Friday, 1 March 2019

New Published Resource Page Explains Rehab For Michigan Couples

Michigan shares a similar struggle that the rest of the country is having. In 2009, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services announced that poisoning had surpassed motor vehicle accidents as the leading cause of unintentional death.

Roughly 90% of those poisonings were drug-related. In 2010 (the last year the department published data), there were 973 overdoses. Where a quarter of those was due to opioid analgesics, an 8.3-fold increase from 2002.

This is why has partnered with numerous facilities across the state to fight the stigma and help lead couples in the right direction. Many do not understand the impact of addiction, their expert staff ensures full explanation and correct information to ensure the success of sobriety.

According to the state census, “In 2016, there were 1,762 opioid-related overdose deaths­­­ in Michigan—a rate of 18.5 deaths per 100,000 persons compared to the national rate of 13.3 deaths per 100,000. More than half of deaths, totaling 921 in 2016, were attributed to synthetic opioids and 727 were related to heroin.”

The data outlined in the newly issued page by highlights the essential steps each pair will encounter while attending a Michigan couple’s addiction treatment program.

The processes of intake and detox, even offering detailed information explaining the different key components of what rehab will be like. The idea of rehab is scary for most and can come with many questions, their website hopes to bring knowledge to the people and couples looking for a change and a new life.

The principal behind couples’ therapy is to enable individuals to take reasonability for his or her actions. Allowing them to explore the inner issues that have been brewing up with the drug abuse, learn how to deal with every day relationship issues and come together as one.

The websites newly formatted Michigan State page is attributed to their skilled team and a 24-hour hotline to help couples and individuals choose the best treatment. Couples will be prepared to face any situation and feel more confident than ever.

Couples and individuals living in Michigan will now be able to access information from any device at any time of the day. They will feel comfortable and secure knowing that there is a website and group our their that care. Locally offering programs and treatments, many had no idea about before.

The support offered through the multiple resource pages and excellent staff, they hope to help guide any couple to a life of sobriety and a long relationship.

As stated by multiple experts the best solution for a relationship struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol is a Michigan couple drug rehab. Find the right program today and visit for more information. The choice is simple. has news on local cities to ensure the quickest and painless placing. Reach out to people who are in your home town and change their lives.

Organization: CouplesDrugRehabs

Phone: (888) 325-2454


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