Thursday, 24 January 2019

Website Releases New State Resource Page Discussing Vermont Couples Drug Rehab Programs

The grim reality of addiction has impacted every corner of the country, leaving thousands of people struggling with addiction and mental health issues. Over the past decade, the rise of overdose-related deaths has skyrocketed in almost every state, leaving leaders and doctors scrambling to save lives.

More than 700,000 people have lost their lives to drug overdoses, and the number continues to climb. Addiction hides within the people we love the most, mainly because loved ones try and dismiss the issue that is right in front of them. Being in a relationship already comes with its struggles and hardships, throw addiction and drug abuse in the mix, and it can cause trouble or death in some cases.

The latest Vermont Health reports indicate that Deaths involving fentanyl have increased by more than a third – 49 deaths in 2016 to 67 deaths in 2017. Fentanyl is involved in two-thirds of all opiate-related fatalities.

Today prescription opiates are involved in about one-third of opioid-related deaths (33%). recognizes that this issue isn’t going away anytime soon, that’s why they hope to help individuals and couples throughout the nation locate the perfect treatment programs in their area. Vermont couples will now be able to confide in a source that they know cares and delivers the best, and most up to date information regarding the step-by-step process couples will face when entering a couples Vermont drug rehab addiction treatment program.

The state records report that the number of fatalities involving fentanyl has more than doubled since 2015 while the number of opioid-related deaths involving a prescription opioid has remained relatively consistent since 2015 (31 deaths in 2015, 35 in 2016 and 33 in 2017).

In their efforts to overcome addiction and prosper in a sober relationship, the website has just released their brand-new Vermont couples drug rehab resource page- to guide any couple to the right place.

Couples will feel secure with the websites highly trained staff who are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns people might have or encounter through their journey. The information provided throughout the site is there to support and educate couples of the positive outcomes rehab with a loved one will bring. Their staff understands every relationship is unique, that is why they promise to locate a program that is tailored to any couples situation. has information on local cities to ensure the quickest and painless placement. Need more insight? Take a look at what the site has to offer, gather knowledge and be prepared.






Author: McKenzie Santa Maria

Organization: CouplesDrugRehabs

Phone: (888) 325-2454


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