies.

As for Pinterest, a spokesperson said: We have a policy against harmful content and take numerous proactive measures to try to prevent it from coming and spreading on our platform.”

“But we know we can do more, which is why we’ve been working to update our self-harm policy and enforcement guidelines over the last few months.”

Facebook, which owns Instagram, commented earlier saying they were also, “deeply sorry.” Along with expressing deep certainty that graphic content which promotes self-harm and suicide, “has no place on our platform.”

Regarding the issue, a letter which was sent to Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Apple, Google, and Facebook, in which states the minister “welcomed” the steps already taken by the firms but mandates, “more action is urgently needed.”

It also read: “It is appalling how easy it still is to access this content online and I am in no doubt about the harm this material can cause, especially for young people.

“It is time for internet and social media providers to step up and purge this content once and for all.”

The minister also announced that the government is developing a white paper addressing, “online harms” and promised that it would focus on content regarding suicide and self-harm.

“Lots of parents feel powerless in the face of social media. However, we are not powerless. Both government and social media providers must act.”

The story is still developing.

If someone is looking for treatment close to home, search “ New Jersey drug rehab near me “ and use our directory to find a center. For more information, please call our 24-hour hotline, CALL  (888) 510-3898


The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.




Studies Claim Complete Social Isolation Causes Physical and Mental Conditions

The idea of complete social isolation has become a thing of the past with the world being at people fingertips, but the effects it can have on one’s mind, and bodies have been proven through countless studies to be harmful and detrimental. However, the question remains, why is isolations such a difficult concept for humans to face.

Studies indicate that one of the reasons living in total isolation is difficult is because as humans we are generally social creatures. For example, people that have lived in isolation environments including Antarctica report that loneliness seems to be the most challenging part of the job. An Israeli adventurer and author, Yossi Ghinsberg survived months alone in the Amazon forest and confirmed that loneliness was what he suffered from the most and even admitted to creating imaginary friends to keep himself stimulated.

The reason loneliness can be damaging to both peoples mental and physical health is socially isolated people are less equipped to deal with stressful situations. People have higher chances of feeling depress and may have difficulties processing or understanding necessary information. Data show the results of this can lead to problems in making decisions and memory storage along with recalling minor situations.

Experts also suggest that people who are lonely are also more likely to contract an illness, they also found that a person’s immune system responds differently to fighting common viruses, making them sensitive to diseases.

However, the impacts differ when people are placed in physically isolating environments. This usually happens when people are in solitary confinement it can have adverse psychological effects on prisoners, which were increases in anxiety and panic attacks, increased levels of paranoia and also being less able to think with a clear mind. Prison health reports show prisoners report long-term mental health problems after they spent significant time behind bars.

A case involving an Australian woman named Natascha Kampusch was abducted at the age of 10 and held captive in a cellar for eight years, explained in her biography that the lack of light and human interaction mentally destroyed her. She reported that the endless hours and days spent alone made her listen to her captor’s orders and manipulations.

Total darkness has a considerable role in the impacts of isolation, causing both psychological and physical consequences.  The main result of being in complete darkness is that it will disrupt an individual’s sleep cycle. Experts explain that two of the fundamental mechanisms for sleep cycle regulation, the hormone melatonin, and the brains suprachiasmatic nucleus, both rely on light to function.

The difference between daylight and night time are the way it reduces levels of melatonin, helping people feel awake. It also helps the suprachiasmatic nucleus to reset the waking time if the persons sleep cycle starts to get disrupted. These disruptions to the circadian rhythm can make us feel depressed and fatigued. Studies have also linked cancer, insulin resistance, and heart disease, along with physical problems such as obesity and premature aging.

Hallucinations have been reported among people placed in isolation, due to the lack of stimuli that causes people to misattribute internal thoughts and feelings as occurring in the outer environment. Just put- the brain needs stimulation to work at its full potential.

Despite the impacts being severe, they are almost all reversible. Once the individual is once again exposed to daylight there sleep cycle will correct its self, although this can take weeks or even months. Reconnecting with human beings can decrease the effects of mental and physical health due to being lonely. Some cases people were held captive and in total isolation against there will develop long-term mental health issues, such as PTSD or Severe Depression.


If someone is looking for treatment close to home, search “ New Jersey drug rehab near me “ and use our directory to find a center. For more information, please call our 24-hour hotline, CALL  (888) 510-3898

The Recover is an unbiased substance abuse and mental health news provider. Helping individuals looking for the right treatment programs in their area. Also providing information on drug rehab centers for addiction recovery.

Author: Kennedy Adams


Address: 402 West Broadway, #400, San Diego, CA 92101


Scottsdale Providence Recovery Center Introduces Modern Therapy

Scottsdale Providence Recovery Center, a leading addiction treatment facility, introduces cutting edge EMDR Therapy

The addiction epidemic is growing and showing no signs of a slow down. The toll on our nation is evident both emotionally and financially. Overdoses had skyrocketed from 16,849 in 1999 to 70,237 in 2017. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs exacts more than $740 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity, and health care. Luckily there are few innovative treatment centers such as Scottsdale Providence Recovery Centers who are implementing cutting edge therapies to fight back against the disease of addiction.

To combat the growing epidemic, Scottsdale Providence Recovery Center offers cutting edge EMDR Therapy to clients who have a post-traumatic stress disorder and other trauma-related distress.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is a structured psychotherapy treatment that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. Studies show that 84%-90% of single-trauma victims no longer have post-traumatic stress disorder after only three 90-minute sessions. EMDR therapy has proven to be effective in treating trauma and PTSD, and it may also be able to help address other mental conditions like anxiety, depression, and panic disorders. 

Scottsdale Providence Recovery Center is Scottsdale’s top outpatient facility for addiction. Providing services to find the appropriate addiction treatment for you or your loved one’s specific needs can be challenging, Scottsdale Providence Recovery Center provides a well-structured and healthy environment to help you start living the life you’ve always dreamed of by providing the tools and support to stay sober the day you walk out the door.

Trauma from past experiences is common among those struggling with addiction and mental health disorders. It’s believed that past traumatic experiences continue to cause problems in our lives when the memory of that experience is not processed correctly. With skyrocketing overdose rates and extremely high relapse rates. It’s essential that facilities grow with the times and utilize potential life-saving therapies, making EMDR Therapy a natural fit for inclusion in a comprehensive treatment program.

Combining innovative methodologies and modalities, Scottsdale Providence Recovery Center helps its clients create positive changes in their lives and a restored sense of self for a new sober living.




Wellness Retreat Recovery Center Offers One-of-Kind Treatment Guarantee

Wellness Retreat Recovery center is combating the addiction epidemic by putting the patient before the dollar and offering a unique treatment guarantee

The addiction epidemic is growing and showing no signs of a slow down. The toll on our nation is evident both emotionally and financially. Overdoses have skyrocketed from 16,849 in 1999 to 70,237 in 2017. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs exacts more than $740 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity, and health care.  There is a clear need for professional treatment services. Yet most centers charge a hefty sum and provide almost zero guarantees that the treatment will work. There are a few shining lights though such as  Wellness Retreat Recovery Center located in Silicon Valley.

Wellness Retreat Recovery Center is a luxury treatment facility based in San Jose, CA. They are putting their clients first by offering an incredible treatment guarantee. Its beautiful facility in San Jose brings a professional approach of over 100 years of combined experience working in the field of drug and alcohol addiction and recovery.  

Typical relapse rates are above 50% percent and it’s common for many addicts to relapse multiple times. Many families take out second mortgages or take other desperate measures to help a loved one. A program that offers this type of guarantee is putting the patient before the dollar.

The company lives by its mission statement “to ensure the treatment we provide is effective at meeting our clients’ goal of lasting sobriety”  Wellness Retreat’s treatment guarantee is a clear indication of their dedication to this outcome.

“We take this responsibility very seriously and commit to helping our clients’ have a positive impact on their everyday lives.”

Wellness Retreat Recovery Center puts its clients and their families first. A treatment guarantee helps to bring peace of mind and shows that the company is truly committed it, patients, sobriety.  It’s VERY rare for treatment centers to guarantee sobriety with a commitment to providing free treatment if a relapse does occur.  

