Monday, 28 January 2019

California Nurse Found Guilty After Illegally Selling Thousands of Opioid Pills Through The Dark Web

The dark web is known to harbor silent criminals who quietly add to the nations health crisis. After almost 6 years a California nurse is under arrest on charges of illegally selling more than 20,000 prescription opioids through the dark web.

The nurse, Carrie Alaine Markis, who is 46, was sentenced last week and charged with distributing opioids to clients around the nation, according to the Sacramento Bee.

Markis was held without bail and arranged to appear in court Monday.

Markis has a master’s degree in nursing and healthcare leadership from the University of California-Davis. She is recorded in California records as a registered nurse who was licensed in 1996. She was categorized as “non-active” and had no history of ever having been disciplined.

She allegedly ran her online drug store through a market called Farmacy41, the paper reported.

Her arrest resulted from a large scale investigation by the U.S. Lawyer’s Office in Sacramento into dark websites providing drugs and illegal weapons, among other things, through deals they claim cannot be traced.

In 2017, the examination shut down the AlphaBay market, referred to as the most significant illegal sales website that has been targeted by authorities so far.

During the AlphaBay examination, the newspaper said, mentioning a court affidavit submitted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, authorities encountered Markis’ operation.

Markis allegedly declared in online chats with consumers that she got the prescription pills from people who purchase them from clients who obtain them from a doctor.

The affidavit reveals that Markis started the illegal business in 2013, offering countless hydrocodone, oxycodone and morphine pills, fentanyl patches, and other medication.

In private messages to clients, Markis presumably left an incriminating trail, describing that her front business was offering Nutrivite vitamins, the newspaper reported.

The profits from the underground organization remained in the high thousands, court documents revealed.

” User evaluations of Farmacy41 are extremely favorable,” the affidavit stated, for example, “The majority of the users’ scores are 5 out of five stars.”


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