In addition to its unique treatment guarantee Wellness Retreat also incorporates a state of the art facility, world-class chef, and a one-on-one personalization program for all of its clients.  Wellness Retreat Recovery Center is unlike any other Drug Rehab in San Jose.




Tuesday, 29 January 2019

New Resource Page Published Explains The Process For Attending a Indiana Couples Drug Rehab

According to experts, “Addiction is a condition in which an individual engages in the use of a substance or in behavior for which the rewarding effects provide a compelling incentive to pursue the behavior despite detrimental effects repeatedly.” This is the reality for many Americans, as the nation struggles with one of the worst health crises the country has ever seen. Addiction has crept into so many people’s lives, and only a few seek the care they deserve.

Couples are among those struggling with addiction. Day in and day out people are usually left with no information or the wrong information. This is why the has just published a new resource page that highlights the crucial steps each couple will encounter while attending an Indiana couple’s addiction treatment program. The idea behind couples’ therapy is to allow individuals to take reasonability for his or her actions.

The idea behind the websites newly formatted Indiana State page is credited to their expert staff and 24-hour hotline that is aimed to help couples locate and understand the right drug treatment program. The information outlined on the page discusses the step by step process couples will face while being at rehab.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse report that “In 2016, there were 794 opioid-related overdose deaths­­­ in Indiana—a rate of 12.6 deaths per 100,000 persons compared to the national rate of 13.3 deaths per 100,000 persons.” The numbers have since increased in the state of Indiana and couples are not discriminated from that statistic.

Couples living in Indiana will now know that they can trust a credit and expert staff that cares. The support offered through the Knowledge provided will help guide any couple to a life of sobriety and a long relationship. Simply put, the best solution for a relationship struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol is an Indiana couples drug rehab. Locate the right today and visit for more information. has information on local cities to ensure the quickest and painless placement. Need more insight? Take a look at what the site has to offer, gather knowledge and be prepared.


Organization: CouplesDrugRehabs

Phone: (888) 325-2454



Caddo Assets Services Help Community Development Continues Bringing Addiction Recovery Solutions

Monday, 28 January 2019

California Nurse Found Guilty After Illegally Selling Thousands of Opioid Pills Through The Dark Web

The dark web is known to harbor silent criminals who quietly add to the nations health crisis. After almost 6 years a California nurse is under arrest on charges of illegally selling more than 20,000 prescription opioids through the dark web.

The nurse, Carrie Alaine Markis, who is 46, was sentenced last week and charged with distributing opioids to clients around the nation, according to the Sacramento Bee.

Markis was held without bail and arranged to appear in court Monday.

Markis has a master’s degree in nursing and healthcare leadership from the University of California-Davis. She is recorded in California records as a registered nurse who was licensed in 1996. She was categorized as “non-active” and had no history of ever having been disciplined.

She allegedly ran her online drug store through a market called Farmacy41, the paper reported.

Her arrest resulted from a large scale investigation by the U.S. Lawyer’s Office in Sacramento into dark websites providing drugs and illegal weapons, among other things, through deals they claim cannot be traced.

In 2017, the examination shut down the AlphaBay market, referred to as the most significant illegal sales website that has been targeted by authorities so far.

During the AlphaBay examination, the newspaper said, mentioning a court affidavit submitted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, authorities encountered Markis’ operation.

Markis allegedly declared in online chats with consumers that she got the prescription pills from people who purchase them from clients who obtain them from a doctor.

The affidavit reveals that Markis started the illegal business in 2013, offering countless hydrocodone, oxycodone and morphine pills, fentanyl patches, and other medication.

In private messages to clients, Markis presumably left an incriminating trail, describing that her front business was offering Nutrivite vitamins, the newspaper reported.

The profits from the underground organization remained in the high thousands, court documents revealed.

” User evaluations of Farmacy41 are extremely favorable,” the affidavit stated, for example, “The majority of the users’ scores are 5 out of five stars.”


Friday, 25 January 2019

Drug arrests up 48% in McCracken County: $312K’s Worth of Drugs Seized

Four Rivers Behavioral University Hospital has a strong relationship with the McCracken County Constable’s Department.

” The more an individual remains in addiction, the higher chance that they’ll be higher criminal activity,” Four Rivers Specialized Addictions Services Center workplace supervisor Chad Gilham says.

Gilham says small mistakes lead individuals to more severe criminal activities. “They injure their back, they begin taking opioids, that prescription goes out, now they have to find some on the streets,” he discussed

Drug arrests in McCracken County almost doubled in 2015. In 2018, 1,076 people were arrested and sentenced, compared to 726 in 2017. That’s a 48 percent increase in arrests, and the sheriff’s department says $312,000’s worth of drugs were taken. That’s according to the 2018 criminal offense statistics report the department launched today.

” One of the important things that I had constantly promised to do is continue energetic drug enforcement here at the McCracken County Sheriff’s Department,” Sheriff Matt Carter states.

He states they’ve worked hard to get drugs off the street.

” It’s a mix of adding an extra person to our drug system,” Carter says, “together with some very dedicated and devoted systems on the roadways.”

He states they’re aggressive with traffic infractions that result in drug arrests.

Marijuana and methamphetamine topped the list with a total of 568 arrests. The sheriff claims, while the drug issue is a criminal one, they comprehend the concern is more complicated.

” I don’t think the response to this is to send everyone to prison,” Carter states.

The county has programs which include drug court and rehabilitation programs with 4 Rivers Behavioral Health.

Gilham states individuals who are repeating culprits have to attend self-awareness classes about themselves and after that seek help in a treatment program. “You know my best choices got me to prison or jail or here, so is it time to begin listening to somebody else,” he says.

The police department likewise saw a 23 percent boost in driving under the impact arrests.

” Even if you leave, being apprehended by police, you’re subjecting yourself and others to injury,” Carter says.

4 Rivers Regional Prevention Center introduced a campaign to remind adults not to drive impaired.

” Typically, people believe DUIs are just alcohol and driving,” prevention center director Ellen Walsh states. “However actually, any compound that alters your understanding or mood– things like tranquilizers, cannabis, narcotics, opioids– anything like that is going to affect your driving.”

DUIs also consist of driving under the influence of prescription drugs. Of the 256 DUIs arrests made, 150 were alcohol-related, and 106 were drug-related.

“If you’ve had a current modification in your medication and there is any alerting label like that, absolutely look into how that medication might affect you and your ability to function and to respond accordingly,” Carter says.


Thursday, 24 January 2019

Website Releases New State Resource Page Discussing Vermont Couples Drug Rehab Programs

The grim reality of addiction has impacted every corner of the country, leaving thousands of people struggling with addiction and mental health issues. Over the past decade, the rise of overdose-related deaths has skyrocketed in almost every state, leaving leaders and doctors scrambling to save lives.

More than 700,000 people have lost their lives to drug overdoses, and the number continues to climb. Addiction hides within the people we love the most, mainly because loved ones try and dismiss the issue that is right in front of them. Being in a relationship already comes with its struggles and hardships, throw addiction and drug abuse in the mix, and it can cause trouble or death in some cases.

The latest Vermont Health reports indicate that Deaths involving fentanyl have increased by more than a third – 49 deaths in 2016 to 67 deaths in 2017. Fentanyl is involved in two-thirds of all opiate-related fatalities.

Today prescription opiates are involved in about one-third of opioid-related deaths (33%). recognizes that this issue isn’t going away anytime soon, that’s why they hope to help individuals and couples throughout the nation locate the perfect treatment programs in their area. Vermont couples will now be able to confide in a source that they know cares and delivers the best, and most up to date information regarding the step-by-step process couples will face when entering a couples Vermont drug rehab addiction treatment program.

The state records report that the number of fatalities involving fentanyl has more than doubled since 2015 while the number of opioid-related deaths involving a prescription opioid has remained relatively consistent since 2015 (31 deaths in 2015, 35 in 2016 and 33 in 2017).

In their efforts to overcome addiction and prosper in a sober relationship, the website has just released their brand-new Vermont couples drug rehab resource page- to guide any couple to the right place.

Couples will feel secure with the websites highly trained staff who are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns people might have or encounter through their journey. The information provided throughout the site is there to support and educate couples of the positive outcomes rehab with a loved one will bring. Their staff understands every relationship is unique, that is why they promise to locate a program that is tailored to any couples situation. has information on local cities to ensure the quickest and painless placement. Need more insight? Take a look at what the site has to offer, gather knowledge and be prepared.






Author: McKenzie Santa Maria

Organization: CouplesDrugRehabs

Phone: (888) 325-2454


Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Nathan Sutherland Arrested In Connection With The Hacienda HealthCare Rape Case

A nurse at a healthcare facility in Phoenix where an incapacitated patient gave birth in December has been arrested, police announced Wednesday.

Nathan Sutherland, 36, was apprehended on suspicion of sexual offense and elderly abuse. The suspect wore a T-shirt, black sports trousers as he appeared in court Wednesday morning, The Associated Press reported.

A Maricopa Area Superior Court commissioner ordered him on a cash-only $500,000 bond on the conditions that he will be required to put on a digital surveillance gadget, according to the AP.

Sgt. Tommy Thompson with the Phoenix Cops Department said Sutherland was a certified nurse at Hacienda Health care as well as “was responsible for supplying care” to the female patient around the moment she conceived.

“This is a facility that you should be safe in, and someone wasn’t,” Mayor Thelda Williams said at a news conference.

The female’s family stated in a comment through their lawyer that they knew Sutherland’s apprehension but did not “desire to comment on any additional details on this issue.”

Thompson claimed Sutherland had been employed at Hacienda since around 2011.

In a statement Wednesday, the treatment center said that Sutherland was fired when they discovered he had been arrested.

“Every member of the Hacienda organization is troubled beyond words to think that a licensed practical nurse could be capable of seriously harming a patient,” the facility said. “Once again, we offer an apology and send our deepest sympathies to the client and her family, to the community and our agency partners at every level.”

The arrest comes after a 29-year-old woman gave birth on Dec. Twenty-nine to a little boy at Hacienda HealthCare, a long-term treatment facility in Phoenix where she has been a patient for over ten years.

In an interview Tuesday, the victim’s family members said she is “not in a coma” yet does have “significant intellectual specials needs” originating from seizures she endured early in her childhood.

According to Police Chief Jeri Williams, officers were alerted of the incident on Dec 29 when they received a 911 call about a baby in distress. Due to the nature of the case, the police approached the investigation as a sexual assault. Investigators gathered DNA samples from almost every male employee at the facility and matched them to the baby’s DNA.

Authorities announced Tuesday that the police departments crime lab learned that Sutherlands DNA matched the baby’s and was taken into custody.

A spokesperson from the company said in an interview, “We also will continue to review and improve what is already an in-depth vetting process for caregivers at Hacienda. We will not tolerate any mistreatment of a Hacienda patient, nor will we stop until every Hacienda patient is as safe as we can make them.”

The incident caused one of the woman’s physicians to be suspended and another to resign, along with the facilities CEO, Bill Timmons, who also resigned on Jan 7.


Why Is Fentanyl So Popular?

Image source DEA.GOV

Every day there is a new headline in the news about fentanyl and its effect on Americans. But why is this drug so popular? It’s simple. Fentanyl is cheap, it’s potent and it’s very easy to get. Alternatively, it’s also the reason why fatal overdose numbers are rising. In fact, in comparison to heroin, a small amount of fentanyl can kill. It has surpassed heroin, methamphetamines and cocaine as the deadliest drug in America. Fentanyl unlike heroin, which is derived from a plant, is made in a lab and the bulk of it comes from China.

Another reason Fentanyl is so popular is because it’s very profitable. It can be bought cheap but sold for more profit. Also since it’s a synthetic opioid made from heroin it’s fairly easy and cheap to make. The drug is most commonly found online within the black market and is usually sold in the streets as heroin. An overdose happens when a person buys what they believe is heroin and uses the drug and takes in too much Fentanyl, which is much more potent. A dose the size of a penny is enough to fatally overdose on.

American’s are more likely to die from an opioid overdose than a car crash which shows the drug problem that is impacting society. Recently an 11-year-old girl who died tested positive for fentanyl after staying at her great-uncle’s apartment. Raising more awareness about fentanyl and other opioids can help with drug prevention.


Roku TV Launched New Channel on Addiction Recovery

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Sacramento Capital Guest Services Offers the City’s Best Rehabilitation Programs

Sacramento-California. (Knackmedia) January 22, 2018


In Overcoming Any Addiction, Counseling Is Key


The city of Sacramento is more commonly known for being the state capital of California than for its drug problem. Although, Sacramento has over the past decade gained its new fame for being the California city that has the highest degree of opioid abuse and overdose. When fighting any addiction, the patient requires all of the help they can get. Lots of recuperated addicts credit their success to addiction counseling, in addition to the assistance of family members.

Many fear they may have to go to an expensive psychoanalyst to get addiction therapy. However, there are many qualified specialists as well as therapists everywhere. Capital Guest Services Sacramento for decades has been leading people to a sober life. The company offers three locations that are dispersed across the city of Sacramento to reach every one struggling with addiction. They accept most major insurance plans and offer affordable treatment options, including interventions, substance abuse counseling, individual and group counseling, aftercare, and ongoing monitoring.

At Capital Guest Services Sacramento, they understand that addiction can feel hopeless, especially if someone has tried countless times in the past to overcome the reality of addiction. Withdrawal symptoms alone can be enough to make quitting feel like the only choice.

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers offer various therapies, medications that manage withdrawal symptoms, and social support programs that will work with patients to help anyone succeed in treatment. Their programs are based on traditional forms of 12-step based treatment in their partial hospitalization program, intensive outpatient rehab program, and aftercare. Patients have access to individual and group counseling, family counseling, and a wide variety of alternative treatment methods.

Their expert staff urges anyone who has been struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol to speak to a treatment specialist who will be able to answer any questions they may have and who will help them find a drug intervention program that fits anyone’s current situation. For more information, contact The Recover at or CALL US (888) 510-3898


“I will forever be grateful to everyone at CGS, you all touched my life in such a strong and positive way!”-Jenny W.




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A Rising Overdose Death Rate for Middle-Aged Women

Millions of American’s use drugs everyday where the likelihood of death is 1 in 96. This means it is more likely that someone will die from an overdose verses a car crash.

What is more astounding is that gender and age appear to play a role in drug overdose. In fact, based on a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there has been a rapid increase in overdoses for middle-aged women in the past 20 years. Between 1999 and 2017, the death rate for women aged 30-60 has increased to more than 260 percent. In 1999, there were 6.7 deaths per 100,000 women. In 2017, there were 24.3 per 100,000. This means that 18,110 women died in 2017 due to a fatal overdose. A larger increase of overdose deaths was found in women between the ages of 55 and 64. These numbers increased by 500 percent between 1999 and 2017. The familiar drugs among overdoses are fentanyl, heroin and prescription opioids.

The CDC has commented that they do not know why there has been such a drastic increase of overdose deaths in middle-aged women. Speculation from health experts predict that the culprit could be weak mental health while others believe that lack of awareness about drug overdoses could be at fault. A more taboo belief is that women are using these drugs to overdose as a way of committing suicide. There have been no clear lines drawn around any of these theories.

What is clear is that America is battling an ever-growing epidemic of opioid drug use. There was a ten percent increase in fatal drug overdoses reported by the government in 2018, which means a loss of 70,000 lives. Fentanyl holding first in the leader-board of these fatal drug overdoses.  Another clear conclusion is that most first time users are being prescribed opioids by a doctor who should be spreading awareness about these dangerous drugs verses writing a prescription.


Supreme Court Allows Trump’s Military Transgender Ban To Take Effect

Early Tuesday morning the Supreme Court issued a stay of orders on Donald Trump’s restriction on transgender Americans serving in the US army, allowing the White House to enforce the act as court hearings continue.

The nation’s Supreme court implemented both orders on Tuesday morning, successfully renewing the administration’s ban on transgender army service as an extensive court battle over its merit and legitimacy issues.

The Supreme Court provided short-term stays in both Trump v Karnoski as well as Trump v Stockman, two instances in which courts had placed halts on the ban as cases continued. The holds were released along party lines, with Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor as well as Elena Kegan dissenting from the choice.

The overall 5-4 decision marks a significant triumph for President Donald Trump, whose administration has battled for two years in court to reject transgender individuals the right to offer in all branches of the United States military. While the stay is only short-term, it might reflect that the court– which now features a Republican-majority– will certainly defer to the executive branch on issues of national security.

The court additionally declined to do something about it on the administration’s demand to decide by very early summer determining whether Trump’s proposal to end the Deferred Activity for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) program was legal and constitutional. Daca has since then been safeguarded by many government courts.

Based upon the high court’s standard techniques, the earliest the justices would certainly hear debates in the case would undoubtedly be this fall if they choose to listen to the instance in any way. If discussions happen in October, a choice would not be made before 2020, when it can impact the presidential campaign.

The transgender armed forces ban came under attack from congressional Democrats and also civil liberties groups when the president revealed it in the summer season of 2017. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi tweeted: “Nobody with the strength & bravery to offer in the US armed force should be averted because of who they are. This inhuman restriction is purpose-built to humiliate our brave transgender members of the military that serve with honor & self-respect.”

The Human Rights Campaign, the country’s most prominent LGBT civil rights organization, accused the Trump management of pressing anti-transgender prejudices onto the armed force.

“There is simply no chance to spin it, the Trump-Pence Administration is going done in on its biased, unconstitutional and despicable ban on transgender soldiers,” argued HRC president Chad Lion.

Joshua Block, an elderly staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union LGBT & HIV Project, stated the policy properly pushed transgender people that desired to offer into choosing in between their humanity and also their country, as well making it clear that transgender service participants were not welcome.

The demands make it challenging for a transgender recruit to go through the army induction process. Under standards offered in 2017, the Government might invalidate potential employees with sex dysphoria, those with a background of medical therapies associated with gender shift and also those that went through surgical operations.

Such employees might be admitted if a medical expert who was licensed, deemed the Individual to have been medically stable in the present sex for 18 months and are devoid of considerable distress or problems in social, job-related or other essential areas.

Transgender individuals obtaining hormone treatment must be secure in their medicine for 18 months.

Trump received recommendations from previous Defense Assistant Jim Mattis last February for taking care of transgender people serving in the military. The White House stated Mattis and Homeland Safety Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen agreed with the plan.


Monday, 21 January 2019

Portland Treatment Center Introduces Cross-Fit Program as Tool to Fight Addiction

BLVD Treatment Center in Portland is now offering clients access to its new “Recovery CrossFit” physical exercise program as a means to help them overcome substance abuse addiction.

By teaming with CrossFit X-Factor of Portland, BLVD Treatment can give its clients the opportunity to participate in an organized, inclusive fitness plan.

Physical activity, and specifically CrossFit, provides a well-structured, healthy outlet for recovering addicts. Members who participate in the program are less likely to relapse, more likely to overcome their addiction and learn that a healthy, happy mind and healthy body go hand in hand.

CrossFit is both a physical exercise philosophy and a competitive fitness sport, incorporating elements of high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, kettlebells, gymnastics, calisthenics, and other exercises.

It emphasizes fitness, nutrition, and community, and, because CrossFit is a broad, general, and inclusive program, it’s a perfect match for recovering substance abusers.

One client said, “Recovery CrossFit helped rebuild my confidence, lose weight, and overcome my dependence on alcohol.”

“I never realized how much physical exercise impacted my mental state. All the hard work I put into Recovery CrossFit has helped me to avoid temptation, as it’s such a step backward,” said another.

BLVD Treatment Centers know that a truly sustainable recovery requires a powerful shift of one’s core perceptions and belief systems. CrossFit is an innovative tool available for clients to allow them to navigate the choppy waters of early rehabilitation and recovery.

Combined with innovative methodology and modalities, BLVD helps its clients create a life with new opportunities, positive belief systems, a strong and loving community, and a restored sense of self.


For more information, contact The Recover at or CALL US (888) 510-3898

BLVD website:

Crossfit X-Factor website:


First Ever Mental Health Awareness Game Jan. 27 Hosted By Duke University

Duke Female’s Basketball, in collaboration with The Jed Structure (JED),  and also the NBA, is thrilled to organize the very first “Mental Wealth Day” for mental health and wellness understanding. The occasion will undoubtedly take place Sunday, Jan. 27 as Blue Devils will broadcast across the country, playing Syracuse at 1 p.m., in the Cameron Indoor Stadium.

“It has been a creation of ours at Duke with a variety of people – myself, Shawn Zeplin and Dr. Danielle Oakley,” said Duke head coach Joanne P. McCallie. “It has been a complete team effort of trying to bring awareness to something that is affected so many lives, families and programs athletically. We want to try to talk about mental wealth as something special to take care of your mind, body, and spirit. We need to recognize that impaired mental health is where the troubles come. The more people that are educated about that, the better off everyone will be regarding reducing stigmas and filling them with education.”

Along with the very competitive game, “Mental Wealth Day” will feature workshops on pertinent psychological health topics consisting of a mindfulness training and sharing real-life stories of present and previous athletes, including former college and WNBA legend and also JED Ambassador, Chamique Holdsclaw. Holdsclaw will certainly participate as the pre-game keynote speaker, discussing her individual experience with psychological wellness and even her support for JED.

“It is the first of its kind to my knowledge for any women’s basketball game,” claimed McCallie. “I don’t know about men basketball. However, I know I have been coaching for 27 years, and I have been to a funeral and different things in my experience that will lead you to want to make a difference beyond the court. It is consistent with having Kay Yow and Melanoma games. It just seemed to fit right in. Pulling CAPS into the athletic department and having everything come together — it is a great thing.”

Holdsclaw, known for her three-time NCAA Champ with the Tennessee women’s basketball program, featured an outstanding college career before being chosen as the No. 1 pick in the 1999 WNBA Draft by the Washington Mystics. After gaining the WNBA Rookie of the Year in her very first specialist season, Holdsclaw went on to achieve six WNBA All-Star appearances and claimed the gold at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney with the United States.

“For many of our nation’s teens and young adults, transitioning into adulthood is a time of significant changes and intense challenges,” said John MacPhee, Executive Director and CEO of JED. “One in five young people is living with a mental health condition, and many are not receiving care. Events like this raise awareness about this important topic and let young people know they’re not alone and that help and support are available. We’re honored to partner with Duke and the NBA on this exciting event to raise awareness about mental health among athletes and all young adults.”

Multiple videos, as well as civil service news from Seize The Awkward as well as NBA Cares Mind Wellness, will undoubtedly be played during the game. Seize The Awkward, a project by JED, Ad Council as well as the American Structure for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), motivates teenagers as well as young adults to ” Seize the awkward” by connecting with a friend that might be dealing with mental health issues. NBA Cares Mind Health and wellness campaign, established in collaboration with JED, includes NBA players Kevin Love as well as DeMar DeRozan sharing their mental health tales.

“Mental health is a better predictor of academic success than ACT or SAT scores,” argued Duke University CAPS Director Dr. Danielle Oakley. “Let’s invest in student success by focusing on well-being.”


Friday, 18 January 2019

Florida To Announce Lift on Medical Marijuana Smoke Ban

Back in 2014, attorney John Morgan sued the state of Florida, arguing that outlawing the smoking of dried marijuana flower for clinical objectives is unconstitutional. A court regulation in his support to permit bud sales in Florida. Therefore, Former-Governor Rick Scott submitted an allure, which avoided flower sales from moving forward until the appeal was dealt with in court.

Nevertheless, New and respected Governor, Ron DeSantis, who took control on January 8, is anticipated to reveal this afternoon that his offices have finally chosen to drop his precursor’s allure, which will allow for clinical cannabis flower sales by accredited dispensaries in Florida, along with edibles and vape products.

After legislation initially stopped working in 2014, Florida citizens authorized the Florida Medical Marijuana Legalisation Initiative on November 8, 2016. Referred to as Amendment 2, the regulation allows using medical marijuana by Floridians with debilitating health problems.

The regulation needed a super-majority vote of at the very least 60% to pass, and 71% voted of course. Nonetheless, lawmakers restricted its range by allowing just oils, sprays, tinctures, edibles as well as vaping. The vape vessels are dispensed in tamper-resistant receptacles.

Cigarette smoking cannabis was intentionally excluded as a valid form of medical marijuana consumption since legislators expressed concerns that it would pave a domino effect to allowing entertainment usage.

Florida attorney John Morgan sued the state of Florida for banning the smoking of medical marijuana, calling it unconstitutional in 2017.

“‘Breathing is a clinically reliable and effective way to deliver Tetrahydrocannabinol [THC], as well as other cannabinoids, to the bloodstream,’ wrote Morgan as well as his lead lawyer, Jon Mills, a constitutional lawyer and former Democratic House audio speaker, in behalf of Florida for Care Inc., the charitable formed to advertise the campaign,” as stated in the recent reports.

Nikki Fried, Agriculture Commissioner, the top Democrat in the state, shunned DeSantis for what she argued was a “lack of resolution” on the smokable cannabis law.

“When the people overwhelmingly voted for legalized medical marijuana in 2016, they intended for the medicine to be accessible by patients in the matter which their doctor, not Tallahassee politicians, decides is best for their treatment,” Fried argued.

Florida alone has 210,000 patients, 80 percent of whom have an active medical marijuana card, claims the statistics published Jan. 4 by the Florida Department of Health.

DeSantis announced to lawmakers they will have “a couple of weeks” to acknowledge the smoking ban during the legislative session.

“If they don’t do it,” DeSantis promised, “we are going to dismiss the case.”


Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Samuel L. Jackson Opens Up Regarding His Drug Addiction

Samuel L. Jackson is getting straightforward about his previous fight with drug addiction in a brand-new interview. Through the ’80s and also ’90s, Jackson became addicted to crack cocaine, though he somehow handled to maintain jobs and stay successful.

While talking to The Hollywood Reporter, the 70-year-old star remembers smoking crack while working as an understudy on Broadway in August Wilson’s The Piano Lesson. He was observing Charles Dutton, who played the lead and furious Jackson with his performances.

“I had to sit there every night on the steps behind the theater and listen to Charles Dutton do that part,” he explains. “I’d sit there and smoke crack while I listened to the play. It made me fucking crazy. Because I’d be listening to him doing the lines and going, ‘That’s not right!’”

Jackson additionally remembers one more evening when was a smoking crack and also disclosed another actor he considerably admired– Jessica Lange. She was taking a smoke break while working on A Tram Called Desire. Just a couple of years later, the pair were co-starring in Losing Isaiah.

“We would smoke cigarettes together in the rain under this awning where we were shooting in Chicago,” Jackson shares. “It was fun. However, I never said, ‘Hey Jessica, I used to watch you while smoking crack’ or nothing.”

Jackson hit the bottom of the pit when his better half and also daughter uncovered him facedown on the cooking area one day. They insisted he gets help or leaves. Though, while sobering up, he was sent out a manuscript from Spike Lee. The already well-known director desired Jackson to work as a crack addict in his next movie, Forest Fever, which he did. Ironically, it was his very first sober duty.

“All the people in rehab were trying to talk me out of it,” he says. ” ‘You’re going to be messing around with crack pipes. All your triggers will be there. Blah, blah, blah.’ I was like, ‘You know what? If for no other reason than I never want to see you motherf**kers again, I will never pick up another drug.’ ‘Cause I hated their a**es.”

Jackson also recalls auditioning with a “dreadful” actor for a role in an indie movie called Reservoir Dogs. It ended up that awful actor was Quentin Tarantino, the film’s director. Jackson remained in the audience at the Sundance premiere of the movie, where he decided to speak with Tarantino once more.’’

“I was thinking, ‘Well, good movie,’ he tells THR. “Then I realized that dude who I read with was the director! So I go over to him and tell him how much I liked the movie but how it would’ve been a better movie with me in it. So he said, ‘Well, I’m writing something right now for you.’ I was like, ‘Really? You remember me that well?’ And then about two weeks later, Pulp Fiction came.”

That’s when he shared being so thunderstruck by the script, he read it twice. He explains how it captivated his whole being, and took it as a test, saying, “I vividly remember getting to the end of it and being like, ‘Wow. Get the fuck outta here,’” he says. “‘Is this shit that good or am I just thinking, because he wrote it for me, I think it’s that good?’ So boom, I flipped it over and read it through again.”


Monday, 14 January 2019

EMTs 40% Less Likely to Give Black Patients Pain Meds Compared To White Patients.

Recent research out of Oregon suggests emergency medical -responders- Emergency medical technicians and also paramedics- may be treating minority patients differently from the way they deal with white people.

Notably, the scientists found that black clients in their research study were 40 percent less likely to obtain pain drugs than their white peers.

Jamie Kennel, head of the emergency clinical solutions programs at Oregon Health and wellness and Science College, also the Oregon Institute of Modern technology, led the research study, which took place in December at the Institute for Medical Care Improvement Scientific Seminar in Orlando, Fla

The scientists received funding for internal records for the Oregon Emergency Medical Services division and the Oregon Office of Rural Health And Wellness. Outright discrimination by paramedics is unusual, the researchers say, and illegal; in these cases, subconscious predisposition may be a situation.

A few years ago, Leslie Gregory was one of a very couple of black female lifesaver operating in Lenawee Area, Mich. She claimed the research study’s findings prove out based on her experience.

She kept in mind one specific phone call– the person was down and also suffering. As the EMTs got to the scene, Gregory can see the client was black, which’s when one of her associates groaned.

” I assume it was something like: ‘Oh, my God. Here we go again,'” Gregory said. She stressed– then, as now– that since the client was black, her colleague presumed he was acting out to get discomfort medicine.

” I am sure this was unconscious,” admitted Gregory, that currently lives and also works in Portland, Ore., where she started a nonprofit to spread understanding about racial differences in healthcare. “At the time, I keep in mind, and it raised my tension as we rode upon him or her. Because I believed, ‘Currently am I going to have to fight my colleague for more pain medicine, should that occur?'”.

Subconscious bias can be refined– yet, as this brand-new report shows, it may be among the elements behind race-linked health and wellness variations seen throughout the U.S.

The research study took a look at 104,000 clinical charts of rescue clients from 2015 to 2017. It discovered that minority patients were less likely to receive morphine and various other discomfort medicine compared to white patients– despite socioeconomic factors, such as medical insurance status.

Throughout a shift adjustment at American Medical Action headquarters in Portland, Emergency medical technicians, as well as paramedics, went over the problem with a press reporter as they got their gears all set for the next change.

Jennifer Sanders, who has been a paramedic for three decades, was adamant that her job is not influenced by race.

” I’ve never dealt with anybody different– no matter what,” stated Sanders.

The majority of the emergency -responders interviewed, consisting of Jason Dahlke, said race doesn’t affect the treatment they provide. Dahlke likewise stated he and also a few of his co-workers are thinking deeply concerning unconscious bias.


Small Amounts of Marijuana May Change Teen Brain Development

Reduced degrees of cannabis usage— as few as one or two times– might transform the teenager mind, according to new research.

The research, which took a look at the brains of 46 14-year-old girls as well as young boys from Ireland, England, France and Germany, discovered that teenagers who reported using recreational cannabis just one or two times presented increased volume on MRI photos in many mind areas involved emotion-related processing, finding out and forming memories. The outcomes of the study were published Monday in the Journal of Neuroscience.

“Lots of people would likely think that 2 uses (joints) would have no impact, so experts were curious to research this– as well as mainly to explore if very first uses might actually produce brain modifications that influence future actions like subsequent usage,” Hugh Garavan, lead writer of the research as well as a professor of psychiatry at the College of Vermont School of Medicine, said in an email to NBC News.

The research did not claim what the increased brain matter volume suggests, yet the scientists kept in mind that the enlargement of smarts negates typical adolescent growth.

At the age at which we studied these children (age 14), cortical regions are undergoing a procedure of thinning,” he stated, suggesting that this is a “sculpting” process that makes the mind and also its links extra efficient. “So, one opportunity is that the marijuana usage has interrupted this pruning procedure, resulting in bigger volumes (i.e., a disruption of normal growth) in the cannabis individuals. Another possibility is that the cannabis use has resulted in development in nerve cells and also in the links in between them.”

It’s not the very first study to discover that cannabis use might cause adjustments to the teen brain.

A recent study found that teenager’s brains are much more prone to the effects of cannabis than alcohol. Also, in June, the University of Pennsylvania researchers discovered that young people that utilized marijuana often were more likely than nonusers to have slightly lower ratings on examinations of memory, discovering brand-new details, as well as higher-level trouble addressing and data processing.

According to one of the most recent data launched by the National Institute on Substance Abuse, 32.6 percent of 10th graders reported utilizing cannabis at least once throughout their lifetime.

Thus far, ten states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana use in various. Legalization seems imminent in numerous states, including New York and also New Jersey.

Marijuana has revealed significant promise for dealing with medical problems consisting of discomfort, muscle spasms, seizure conditions and nausea or vomiting from cancer radiation treatment. At the very least a few of those advantages are thought to originate from cannabidiol, a chemical part of the marijuana plant not believed to create mind-altering impacts. Specialists believe that even more research is needed to establish just how and why the mind is influenced by early marijuana use amid altering social attitudes toward the drug.

Specialists note that these searchings are insightful, although preliminary.

The enhancement of gray matter “does not seem to have a significant impact on brain functioning,” said David Nutt, professor of neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial University in London, “so while this research study alone is not able to show how percentages of marijuana negatively influence the brains of teenagers, this area of study is essential and certainly deserving of further study.” Studies taking a look at whether alcohol, as well as various other psychedelic compounds, have unwanted brain effects in young people are likewise merited, he stated.


Facelift In A Bottle And Cannologies Plans To Go Public

Prescription Drugs And Alcohol A Deadly Mix

Americans More Likely to Die From Opioid Overdose Than Car Accident

Odds of dying from accidental overdose 1 in 96

For the first time on record, the chances of unintentionally passing away from an opioid overdose in the United States are currently higher than those passing away in an automobile crash. The grim finding comes from the National Safety And Security Council, which assessed avoidable injury as well as fatality stats from 2017. The NSC also found the lifetime odds of death for this type of overdose were higher than the risk of fatality from drops, pedestrian events, drowning and even fire.

Taking a look at a range of federal and state data the NSC located the lifetime probabilities of dying from an accidental opioid overdose were 1 in 96. For motor vehicle mishaps the odds were 1 in 103 and also 1 in 114 for falls. The lifetime odds of self-destruction were higher, at 1 in 88.” Too many people still think the opioid crisis is abstract and also will not affect them. Numerous still do not see it as a significant hazard to them or their household,” stated Maureen Vogel, spokeswoman for the National Safety Council.

” These data reveal the gravity of the crisis. We have known for a time that opioid overdose is an everyday killer, and also these probabilities illustrate that in a rough means.” The NSC highlights, nonetheless, that the chances given are statistical standards over the whole U.S. population and do not always mirror the opportunities of death for a particular person from a specific outside reason.

 Also, they are lifetime probabilities, based on splitting the 1-year chances by the life expectancy of an individual birth in 2017. In 2017 preventable injury fatalities were 169,936– a boost of 5.3 percent from the year before and a 96 percent boost compared to the numbers in 1992. ” The information truly highlights the relevance of knowing the most significant dangers to our security,” stated Vogel. “The Council determines the Probabilities of Dying not to scare Americans but to equip them to make more secure decisions and also boost their opportunities of durability.”

 The organization has highlighted these numbers in a proposal to help stop future fatalities from preventable causes. “For too long, avoidable deaths and also injuries have been called ‘crashes,’ indicating certain acts of God or fate that we are powerless to stop. This is not true,” it wrote. “In the U.S., avoidable injuries are at an all-time high.”

 Contrasting 2017 to 2016, residence and also public deaths saw significant increases of 6 percent or even more being significantly driven by an 11 percent increase in poisoning deaths (consisting of opioid overdoses) and a 5 percent boost in fall deaths (mostly among the older population).

In 2018, unintentional injury was located to be the leading cause of fatality in the U.S., with more than 61,000 people aged 1 to 44 dying from this reason in 2016– nearly two times as lots of as from cancer as well as cardiovascular disease combined. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control as well as Prevention, these fatalities were mainly an outcome of automobile crashes and unintended poisonings.

 Last month, the CDC reported life expectancy in the USA decreased from 2016 to 2017 due to increased medicine overdoses and also suicides. One study also found that an expanding number of kids and teens in the USA are passing away from opioid poisonings.

 “What began greater than twenty years ago as public health trouble mostly amongst young and middle-aged white males is currently an epidemic of prescription as well as illicit opioid misuse that is taking a toll on all segments of UNITED STATE society,” the researchers created.

 Overdose deaths reached a brand-new high in 2017, covering 70,000, while the suicide rate boosted by 3.7 percent, the CDC’s National Facility for Wellness Stats reports.

 Illegally made fentanyl was suggested to be the driving pressure.

From 2013 to 2017, medicine overdose death prices boosted in 35 of 50 states and the Area of Columbia, with substantial rises in death prices including synthetic opioids reported in 15 of 20 states, the CDC claimed in a previous declaration. A different December record found that in 2016, fentanyl surpassed heroin as one of the most generally utilized drugs in overdose fatalities.


Chico, California Mass Overdose Leaves 1 Dead and 12 Hospitlized

Chico, California was the epicenter this weekend for a mass overdose. The incident took place Saturday in a residential home, resulting in one death and more than a dozen people were sent to the hospital.

According to Chico Police Chief Michael O’Brien, the primary substance involved is believed to be fentanyl, the most dangerous drug according to the CDC and the most commonly used drug in overdose as reported by recent government studies.

Police responded to an overdose 911 call around 9:12 am Saturday morning. Chico Fire Department Division Chief Jesse Alexander told the station it was the most significant mass casualty incident he had seen in years. Although Chico is no stranger to overdose related cases, he gave details of how he saw six people undergoing CPR at the same time.

He believes Naloxone was the main reason so many lived that day. The police chief said officers quickly administered CPR and six doses. Naloxone is known for reversing or blocking the effects of an opioid overdose and is often carried by first responders.

Investigators believe the overdoses were a result of some form of fentanyl and another substance that hasn’t identified. Only one out of a dozen adults died at the scene, while the others remained in critical care.

Reports claim two officers who were the first on the scene were also rushed to the hospital after they reported feeling the effects of a drug similar to fentanyl, they were both treated and released without any harm.

The property is now under investigation and is being treated as a hazardous materials site. According to O’Brien, the situation would have been worse if local first responders did not have Narcan- Nasal Spray is a prefilled, needle-free device that requires no assembly and is sprayed into one nostril while patients lay on their back. Most of the countries first responders and local bystanders have adopted the idea of carrying the lifesaving drug.

He urges the importance of Naloxone claiming this is not the first time the treatment has saved lives in his city. O’Brien said drug-related crime is up 200 percent in Chico over the last decade. He notes heroin is gaining in prevalence and is even more dangerous with the reality of fentanyl.

As of Sunday, seven remained in the hospital as police continued their investigation. A Chico Police Department news release announced the address as 1166 Santana Court, just off Ceres Avenue near East Avenue east of Highway 99.

The Butte County Coroner’s Office has identified the person who died during a massive overdose in Chico on Saturday, as Aris Turner, 34, of Chico.

According to the CDC, Fentanyl is a synthetic (human-made) opioid 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. There are two types of fentanyl: Pharmaceutical fentanyl is primarily prescribed to manage severe pain, such as cancer and end-of-life palliative care. Non-pharmaceutical fentanyl is frequently referred to as illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF). IMF is often mixed with heroin and cocaine or pressed into counterfeit pills—with or without the user’s knowledge.


Friday, 11 January 2019

Problematic Drinking Habits Linked To Perfectionism

The term perfectionism and alcoholism don’t usually go in the same sentence. It is hard to imagine a person so obsessed with presenting their best personal self, having the urge to get blackout drunk. However, a new study proposes the idea that certain aspects of perfectionism can influence bad drinking behaviors among men and women.

The Journal of Research Personality released a study that involved 263 young adults who filled out daily questioners for 21 days straight. The questions included things concerning perfectionism, emotional states, reasons for drinking and any alcohol-induced problems including fighting, risky behavior, neglecting responsibilities, and damage to personal and loving relationships.

Sean P. Mackinnon, the study author and an instructor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Dalhousie University, released a statement to the PsyPost saying, “Broadly speaking, perfectionism is a risk factor for a lot of psychopathologies, specifically anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.” The primary goal of the study was to key in on the relationships among perfectionism, drinking, and emotional states.

Other supporting research also showed links between perfectionism and drinking; experts explain however the exact connection wasn’t clear. For example, perfectionist, tend to be light drinkers, but when they did consume alcohol, they experienced more problem-like fighting or blacking out. The study Mackinnon conducted hopes to understand why.

One exciting discovery showed one trait of perfectionism that correlated with alcohol problems. Many might think of perfectionism as wanting always to be seen as the best. There’s an alternative motivation: wanting never to be seen as imperfect. It’s the difference between “I want to be seen as perfect” and “I’m afraid of being found out as imperfect.”

To disprove this motive, experts asked how much participants agreed with questions such as, “I was concerned about making errors in public” and “I thought it would be awful if I made a fool of myself in front of others.” Those results indirectly correlate with problematic drinking because they are associated with a negative mood, drinking to cope and drinking to fit in, all lead to alcohol problems.

To conclude his study Mackinnon paints a detailed picture: Someone that is fixated on concealing their faults (real or not) feels negative emotions, putting them at higher risk of drinking to fit in or cope with life.

However, the study doesn’t explain why perfectionist tends to drink less, but still, have more problems stemming from alcohol. Mackinnon is already proposing another research study, digging into the possibility of Antidepressants being a significant factor. He believes that perfectionist may take them at a higher rate than the average person, which lowers their alcohol tolerance.

However, until then the study hopes to portray more of a sympathetic view of a perfectionist. He claims, despite their trait, they are regular people. Mental Health experts define Perfectionism in psychology as a personality trait characterized by a person’s striving for flawlessness and setting high-performance standards, accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others’ evaluations.



Thursday, 10 January 2019

FDA Food Safety Inspections Stopped By Government Shutdown

The country is in the midst of a federal government shutdown that has led to most food safety inspections to be stopped. However, the Food and Drug Administration is planning to resume operations to at least some. For this to happen, the agency will have to force furloughed workers to come back without pay.

According to the FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb his goal is to pinpoint the most critical inspections while making it a point that workers are treated fairly. “There’s no question of whether it’s business as usual at FDA,” Gottlieb told NBC News. He also added, “It’s not business as usual, and we are not doing all the things we would do under normal circumstances. There are important things we are not doing.”

Meaning the FDA inspectors are not looking for salmonella in breakfast cereal, E. coli in romaine lettuce, or listeria in ice cream. They advise these companies to conduct their check, while the FDA is still announcing recalls.

The FDA will still be inspecting ethnic cuisine as usual because of the high risk involved. Despite there efforts, the FDA has stopped almost completely checking domestic food production facilities, which could lead public health threats that are going undetected. In an interview, late Tuesday Gottlieb said, “We’re doing everything we can to try to maintain our basic consumer protection role. That’s our focus.”

Some areas within the FDA are funded by user fees and are not significantly affected by the shutdown. However, most of the budget funded by Congress is on hold. Around 7,000 of the agency’s 17,000 employees, 41 percent of the staff have been furloughed. Gottlieb is working to call some of them back to re-start inspections of high-risk domestic facilities. “For me to do that, it would require calling back about 10 percent of our inspection force,” Gottlieb said, estimating the agency employs about 5,000 inspectors, conducting about 160 inspections per month. “It’s something we currently aren’t doing. I think it’s the right thing to do for public safety.”

The most critical inspections would be at locations that have had already been flagged for safety issues, such as factories with listeria or salmonella contamination or other health problems, then follows foods that are prone to disease.

“For example, cheese might be a high-risk food,” Gottlieb explained. “Low-risk would be a bakery, so a facility that manufactures crackers – that would be low-risk.”

“We urge the FDA to publish more information about the impact of the shutdown on the safety of the food supply, including more about which types of inspection, import screening, and enforcement activities are considered critical and which have been suspended,” CSPI’s Deputy Director of Regulatory Affairs Sarah Sorscher said in a statement which The Center for Science in the Public expressed public concerns.

The agency is an essential part of the country’s food supply, although meat and egg products are inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspections Service; however, their inspectors are still on the job, according to the USDA, but are working without pay. It’s because the law, as written by Congress, requires continuous USDA inspection.

– “This shutdown could have long-term impacts on our workforce.”


Tuesday, 8 January 2019

“Affective Presence” The Personality Trait That Makes People Feel Comfortable

There is always that one person who walks into a room and attracts everyone’s attention then there’s others who seem to bring butter cutting tension and awkwardness no matter what they do or say. Well according to a new study conducted by a small body of mental health experts supports the idea that a person tends to make others feel consistent and measurable part of his personality. Experts call it “Affective presence.”

Before the recent confirmation, the concept was first brought up ten years ago in a study performed by Noah Eisenkraft and Hillary Anger Elfenbein. Their efforts put together a business school of students into groups, and enrolled them in all the same classes for a semester, and are required to do every group project together. After the member of each group will rate how much every other member made them feel, they choose from eight different emotions stressed, bored, angry, sad, calm, relaxed, happy, and enthusiastic. Experts claim that in a significant portion of group members feelings could be accounted for by the affective presence of their peers.

According to Elfenbein, a business professor at Washington University in St. Louis, humans seem to have “our way of being has an emotional signature.”

For years it has been known that emotions are contagious “energy,” meaning if one person is stressed his or her friends will start to adopt those same feelings. However, if the affective presence is an effect one has regardless of ones’ perceptions, those with positive affective presence make other people feel good, even if they are anxious or sad, and the opposite is true for those with negative affective presence.

In the Elfenbein’s study, more of their classmates considered them to be friends, and they also got romantic gestures from others in a separate speed-dating study. This shows that clearly, people who consistently make others feel happy or calm are more central to their social and business networks.

Experts including Hector Madrid, an organizational-behavior professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, have also studied how the affective presence of leaders in the workplace can influence their group’s outcome. They found that leaders who make others feel good by their proximity to have teams that are better at communicating which ultimately leads to more ideas.

However precisely what people are doing that distinguishes them from easing or stressing peopling out hasn’t been directly studied, although experts believe it may have to do with body language, or tone of voice or even being a good listener. Hector argues their needs to be more research that might discover some people have a robust affective presence (whether positive or negative), while others’ affective presence is weaker. Both doctors claim that a big part of this presentation may be how people regulate emotions- those of others and more importantly their own.

For example, many experiences normal “episodes” of emotional mood swings of annoyance or excitement or sadness. The main question is, “Can you regulate yourself, so those blips don’t infect other people?” Elfenbein ask. “Can you smooth over the noise in your life, so other people aren’t affected by it?”

She also notes that positive affective presence isn’t necessarily good, either for the individual or for their relationships with others. For example, psychopaths are notoriously charming, and may well use their positive affective presence for manipulative ends. Elfenbein claims that affective presence is a close cousin to emotional intelligence. Moreover, she Believes, “You can use your intelligence to cure cancer, but you can also use it to be a criminal mastermind.” More research on affective presence will be conducted in the next decade to explore the connections of emotional traits.


Monday, 7 January 2019

Marijuana Convictions To Be Pardon By Washington Gov. Inslee

The marijuana wave has reached a point in its movement that questions the people who have a misdemeanor marijuana possession conviction on their record. Now people in Washington are eligible to obtain an expedited pardon under a new program introduced by Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee on Jan. 4, 2019.

During the Cannabis Alliance’s annual conference in Seattle, the governor announced his Marijuana Justice Initiative during a speech.

He commented saying, “It is time to end marijuana injustice in the state of Washington. It is the right thing to do because a simple possession conviction 20 years ago should not be a life sentence for a Washingtonian.”

Under the new program, if a person has a simple possession conviction and no other convictions dating back to 1998, they now have the chance to fill out a petition on the governor’s website and get the record cleared for good.

Once the petition is granted, Inslee’s office will advise the State Patrol to remove the person from the public criminal record system.

The governor took to Twitter to announce his new program tweeting, “We shouldn’t be punishing people for something that is no longer illegal in Washington state. It is time to end marijuana injustice in our state. #marijuanajustice”

According to the estimated numbers, around 3,500 people living in Washington may qualify for the pardon.

“Although our voters legalized the use privately of marijuana, we still have an injustice today that thousands of people have on their records a criminal conviction for something that is legal today,” Inslee said.

He also added, “This is impairing their ability to reach their dreams and live their lives and raise their children. Those convictions sometimes can impair their ability to finance a house; it can impair their ability to get a shot at a good job, it can stop them even sometimes from taking their kids for a field trip. And in itself, having a criminal conviction on your record is just not a healthy thing for people.”

He believes, “Forgiving marijuana convictions can help lessen their impact and allow people to move on with their lives, with a better job and housing prospects.”

In regards to the initiative, the governor addressed if individuals with other marijuana-related convictions are still able to apply through the standard clemency request process if they do not qualify for the initial program.

The senior staff attorney for the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), Jolene Forman said in a recent press release, “This is a necessary first step for repairing the racially disparate harms of marijuana prohibition. This will give thousands of people a fresh start to pursue education and employment without the stain of a criminal conviction.”

She also argued, “Black and brown people are much more likely to be arrested for marijuana offenses than white people, despite similar rates of use across races. We encourage Gov. Inslee to clear all prior marijuana convictions, to repair the historical inequities in marijuana enforcement.  People convicted of marijuana offenses before legalization should be treated like they would be today.”

The initiative was first introduced during a December 2019 interview with Buzzfeed News Program, AM2DM, hinting at the changes to come. The governor was also asked if he, himself consumed marijuana. However, the governor denied any allegations or rumors that he did, although he said he grew a few plants. But despite his confession, his office later rejected his claim in an email to the Marijuana Moment.



Saturday, 5 January 2019

Arizona Woman in Vegetative State for over a Decade Gives Birth at Hacienda Healthcare

Arizona authorities are investigating the rape of a female patient in a vegetative state inside of a nursing facility. According to the reports, the women stunned the hospital staff when she went into labor because no knew she was pregnant.

The victim has been a patient at the Hacienda Skilled Nursing Facility in Phoenix for at least 14, in a vegetative state after a near-drowning accident. That almost killed her.

A nursing facility employee told KPHO In an interview, “None of the staff were aware that she was pregnant until she was pretty much-giving birth.”

The reporter asked Briana Whitney, “How were they alerted to the fact that she was going into labor?” According to the employee she claims, “From what I’ve been told she was moaning. Moreover, they didn’t know what was wrong with her.”

After hearing about the incident, Adult Protective Services said that they didn’t hesitate to enforce health and safety check on every single member of the living facility including other close relatives and doctors.

Law enforcement is actively working side by side with The Arizona Department of Health during their investigations.

In addition to working with police, the state is “reevaluating the state’s contract and regulatory authority as it relates to this facility and have been working closely with state agencies to ensure all necessary safety measures are in place,” Patrick Ptak, a spokesman for the governor, said in a statement.

As stated in the report, the victim required around the clock care and many people had 24/7 access to her room, with little security.

Due to the gruesome incident, Hacienda officials announced a female employee with them must accompany male employees before they can be cleared to enter a female’s patient’s room.

The reports indicate that many workers say the women had no way to defend herself from anything let alone rape, and no way to communicate to doctors that she needed help or was pregnant.

According to the Hacienda website, they claim they provide healthcare services to more than 2,500 people each year. However, would not comment on the issue to the public.

The Arizona Department of Health Services provided the following statement.

“We are aware of this situation and are actively working with local law enforcement in their criminal investigation. Upon learning of the allegation, Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) immediately initiated an onsite complaint investigation to ensure the health and safety of the patients and ensure the facility complies with all state laws and regulations. During this time, the agency has required heightened safety measures be implemented at the facility including increased staff presence during patient interactions, increased monitoring of the patient care areas, and increased security measures concerning visitors at the facility.”

The Arizona Department of Economic Security also released a statement:

“The Department has been made aware of these allegations, and we continue to work fully with the Phoenix Police Department in their ongoing investigation. Upon hearing of these allegations, we immediately dispatched a team to conduct health and safety checks on all members residing at this health care facility, while we will continue to work to ensure the safety of all our members.”


Friday, 4 January 2019

Dangerous Germ Spewed Out of NIH Sinks for Almost A Decade, Making Patients Sick

National Institutes of Health’s Clinical Center is responsible for a rare multi-drug-resistant bacterium that flourished inside sinks for more than a decade, infecting more than a dozen patients, confirmed by a new report published by NIH scientist.

Experts were able to track the superbugs to sinks during a massive outbreak in 2016. Researchers analyzed genetic sequences of clinical samples collected as far back as 2006, only one year after a new inpatient hospital building opened. The research found eight other cases for a total of 12 cases where the sink-dwelling germs had splashed into patients.

The germ has been identified as Sphingomonas koreensis. These species are known to be ubiquitous in the environment however rarely cause infections. Although that wasn’t the case for the NIH patients, they were found to have pneumonia, blood infections, a surgical site infection, and potential urinary tract colonization. In some cases, these germs were resistant to 10 antibiotics tested, spanning three classes of drugs.

The researchers claim that three of the 12 affected patients died following their infections. But they also suffered from severe, unrelated infections before coming into contact with the sink-based germs.

A recent report published in the New England and Journal of Medicine discusses the problem of drug-resistant pathogens endangering weak patients by lurking in hospitals and mainly hospital sinks. They reported before that the superbug sinks have been identified in multiple hospitals over the years. Adding that in 2017, a scientist published a studying showing that deadly germs can survive in the sink, climbing plumbing and attaching to touchable surfaces with help from the faucet.

Even though the findings of previous studies proved different, the  NIH’s case leads to germs growing in sink faucets and fixtures-not sink drains.

In the efforts to disassemble infected sinks, experts found S. koreensis inhabiting nine plumbing parts, including their faucets, aerators and mixing valves. They had the faucets replaced, only to discover they were recolonized shortly after. In the end, the researchers had to up the hot water temperature and chlorine concentration for the hospital to cleanse the pipes of all germs.

In conclusion, they claim that “a single S. koreensis strain entered the water system soon after construction of the new NIH Clinical Center hospital building in 2004” and colonized the pipes before the hospital opened, while water was still. The germ then “ disseminated throughout the hospital and diversified at multiple distinct locations,” and believed to cause a super decade-long clonal outbreak.

NIH isn’t a stranger to outbreaks like this. Their primary goal is to treat rare and intractable illnesses with innovative medicine. Back in 2011, the center was hit with an explosion of carbapenem-resistant K. pneumonia, which affected 18 and left 11 dead. Four years later a case of fungal contamination at the hospital which led to a leadership rebuild.

Nevertheless, the authors of the new study highlight that the threat of the recent break out is not unique to the hospital regardless of the current struggles. They emphasized, “steps taken in this study to prevent further S. koreensis infections within the NIH Clinical Center apply to many opportunistic waterborne pathogens.” More research is being conducted.

